Saturday, June 28, 2014

Two Major Tools of Satan

Satan and his cohorts want nothing more than to keep Christians divided, deceived and immature. Who are satan’s cohorts? They are both demon spirits and human beings, especially humans disguised as ministers of righteousness (read 2 Corinthians 11: 14-15).  Two of the main tools they are using to accomplish their goal of keeping Christians divided, deceived and immature are the doctrines and traditions of men. One of the prime doctrines of most of these groups is that the baptism in the Holy Spirit is not for today. That teaching is not backed up by the Bible. John 16:13 clearly states: But when He, the Spirit of truth, comes, He will guide you into all the truth…” Could this be the reason these deceived Christians have not been brought to the truth?

The havoc being caused in the church by these two satanic tools makes it very important for Christians to begin studying the Word of God as never before. Why? It is only when one continues in the Word rightly divided (interpreted by the Holy Spirit), that they come to know God’s truth that will set them free. It will not be easy because one of the hardest things for a Christian to become free of are the doctrines and traditions that have been passed down to them and are continuing to be supported by their particular church or denomination.

These things have become fixed in their hearts and are major strongholds in their minds. But there is hope; the power and truth of God are more than able to set His children free from the longstanding major strongholds, down to the least amount of leaven that has worked its way into the minds and hearts of Christians. If you admit that this is a problem, then one of the best things you can do is to make intercession for Christians that they would be set free from anything that is not God’s truth.


Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Following Jesus is More Than Having Sins Forgiven and Attending Church Meetings

Yes, it is true that if one has their sins forgiven they will spend eternity with the Lord Jesus. But following Jesus is much more than being forgiven. Jesus is looking for faithful followers that will carry on His work on earth. Being forgiven through faith in the finished work of Jesus the Christ opens the door to God the Father, but is just the beginning point. As a matter of fact there is much more than having sins forgiven that a perspective follower should be informed of before making a decision. Regretfully, many modern Christian churches only emphasize forgiveness of sins and going to heaven. Many others don’t even do that much.
The word teaches us that the people of God perish for lack of knowledge. One can be born again without all the knowledge that God would like for them to have at that point, but they will often remain babes in Christ for a long period of time. Thank God for the few churches who teach sinners that Jesus is Savior, Lord and King of kings, and when they make a decision for Jesus they are committing to a life of forsaking all to follow Him. They are also taught that they cannot live a victorious life on this earth without the Holy Spirit which necessitates not only being born again by the Holy Spirit but being baptized in the Holy Spirit by their new Savior, Lord and King.

Just because there are problems with ministers and in churches that believe in the baptism in the Spirit does not justify an individual Christian, a local church or a denomination from having the baptism in the Spirit. The Lord Jesus commands all of His followers to wait on the promise of the Father (Luke 24: 49; Acts 1: 4)) which is the baptism in the Spirit, not salvation. It is not a matter of opinion or argument; it is a matter of rightly or wrongly dividing the word of truth. These ministers and other Christians that add to and take away from the word may spend eternity with Jesus, but they are opposing His work on earth in some key areas. He is not pleased and will address them at the judgment seat of Christ.
Today, we have wild fire in many churches and denominations and no baptism in the Spirit in many others. Will you become one of the few who not only knows Jesus as Savior but continues the work that He did because you not only know Him as Savior but as the One who baptizes in the Spirit and fire (Matt. 3: 11)? If you only know Him as Savior, His command is to still wait for the promise of the Father. After you receive that promise go into the harvest fields that are white for harvest.  There are people all around you who are oppressed by the devil! Don’t let some preacher, even though He knows Jesus as Savior, talk you out of what the Lord Jesus has said. Be like Aquila and Priscilla and explain to the preacher the way of God more accurately (Acts: 18: 24-28). The preacher can then go and greatly help those who have believed through grace (Acts: 18: 28).

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Prayer and the MInd of Jesus Christ

I love, care about and respect people if they deserve respect, but pardon the expression “I don’t give a hoot” about anyone’s opinions. For me, everything has to be based on God’s truth. Therefore, I am always looking for people who have the mind of Christ and are interested in what He is interested in.

