Tuesday, November 19, 2013

My Response to Facebook Post

Below is my response to the following post:

Facebook is strange. You can jump all over unsaved people's corms and they cop it sweet. However, if you even breathe on a christian's corm or pet theory, they will unfriend you. P-A-T-H-E-T-I-C. My experience, is that, non christians are more tolerant than christians! Non christians behave quite well on Facebook. They don't tell you how to run your life or what to say and not say in your posts! If they don't agree, they'll tell you direct, rather than hitting the keyboard in a tizz, and then unfriending!

Gary, there is no short answer to this problem. Many that profess to be a Christian have never been born again. Many who have been born again have never been baptized in the Holy Spirit. Many who have been born again and Spirit filled know little about the Word of God. The majority of real Christians know man made doctrines better than the Word. Many are stuck on traditions of men which always make the Word of God of no effect. Then they talk about the rapid spread of spiritual darkness (evil) and never consider that spiritual darkness always fills the vacuum where there is no true spiritual light. Most of the ones that want the lost to change and believe something they haven't believed before would never even discuss changing from some church doctrine that is not true. Humility, repentance and true Christ likeness must take place in a faithful remnant or we haven't seen anything yet!

Monday, October 28, 2013

Defend the True Gospel

 Do you know of any so-called Christian churches and/or denominations that have turned to the ways of Satan, the world, and the flesh to reach people, especially the youth? Many have done so, and rather than repent and become a promoter and defender of the true biblical gospel, they are defending the ways of Satan, the world, and the flesh that they have turned to. Is this evidence of last days deception and of the “turning away” that the Bible says will take place?  What are you going to do about it? Will you accept another gospel, or will you stand up and defend the true gospel? Eternity, your soul, and the souls of many others depend on what you will do!

Friday, October 25, 2013

We Have Real Problems in America

Regardless of personal political persuasions, true Christians have to admit that we have real problems, serious problems, in our country. The question then becomes:  how does the Lord Jesus want His followers to respond to these problems? Much, actually all, depends on whether His followers will depend on Him and be led by His Spirit. This is no time to depend on the arm of the flesh!

Will Christians, true Christians, forsake all to follow Jesus? Will they make the personal and corporate changes necessary to release more salt and light, or will they stubbornly stay as they are and continue to act in the flesh and depend on the arm of the flesh while they go down with the ship? Regretfully, I fear many would choose to continue posting and/or yelling vile insults at their opponents and go down with the ship, rather than humbling themselves before God so that He can heal our land.

It is obvious that many who profess to be followers of Christ are complacent, rather than being actively obedient to the Spirit of God and working in the harvest fields that are white for harvest. Many others continue working their fingers to the bone trying to change things when deep down within, their spiritual beliefs are that things are going to wax worse and worse no matter what. What contradictions!

I pray that true Christians in America will wake up before the American ship sinks with them, their children, or grandchildren aboard.


Friday, September 6, 2013

America's Only Hope


A restored, faithful, united in faith church with Jesus Christ formed within is America's only hope. The way to true restoration is for each member of the body of Christ to deny self, including many of their favorite religious traditions and private interpretations of Scripture, and follow Jesus. Following Jesus means totally yielding to the Holy Spirit and repenting of depending on the arm of the flesh to change things. In totally yielding to the Holy Spirit, one will become a faithful student of His teaching because He is the Teacher. He will teach what Scripture is really all about. 
One key that I have learned from the Holy Spirit is to study the things of Jesus, especially Him crucified, and the things of the kingdom of God. See John 14: 6; Matthew 4: 23 and Acts 28: 23, 31. Wouldn't it be wise for preachers to teach and preach what Jesus and Paul preached and for all members of the body of Christ to study what they ministered? Jesus and Paul taught and preached the things of the kingdom and the things of Jesus. They taught God’s truth about these two subjects. Don’t be taken in by preachers who preach about one or both of these but put their spin on things. For example, there are preachers that preach about Jesus but say He is just one of many ways and there are preachers who preach about the kingdom of God and make it a political kingdom, etc.
The Holy Spirit is looking for those who will allow Him directly to teach them the fullness of the “Good News” revealed in Scripture. The Holy Spirit is also raising up preachers who are preaching what Jesus and Paul preached. They are presently either few and far between or not very well known for the most part, but if you will allow the Holy Spirit He will lead you to one. 
Pray for restoration, revival and awakening while totally yielding to the Holy Spirit. He is waiting!

