Thursday, August 14, 2008


All true disciples will build their life upon Jesus Christ and His Word rightly divided. Any intellectual decisions and any experiences must be in line with Jesus Christ and His Word rightly divided.

There are some people who are so cold and intellectually calculating that they never enter into the joy of marriage and family. There are others who rush into marriage, rather than waiting for God to send His choice of a mate for them. It leads to devastation for the man and woman and often for children. There are many Christians who are not open to the things of the Spirit; we must pray for them to become open to all that God has for them. There are other Christians who are so open and eager that they plunge ahead into things God has not ordained but are traps set by the devil and vessels that he uses wittingly or unwittingly. They also need our prayers. Both of these groups are further evidences of the need for restoration of the Church.

Forget this junk about blue and grey! There are professing Christians who lean to their own understanding and intellect and freeze out the things of God. There are professing Christians who become so hot for the experiential that they light destructive fires and hinder what God wants and is trying to do.

The Lord is looking for true and mature disciples who live by the Word of God and move in the anointing of the Holy Spirit. I remind you that the overall Church is in need of restoration. Restoration means that we return fully to the Lord and His Word. It further means that the Church is totally yielded to the Holy Spirit and allows Him to build her according to God's biblical pattern and nothing else. We have all of these groups in the Church today primarily because someone wanted to add man's way to God's Way and/or to do things man's way instead of God's way.

If you want to do things God's way and His Way only, then seek Him in prayer and the Word and find some true and mature ministry gifts to help equip you and your family. It may take time, but seek God and wait on Him. He will guide you! If you want to freeze out the things of God, that is your choice. If you want to burn up the things of God, that is also your choice. I have learned that the cold intellectual ones are stubborn and hard headed, and the hot experiential ones are stubborn and hard headed, also. Both are hindrances, great hindrances to God's will and purposes and to the restoration of His Church. As a matter of fact, they both have helped put the Church in her present state.

I thank God that there are some disciples who are humbling themselves and are seeking God. They may not yet see and understand all that God wants, but they know something is needed. They know that the problem has been around for a while, and they are wise enough not to intellectually close off what God wants to do, and they are wise enough not to emotionally chase things that the devil is doing. They are wise and loving enough not to get into fights with either the intellectual or experiential groups because they are both distractions and hindrances to what the Holy Spirit is doing. They are focused on and/or are becoming focused on Looking for and Finding the Real. If they seek God, they will find Him. If they follow the Holy Spirit, He will join them with others with whom they can be in one purpose or mind. There will be true restoration, revival, and awakening! The glory of the Lord will fill the whole earth!

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