I see very little of the mind of Christ at work in the various leaders of the world, especially in the United States. There are exceptions, but for the most part our spiritual leaders, political leaders, military leaders, educational leaders, business leaders, financial leaders, and those in any kind of the media don't have the mind of Jesus Christ about what is going on in the world. Always remember that the wisdom of the world will never solve the problems of the world (Study Ecclesiastes). Some of the leaders even refer to the Bible at times, but usually in error or out of context.
I don’t intend to depress you, but want to encourage you to seek God, His kingdom and His righteousness as never before. Jesus Christ is depending on His house that He is building to come through for Him. We cannot do it without the Holy Spirit! Jesus and our Heavenly Father sent us the Holy Spirit to lead us and help us carry on the work of our Savior and Lord Jesus Christ. We have the Word of God and prayer in all its forms. Let us give ourselves to prayer and the Word. Let’s pray that we will have the mind of Jesus Christ and let us pray that He will remove leaders that refuse to yield to Him and His mind and will give us leaders after His heart and mind.
While praying, pray for true prophets of God to come forth that will speak to situations and that people will listen and act on what they say. One of the saddest events in the Bible is when people asked Jeremiah to seek God for what they should do. Jeremiah spent a lot of time seeking God and when he told them what God said their response was no, He didn’t say that. Pray that God will speak and deal with those who refuse to listen, obey and apply what He says. Pray for those who don't believe in prophets of God to wake up to the truth in this matter. Isn’t it interesting that some of those in Christianity that don’t believe in prophets are the ones that emphasize end times prophesy the most? Selah!

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Making Men Into the Image of Jesus

This message is for men on Father’s Day. It is not only for men that are called to be apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers, but for all men that will accept the Lord’s call to deny self and take up the cross daily to follow Him.
Most modern Christian churches and their institutions (Seminaries, Bible schools, etc.) recruit and make men into their image. They may emphasize Jesus, but for the most part their end product is men in their image. The men are then sent out to duplicate themselves and to carry out the methods of the particular group that they are associated with.
On the other hand God is looking to and fro for men that are loyal to Him and will allow the Holy Spirit to form Jesus Christ within them. They will then by the Spirit and Spirit only carry on the works of Jesus and equip willing people for the work of the ministry.
The Holy Spirit isn’t looking for better methods! He is looking for men that desire to have Christ formed within, men that are born of the Spirit, baptized in the Spirit and sanctified by God’s truth and His truth only. These men won’t deal in personal opinions and the doctrines and traditions of men. They will preach and teach the things of God kingdom and the things of Jesus (with strong emphasis on Jesus and Him crucified). Their word will be confirmed by Jesus with accompanying signs and wonders.
These men of God will be used of God to bring forth a faithful remnant that will be extremely persecuted by parts of the church as well as by the world, but will turn the world upside down for Jesus.
On this Father’s Day are you ready to answer the Lord’s call? There will be restoration, revival and awakening at some point. It is just a matter of if it takes place before or after certain things occur. Remember that it is better to follow Jesus and be persecuted for righteousness sake than to reap the results of a house that is divided into a bunch of groups with different opinions, doctrines and traditions.


Point of No Return

It is better to be part of a faithful remnant and face persecution for righteousness sake than to reap the harvest of a house divided.

We are close but have not yet passed the point of no return in America. We still have a choice of godly restoration or devilish storms. We still have a chance to unite in faith and be light bearers for Jesus Christ and His kingdom, but with each devilish storm there is a greater loss of freedom that draws Christians in the United States closer to what most really don't believe could happen to them (imprisonment, torture and death).
Jesus Himself tried to warn the people of Jerusalem; by the Spirit He foresaw 70 AD. Study the history of other countries and see how fast things changed in many of them. God in His love and mercy always tries to warn and awaken but all too often His people do not listen. They are too busy and caught up with their worldly and/or preferred religious activities until it is too late.
God is sending His true prophets to awaken and prepare a faithful remnant throughout the earth, including in the United States. The problem is that many Christians are so bound by their particular traditions and doctrines that it will be near impossible to awaken them before it is too late, but just maybe there will be enough with ears to hear and eyes to see that can change the course of things in America and bring real restoration, revival and awakening that may spread beyond our borders.





Friday, June 13, 2014

Repent Now if Needed

Part of repentance is changing the way one thinks which will change what one does!