Thursday, September 5, 2013

The Church Must Accept Responsibility For the Ills of America

Many Christians are blaming government, etc. for the ills of the United States. There are absolutely some problems, major problems, with our government and other institutions but Christians must wake up and realize that the bottom line problem with our country is the condition of the institutionalized church. The eyes of the Lord are looking for those who will fulfill 2nd Chronicles 7:14 and 16:9. A restored, faithful, united in faith church with Jesus Christ formed within is America's only hope!

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Restoration of American Government

In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth:

1. I declare that God’s favor, blessing and anointing is upon anyone in any area of American Government, beginning with the highest office of the land, who is a true follower of Jesus Christ and is true to His Word, our Republic and our Constitution rightly divided.

     2. I declare that the conviction of God is upon anyone in any area of government in America,     beginning with the highest office of the land, who is unjust, deceptive, dishonest, and untruthful toward Jesus Christ and His Word, our Constitution, and true citizens of the United States.

I declare that God’s mercy and forgiveness will be given to anyone in government who repents, confesses publicly where called for by God, and makes full restitution.

I declare that God’s justice will be upon anyone in government who does not repent, confess, and make full restitution.

 5. I declare that all true members of the Church that Jesus is building will unite in faith and begin to speak forth and declare Truth in the power and anointing of the Holy Spirit. (2 Cor. 4:13)


Monday, May 27, 2013

Christians, Conservative Politics and Godly Awakening

Many Christians who are conservative politically enjoy sharing their political viewpoints and speaking against what they oppose politically. Some of them are mainly interested in just debating and stating their views while others use a lot of time and energy trying to stop what they oppose and advance what they promote. Both groups presently have the freedom to do so; I say presently because unless real moral and godly awakening takes place, open Christian freedom will eventually be greatly reduced or even lost within the United States. Judgment begins first at the house of the Lord!

A major problem is that many Christians who are conservative politically have very little in-depth comprehension that real positive change cannot take root and grow in a country that has lost its moral compass. Furthermore and more importantly they don’t understand that in its overall present state modern Christianity is not only largely responsible for the moral degradation within our country but is the main institution blocking godly restoration in our nation. Some may read this and say “Amen” while thinking of other parts of Christianity but without understanding that their particular brand of modern Christianity is a problem, possibly a major problem.

For those reading this would you answer the following questions? How is modern Christianity largely responsible for America’s moral decline? What must take place within modern Christianity to bring spiritual awakening that will save our nation from decay? What can and will you do to awaken the church to being true salt and light that stops the moral decay within our nation?

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Sanctified by Truth (May 2013)

People are water baptized because they have been born again. People are not born again because they have been water baptized. If those who think otherwise would let Jesus baptize them in the Holy Spirit and sanctify them with truth, they could find truth that would set them free from error. Truth is never a matter of opinion. Truth is truth! Truth is absolute! (5/7/2013)

Christian parents are and should be concerned if their children become involved in carnality. But one thing that they do not want to happen is for their children to become divided and estranged from one another. Our Father in heaven is also concerned when He sees His children over taken by carnality. What do you think is His concern about the ongoing division in the body of Christ? (5/30/2013)

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Basing Our Lives on the Word of God Rightly Divided

Fraudulent voting, the right to bear arms, and abortion are three different issues. They may be lumped together in certain references, but for real clarity’s sake, wouldn't it be wise to discuss them separately? (Note: We must know that some people don’t want real clarity. They intentionally present things in a way that promotes their aspirations and brings about confusion and ignorance rather than clarity, therefore keeping the uninformed under their control. History proves that this has worked time and time again.)

In discussing any topic, on what standard of truth or fact should one base their statements or conclusions? My personal preference, first and foremost, is to use the Word of God rightly divided. After that, as an American, I like to base my thoughts and statements on our U.S. Constitution, the Declaration of Independence, and the Bill of Rights rightly divided. But the Word of God rightly divided is the bottom line and trumps everything.

In all of the topics mentioned in the opening paragraph above, it is important to recognize and accept that Americans have the freedom to express their preferences, opinions, desires, political viewpoints, etc. But Americans who are true Christians have something else to consider that is so important it absolutely affects what they will someday hear from the Lord Jesus Christ. True and mature followers of Jesus Christ are to always prayerfully continue in the Word until they know truth and have their senses trained to discern good and evil—what is of God and what is not of God. After this training in maturity, their thoughts, words, and actions will, in essence, be “Thy will be done on earth as it is in Heaven.” It becomes a lifestyle, rather than a prayer learned as a child. It brings glory to Jesus Christ and keeps our old nature, with its opinions and desires, on the cross where it belongs.

