Thursday, August 14, 2008

A Great Opportunity

A Need For Maturity
God has always expected that true disciples would build their lives upon the truth of Jesus Christ and His Word but, in actuality, only a few have ever done so. There has always been a need for such disciples, but seldom if ever has the need been greater than it is presently. There is a worldwide need for true and mature ministry gifts and for true and mature disciples. For these ministers and disciples, there is presently a great opportunity to advance God's kingdom and to do His will on earth. There is an opportunity to preach the things of Jesus and the kingdom of God in the entire world as a witness to all nations.

While many voices are expressing their personal opinions, many others are saying I told you so, and some are even asking where are the spiritual leaders, I am saying that you have an opportunity, a great opportunity. There is an opportunity to have a Church that fulfills the revelation of the Church found throughout the Word of God, and is clearly described for us in the book of Ephesians. This Church will be an answer to our Lord's Prayer found in John 17. She will have Christ formed within and will do His works, His true works. Will you see the opportunity? Will you take the opportunity by denying self, forsaking all to follow Jesus, and working to accomplish His will and purposes? I beseech you in the name of the Lord not to let the opportunity pass you by. It will not always be available to you. Actually the time is short!

Some may say, well who or what are you? Does it really matter? What matters is who Jesus Christ is and whether you will let Him be who and what He is. I do know who He is, who I am, and what He has called me to be and do, but what matters is this: Do you know who He is and what He wants of you.

In closing, I warn you that schemes are now being planned that will deceive and appease many. The devil does not give up easily; people in influential places do not give up easily either. Do not be deceived by words and actions of people, even if they seem to be repentant. There is a world of difference in sorrow and godly sorrow. "Godly sorrow brings repentance that leads to salvation and leaves no regret, but worldly sorrow brings death" (
2 Cor. 7:10 NIV). There is a difference in external changes and internal (heart) change. People often just reinvent things and reposition themselves, but they always want to maintain the status quo or even improve their standing. Learn to discern the real! God is Sovereign; His will is going to be done, but will you be part of it?

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