If America was a country in which Christians were openly persecuted, imprisoned, tortured and killed, would you be thinking and doing what you normally think and do on a daily basis? If change is needed, change before the above takes place. By the way, do not count on being taken out of the mess in America that many Christians have helped create and maintain. Learn what the true gospel of the kingdom is and give your life to ministering it (Matthew 24:14). I have to say true gospel of the kingdom because most preachers do not have a clue which results in a clueless church for the most part.
If My people…
If God’s people, especially in America, do not repent and unite in faith, the hell on earth that they will reap is beyond imagination. All of this red, yellow, black and white church stuff has to go. America is no longer one nation under God because the church in America is not one under God.
Pray in agreement with the prayer of Jesus in John 17 until you get it. Then make a difference for Jesus and start with the church. The church is a house divided!  All of this agreeing to disagree and let’s agree on the essentials is a bunch of junk. In the first one those who advocate it are telling you that they are not in agreement with you. In the second one they will not agree with you unless you accept what they determine is essential. Only sanctification with truth unites two people in real godly agreement. That is found in John 17 also; connect John 17:17 and John 17:21.
Sorry to bother and upset you; go back to your daily things and thoughts. But just if a cord was struck inside of your heart and mind, go to Jesus and say from now on I forsake myself and will follow only you. 


Wednesday, June 11, 2014

The Favorite Game of Christians

(No disrespect intended, just trying to wake Christians up to the need for repentance that will bring unity of faith. We sing about "That Old Time Religion" and how it was good enough for Peter, Paul etc., but then deny much of what they believed and taught. Most of all we are not living by the prayer of Jesus in John 17. Look closely at the connection between John 17: 17 and John 17: 21).

The favorite game of Christians today is Modern Church. The game has a variety of options, rules, and interpretations of the rules in order to satisfy the tastes of almost all Christians. (Need I name all of the ones I’m thinking about?) There is the independent game, the non-denominational game, the relevant game, the __________ game, etc. You can fill in the blank with other varieties, I’m sure.
Not only is there a variety of games, some of the games have different flavors, or versions, such as the Traditional flavor, the Progressive flavor, and the Casual flavor. Wow, it is almost like going to an ice cream parlor. If you haven't found your game yet, keep looking because new varieties and flavors will be on the market soon.
Unfortunately, while Christians are enjoying their favorite game(s), the world is going to "hell" in a hand basket, and the god of this world is stealing, killing, and destroying because of a lack of salt and light.
O, the games people play! Remember Nero? He, too, played while Rome burned.


Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Prophetic Words

Prophetic words are fruitful when heard and acted on by those with ears to hear and eyes to see, but they are fruitless when not heard, received and acted upon. God’s will is implemented and advanced in the former but hindered and stymied in the latter.

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Addressing Religious and Political Correctness

Note: In this message religious and political correctness are tools used by those who oppose Jesus Christ, His kingdom and the church that He is building. Often times well meaning Christians are trapped and taken captive unwittingly. The Bible warns about even the elect being deceived; it also warns that the devil will send his ministers into Christian churches; they will disguise themselves as ministers of righteousness and lead the saints away from truth. They will mix a little error with a lot of truth because it only takes a little leaven to leaven the whole lump. The end result is that many of the unwitting Christians get trapped into religious and or political correctness. They may even adamantly oppose one while touting the other.

Many Americans, especially conservative Christians, are extremely upset and concerned about the ever growing political correctness in the United States. I too am concerned, very concerned, more concerned than ever! How did all of this start? Where are the answers? What are the solutions? How do Christians, especially mature Christians, address this issue? There is a clue in the title above!

The devil uses every strategy and tactic at his disposal to oppose Jesus Christ, the Church that He is building and the kingdom of God. Two of his main weapons have always been religious and political correctness. They may not have been called such, but religious correctness and political correctness have been around almost since the beginning of time. The devil uses them to control the hearts, minds and actions of people.
At times religious and political correctness look like they oppose one another, but always from the devil’s perspective they are working hand in hand. They worked together against God and His purposes in the Old Testament times. They persecuted and crucified our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. After His ascension, they continued working together to oppose the church and have been doing so right up to now and will continue to do so until the devil and his minions are finally put away. Sometimes they fight the church from without and sometimes they fight from within by infiltration. The infiltration takes many avenues but always works to infiltrate the minds of unsuspecting Christians. One of their main goals being to prevent Christians from becoming Christ-like and making sure that they do not unite in faith to fulfill our Lord’s plan for His church that He is building.
Regretfully, up to now the minds of many unsuspecting Christians have been captivated by one or both of these tools of the devil. As time moves toward the final day all of the elect must cautiously guard against last days deception. Deception is increasing and will continue to do so. Godly discernment is a daily need!
Many years ago I began calling for restoration, revival and awakening, and warning that if a restored church didn’t come forth there would be devilish storms and loss of freedom(s).  In America, as well as other nations, freedoms are eroding rapidly. Is there a point of no return? Are we in America close to that point? I want God’s will above all else. I also want my children and grandchildren to have freedom. How about you? 
Can you identify and name any aspects of religious and political correctness?


Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Two Reasons Why Most American Churches are Powerless

Most American churches are powerless for two basic reasons: 1. Lack of the baptism in the Holy Spirit; 2. Lack of brokenness and contriteness in the soul of Christians which prevents and/or hinders the release of the Spirit of God from their spirit.

Christians cannot be victorious without the power of God, and without the baptism in the Holy Spirit there is no power of God. When Christians who have not been baptized by Jesus with the Holy Spirit and fire witness of Him and His kingdom there is no confirming of their witness with accompanying signs (Mark 16: 20). The Holy Spirit will honor their witness as far as he can, but He is limited if they have not received the power of God or deny the power thereof. Without the power of God, Christians often turn to things of the flesh, soul and world to accomplish the Great Commission, if they try to accomplish it at all. Some of those who do try to accomplish it will work their fingers to the bone and wear out early because they are depending on self for the most part. Many others just find a church that suits their taste and settle in for the long haul. Both groups will spend eternity with God, but are never able to fully fulfill His purposes for them on earth.
There are many Christians, those Spirit baptized and not, that are not broken and contrite before God and man. The world can pick up on it in a moment because that is the way they are. They hear the spiritual words but sense the unbroken soul.
God is patient with His children and rewards them beyond their just due, but He is looking for mature disciples to finish the course. Mature disciples are born again, baptized in the Spirit, sanctified by God’s truth (not the truth as certain churches see it, but God’s truth) and they are about the Father’s business while depending only on the Holy Spirit and His power.
God anointed Jesus with the Holy Spirit and with power, who went about doing good and healing all who were oppressed by the devil, for God was with Him (Acts 10: 38; Luke 4: 18, 19). Before He was ascended Jesus told His followers what He wanted them to do, but He told them to wait on the baptism in the Spirit before they tried to carry on (Luke 24: 49; Acts 1: 4, 5).
I know that many have been taught that certain things are not for now, and many others have hurt the cause by over zealousness and chasing of wild fire, but there is the real and none of us can fulfill God’s will without it. Selah!
Before Jesus comes for His people there will be a church with Christ formed within that not only did the works Jesus did while on earth but finished the course. Those that have depended on other things to do the works are often the most outspoken about the world waxing worse and worse, and we have done all we can so we are looking for being caught up at any moment. We are all to have the glorious hope of the Lord’s return, but let’s us humble ourselves, let us allow the Holy Spirit to wash us with the washing of water by the Word of truth (Ephesians 5: 26) which will clean us from the words of the world and from wrong teachings in the church, and let us all wait until we receive the promise of the Father. We will then united in faith and together in one accord witness the good news of Jesus and His kingdom in all the world as a witness to all nations, including Israel, and then and only then will the end come (Matthew 24: 14).



Sunday, June 1, 2014

Narrow Minded Progressives and Conservatives

Being narrow minded is not just a problem with progressives; being narrow minded is alive and well among many who profess to be conservative, including many that will attend a church service today. Could we be reaping what those of like narrow mindedness have sown in the past? May truth come that will set all who are narrow minded free!  

Christians are meant to have the mind of Christ. If true Christians will put away their narrow mindedness and put on the mind of Jesus Christ, then the Holy Spirit will have something (a witness) to work with against all narrow mindedness. (In this message, being narrow minded represents  thought processes that are not Christ-like whether in the political realm, in a church, in a family or anywhere else).
  Christ? If true Christians will put away their narrow mindedness and put on the mind of Jesus Christ, then the Holy Spirit will have something to work with (a witness) against all narrow mindedness. (In this message, being narrow minded represents thought processes that are not Christ like whether in the political realm, in a church, in a family or anywhere else).