It would be wise to remember that all Christians will stand before the Lord Jesus at the Judgment Seat of Christ, where there will be only one standard of judgment—the Word of God as Jesus interprets it. Those worldly souls who do not know Christ have no other recourse than to lean to their own understanding. But regrettably, some in parts of earthly Christianity have for a long time also leaned to their own understanding while dividing the Word as they want it to be divided (or interpreted), but that will not be acceptable before the Lord. Actually, it may cause some to stand at the Great White Throne for judgment and hear Jesus say, “Depart from Me. I never knew you.”

Let’s repent where needed and begin to truly be witnesses for Jesus Christ while we are on earth. He paid it all for us and sent His Spirit to lead, guide, teach, anoint, and help us continue His work while we are on earth. The Holy Spirit is always available to teach us how Jesus interprets His Word to help us do His will and nothing but His will while on earth. Let’s submit our all to Him and look forward to someday hearing Jesus say, “Well done my good and faithful servant.” Those who stubbornly maintain their course, not allowing the Spirit to teach them, may stand at another judgment! Let's clear our minds and hearts and become students of the Word of God under the tutelage of the Holy Spirit. Let those with ears to hear, hear what the Spirit says.




Monday, April 1, 2013

Is Our Witness Biblically Balenced?

I stand for God and stand against what is not of God as the Spirit of God leads me. I stand for the Spirit of God and I stand against the spirit of the Antichrist which is already at work in the world around us, but I make it clear that greater is He that lives within us than he that is in the world.

I respect freedom of speech rightly divided but question that some who profess to being a follower of Jesus  spend more time focusing on exposing the wrong and not enough time on sharing the truth of Jesus and His kingdom? Jesus did spend time exposing the devil and destroying His works but He spent more time preaching and teaching the gospel of the kingdom and ministering to people and their needs. We are supposed to carry on His work!
Do we need to check our focus? Are we spending enough time and energy revealing (ministering) things such as the truth and importance of the birth of Jesus, our being born again, His life on earth, His ministry, His kingdom, His word of truth, His suffering and crucifixion for us, His resurrection, His ascension, His sending the Holy Spirit and our being baptized in the Spirit, His intercession, His desire to have a church with Him formed within, His prayer for the unity of His church, His bride preparing herself for the marriage of the Lamb, His return and our ruling and reigning with Him throughout eternity?
Let’s do all that the Word directs us to do but let’s keep the Lord’s priorities in mind and heart.  Let’s forsake all to follow Jesus; let’s seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness as we take the good news of Jesus and His kingdom into all the world as a witness to all nations (Matthew 24:14). Paul gives us a good example in the last chapter of Acts. He describes his ministry two times (Acts 28: 23, 31).


Sunday, March 17, 2013

America Needs Truth

All over the earth, including in the United States, true followers of Jesus Christ are in a spiritual war. It is true that our primary spiritual war is not with flesh and blood; it is with Satan and his demonic forces. However, we must recognize that on earth Satan oftentimes uses flesh and blood to help him accomplish his works of stealing, killing and destroying. Some help him willingly and others help him unwittingly. Such is the case in America! Yes, Satan is not just doing his works in far away places; he is working close to home. He is working in America! He is working to steal the freedom of Christians in America; he is working to destroy America itself. This war has battles on many fronts.

At present, Satan is using his demonic forces as well as willing flesh and blood cohorts to carry out his destructive purposes both abroad and within the United States. They are using many different weapons and tactics to carry out his wiles (scheming's). 

Some people can see some of his work with the natural eye, especially after it is manifested, but we need to learn to see with our spiritual eyes and do what is needed to stop his schemes before they manifest. Right now we have enemies (cohorts of Satan) that are working to attack us from within and from without. Turn on the news and you can hear things about North Korea, but wake up to the fifth columns already at work in America. Yes, there are fifth columns in the United States working to defeat us from within. Wake up, discern and identify them and their devilish schemes, put on your spiritual armor and fight the good fight of faith (Ephesians 6) against the forces that are against us from without and within.  
The devil knows that he must negate the influence of the Church to defeat America. He knows more about what the Church can do to stop him than most Christians and their ministers. Therefore he has been working a long time to defeat the Church in America. He has been and continues to do what he always does. He attacks from without and he sends his fifth columns within just like he has done and is doing to our country. Presently, most parts of the Church are of no help in this spiritual war because they have already been infiltrated and taken over by the enemy.  They have gained strongholds within many parts of the Church and are using their influence to destroy America. Is there hope? Yes! The hope is a faithful remnant Church with Christ formed within that is spiritually armed, empowered by the Holy Spirit and is using the sword of the Spirit to destroy the works of Satan and his forces.  We must have a faithful remnant Church to witness Jesus and His kingdom and do spiritual warfare or else our freedom will become a thing of the past.

