Thursday, May 29, 2014

Characteristics of Spiritual and Unspiritual Men and Women


I am researching Scripture for the characteristics of spiritual and unspiritual men and women. We desperately need spiritual men and women in the body of Christ, the Church. What better time to address this issue than this season of the year when we celebrate Mothers and Fathers?
Would you please share with me Scriptures that would help us as men and women to be more Christ-like? I will be sharing them back with you.
Thank you,

Monday, May 19, 2014

Gifts of the Spirit

In the Word of God, the Bible, we find that the Lord Jesus gave His followers an assignment; the assignment was to carry on with what He had been doing while on earth. Furthermore, He made it clear that we could only do the assignment by using the same Helper that He had used-the Holy Spirit. His Word makes it clear that the Holy Spirit works by the gifts of the Spirit. Those gifts are found in 1 Corinthians 12: 8-10. Have you by faith received one or more of the gifts of the Spirit and are you releasing them to further the work of the Lord Jesus?

P. S. Do you know the difference in the gift of tongues and praying in tongues, and the purpose of each?

Monday, May 12, 2014

Voting According to the Bible Rightly Divided

The results in America would be amazing if all true Christians voted and voted according to the Bible rightly divided. The problem to overcome so that this can take place is the lies of the devil that have infiltrated various churches in the form of the doctrines and traditions of man.

One that is bound by these doctrines and traditions, whether they are a minister or a member, can only be set free by the Holy Spirit while continuing in the study of the Word of truth under His teaching. They must let the Word of truth wash them rather than manipulating the Word to make it line up with their lying doctrines and traditions. Some will hang on to the lies no matter what, but many will wake up. I just pray that enough Christians wake up before it is too late for America and our children and grandchildren.

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Happy Mother's Day

Happy Mother's Day! We need spiritual Mother's that will travail for Jesus to be formed within His Church (Galations 4:19). Mothers understand laboring to give birth. May each of you help bring forth restoration, revival and awakening that will transform the Church and bring salt and light to our country and beyond.

Friday, May 9, 2014

Awakened to Truth

There is a great need for people to have the blinders removed from their eyes so that they can really see what is taking place in the world such as how evil those are that kidnapped the little girls.
There is a great need for the lost to be awakened to the truth that only Jesus has made the Way for them to be restored to God.

Most of all the  need is for all for those who profess to be a follower of Jesus to wake up to the truth of God’s Word and be set free from false teachings and traditions that have bound them so that they can become true and powerful witnesses of Jesus Christ and the kingdom of God (Matthew 24: 14, Acts 28: 23, 31).
Resist the devil and the things that he dangles before your eyes which distract you from God, His truth, and His purpose for you. Submit to God and continue in His Word until truth sets you free. Then cry out in intercession for others and go and share Jesus and His Word, but first make sure that you have really been baptized in the Holy Spirit (Luke 24: 49, Acts 1: 4).

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Four Major Weaknesses in Modern Christianity

It is vital that a faithful remnant church with Jesus Christ formed within come forth on this earth. For this to take place the four weaknesses listed below must be overcome:
1. Lack of intimacy with God. ...
2. Lack of knowledge of the Bible.
3. Lack of anointing and power.
4. Lack of biblical unity with other Christians.

Early this morning the Spirit of God made me freshly aware of the lack of biblical knowledge among those who profess to be a follower of Jesus Christ. There are few that really feed on the Word of God. Churches are filled with young and old alike that do not study the Bible to show themselves approved. Many have never read the entire Bible, much less study through it on a regular basis. We are already paying the price for this and the price is going to be greater unless this changes. If not already, will you become one that lives by every Word that proceeds from the mouth of God? (Matthew 4:4)

A Call to Study and Know the Word of God

Early this morning the Spirit of God made me freshly aware of the lack of biblical knowledge among those who profess to be a follower of Jesus Christ. There are few that really feed on the Word of God. Churches are filled with young and old alike that do not study the Bible to show themselves approved. Many have never read the entire Bible, much less study through it on a regular basis. We are already paying the price for this and the price is going to be greater unless this changes. If not already, will you become one that lives by every Word that proceeds from the mouth of God? (Matthew 4:4)

Four Major Weaknesses in Modern Christianity

It is vital that a faithful remnant church with Jesus Christ formed within come forth on this earth. For this to take place the four weaknesses listed below must be overcome.

 (1)    Lack of intimacy with God

 (2)    Lack of knowledge of the Bible

 (3)    Lack of anointing and power

 (4)    Lack of biblical unity with other Christians


Monday, May 5, 2014

The Loss of Spiritual Direction

It has become almost common place to hear preachers and other Christians talk about the ills of America and the loss of spiritual direction. Those doing so often refer to 2 Chronicles 7: 14 and talk about the need to pray and fast for America. They speak of their love for America but have no problem talking about where America has gone wrong. I agree that America is headed in the wrong direction and grave danger lies ahead. Evil is waxing worse and worse and freedoms are eroding rapidly. I have great concern for the future of our children and grandchildren. But I want to make something clear, most preachers and Christians are putting the focus in the wrong place.

It is the Church in America that needs to repent! The Church needs to pray and repent for its loss of   spiritual direction. Why can’t the preachers make that clear? They easily talk about the problems of America and the faults of certain Americans, but seldom if ever address the problems of the Church and the faults of Christians. They are either blind to the real problem, have some unbiblical view or might even be afraid to offend their financial contributors.

Where are you? Do you see that it is those who call themselves Christians that are called to repentance? Do you see that Christians in America are to be salt and light to America? Who is it that has lost spiritual direction? Do you have the courage to face the real issues?   

Saturday, May 3, 2014

False Doctrines and Traditions

Will Christians wake up and repent of their doctrines and traditions of men before America is destroyed from within and without? Yes, there are many ungodly things going on in our beloved country, but Christians need to first look within before they look without. There is growing evil darkness in America because there is less and less light emanating from Christians. The main culprits for the lack of light are the false doctrines and traditions that presently control most parts of the Church. Only when enough Christians wake up to the realization that they are supposed to be salt and light, and repent of those false doctrines and traditions is there hope for the future of our children and grandchildren in America.  If you really care about their future, then quit fussing about how bad things are and give up those devilish and divisive false doctrines and traditions.