Thursday, August 14, 2008

What Does Restoration Mean to You?

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

Concern for Church
Although my concern is for the Church throughout the earth, I am asking you to focus for a moment on the Church in the United States. I have a growing concern for the future of Christians in the United States. As each day passes the window closes a little for our preparation for things of the future. I am not writing just about eternity but about things on earth, things in the United States. I am concerned about things for you and your family; I am concerned about present and future generations! As time passes, we will progressively face things that we are, as a whole, unprepared for unless the Church in the United States is restored. Some things will be minor and some will be major, but remember that little foxes spoil the vine. There are so many different areas and topics of concern that I could mention, but I will not do so at this time except for the loss of freedom(s).

Loss of Freedom
Christians in America face the loss of their freedom(s)! While the various and sundry divisions of the Church go their accepted, separate and traditional ways their freedoms as a whole are being eroded. Those who are concerned usually look outwardly and talk about how things have changed in government, society, etc. They preach and teach 2 Chronicles 7:14 but rarely if at all properly apply it to the Church.

The truth is that unless repentance leading to restoration, revival and awakening comes soon to the Church in America there will be a loss of freedom(s) for Christians in America. Does this concern you? Does this concern you enough that you will cry out to God for repentance for yourself and your brothers and sisters in Christ?

Restoration, Revival and Awakening
Restoration is the bringing back of the Church to Jesus Christ and the original biblical pattern intended by Him for the Church that He is building. Note: Biblical pattern is the pattern found in the Bible as the Word of God is rightly divided.

Revival is coming back into full use because of being restored to Jesus Christ and His biblical pattern.

Awakening is the restored and revived Church being and doing what Jesus Christ intended for her because she has been aroused from a long spiritual slumber that she will never return to.

The above explanations can easily be expanded in writing, but my heart's desire is that the primary expansion will take place in your heart and mind as you prayerfully pray for wisdom and understanding.

Time is Short
The time is short and the need is great for the restoration, revival and awakening of the Church. I pray that there will be enough humble and repentant believers who will unite in faith and be one with God and each other. That is how the Church started and that is how we must finish!

I specifically requested that momentarily you focus on the part of the Church that is in the United States, but as I stated I am concerned for all of the Church. We must have a return to Jesus Christ and His biblical pattern in the Church throughout the earth.
Would you prayerfully consider what restoration means to you, your family, your church, the entire Church and the lost?

Let the bride of Christ unite in faith and complete the work given her by the Lord Jesus Christ. The Spirit and the bride say, Come.

In Christ,
Wayne Wilson


deaconc said...

Pastor Wayne,

In order for restoration to happen, we must humble ourselves before God according to 2Chr 7:14. Only He can restore our land. I believe that humility must be done as individuals, as a family, and the church as a whole(Individual churches and corporately). We as Christians must put doctrinal(sp)disputes aside (unless Jesus is not confessed and worshipped as savior) and worship God collectively. We must love each other as God has commanded us to love. We must pray for our leaders. I too have seen that our freedoms in the US are starting to be lessened over time.

Your sister in Christ,

btw: I use the deacon in memory of my deceased father. I saw that Steve referred to me as a he and I thought I better clear that up.

R. Wayne Wilson said...

Hi Carol, read my post on the newest Fire in My Bones. The Lord spoke to me this morning about how Christians have changed the Word to fit their desires and purposes. It will be posted here soon.

Humility is a must. Repentance is a must. Being sanctified (set apart to God) by His truth is a must. Keep praying!

R. Wayne Wilson said...

Carol,it is posted here. It is titled God's Way or Your Way; God's Truth or Your Private Interpretations. God bless you, Wayne

Steve Page said...

I'm feeling something, tonight, that
I don't know how to explain. I feel that charismania is one of the world's most difficult mission fields. I feel incredible sorrow that there may be almost entire church-fuls of lost souls, who would rather be known as a charismatic than a Christ follower. Oh yes, this may also happen in Baptist, Methodist and other churches as well. But, it's more likely in Charismatic churches, where pride of spiritual things is rampant and out of control.
I know I'm showing my Church of Christ roots here, but the more time I spend in Charismatic circles the less I trust any of what they teach. The Book of Revelations says, "I warn everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this book: If anyone adds anything to them, God will add to him the plagues described in this book." But the Charismatic doesn't really believe that, do they? Isn't what's really taught is that revelation and prophecy is still happening daily. If I truly believe what many Charismatics teach, then I must believe that any book by a charismatic apostle or prophet is equal to the book of John. God forbid, I will never believe such a thing. I believe that those early Christians who were attempting to corrupt the early church were no different that the Charismatics of today, and they caused the birth of denominations.

"What Does Restoration Mean to You?" It means understanding and teaching that God's Word is complete and perfect.
"The law of the LORD is perfect,
reviving the soul.
The statutes of the LORD are trustworthy,
making wise the simple.

The precepts of the LORD are right,
giving joy to the heart.
The commands of the LORD are radiant,
giving light to the eyes.

The fear of the LORD is pure,
enduring forever.
The ordinances of the LORD are sure
and altogether righteous.

It means the Body of Christ must set itself back upon the solid rock. Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God. The Word is the real. It's the only thing that is real. "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God."

Jude 3 "Beloved, while I was making every effort to write you about our common salvation, I felt the necessity to write to you appealing that you contend earnestly for the faith which was once for all handed down to the saints." We must fight to take back lost ground!

R. Wayne Wilson said...

We must have a faithful remnant who fully return to the Lord, His Word, and His way of doing all things.