Many modern Christians will do their usual thing today while the ship is sinking. Most Christians in America are being blinded and kept blind from within and therefore are no help to the outside. Will you be an exception? Will you wake up and be set free from the devil's lies and deceptions that are rampant within America as well as within the four walls of the buildings of many parts of the Church in America?  America needs truth and it must come from a faithful remnant of true disciples of Jesus Christ. Find those spiritual leaders that are prepared to equip you for the work of the ministry which includes using the sword of the Spirit to accomplish God's purposes and destroy the works of satan and his cohorts.

Friday, March 1, 2013

Heavenly and Earthly Citizenship

I listen to the Spirit of God through prayer and the study of the Word of God. First and foremost I am an advocate for and a defender of faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.  I stand for the Lord Jesus Christ, His Word rightly divided and His kingdom. I war by the Spirit of God what unseen evil forces attempt to do within and without the Church (2 Corinthians 10:3-6; Ephesians 6: 10-18).  

The earth belongs to the Lord! For earthly citizenship which is secondary to heavenly citizenship the Lord made me a part of the United States. Therefore, I stand for the Constitution of the United States rightly divided and I stand against what is not of the Constitution rightly divided.  I stand against forces inside and outside of this nation that are opposed to our Constitution. I pray for what is of God and against what is not of God. I speak for what I see is of God and I speak against what I see is not of God. Unseen Satanic forces, since the Garden of Eden, have always sought to bring about what is against God and His purposes on earth. This includes now in the United States! The Holy Spirit seeks to find people through whom He can bring about the will of God on earth. This includes now in the United States!  

 As for politics I have told people for years that I am not a republican, nor a democrat and definitely not a libertarian. I am a citizen and representative of the kingdom of God.  As long as we have the freedom to vote I will vote as the Spirit of God directs. Concerning news programs, it was just yesterday that my sister Charlotte and I were talking and I shared some of my concerns about these news commentators (entertainers). I mentioned both that someone referred to in a response to something I wrote.  Some of them have some truth at times but they are not usually led by the Spirit of God in sharing or implementing truth. I shared as I have before that the future of our beloved Country depends on whether or not a true faithful remnant Church comes forth with Christ formed within and being true salt and light. We can have all the right people in political offices which would be great, but if the overall Church is not Christ like and true salt and light darkness will prevail. 

We are to join with other earthly citizens who are heavenly citizens and represent the Lord Jesus Christ here on earth. Therefore, we must not forsake the assembling of ourselves together with other saints in a Church with a true minister (or ministers) who is   equipping the saints for the work of the ministry. (Hebrews 10:25; Ephesians 4:11) . Jesus lived and died for the Church and is presently ever living to make intercession for the Church that He is building. We have no right to forsake the assembling thereof. We may have to search hard for a minister and a local church that stands true to the Lord and His Word rightly divided, but we have no right to hide our light under the bushel by forsaking the assembling thereof. The Lord will honor the request of and lead those who seek Him for such.


The Enemy's Plan in America

The plan includes making people feel stressed out and fearful so that they will support policies that will eventually change this country not just into socialism but communism. Islam is also sneaking its way in. Learn about things like Agenda 21, social justice, the Green Movement, etc. Many parts of modern Christianity are being deceived by these things as well as by things like the Harlem Shake. Crony capitalism (filled with greed) has replaced free enterprise capitalism in many places.

What we need is a return to true biblical Christianity in the Church and to our Constitution and its original intents in our Country. The problem is that many churches have changed the Bible to adjust to the times and our Country has changed the Constitution to do the same. Therefore we have living Bibles and a living Constitution. Beware of both!

Monday, February 25, 2013

A Call to Spiritual Warfare

While false, immature, and deceived ministers are tickling the ears of millions of Christians, and many other Christians are AWOL while nursing their wounds and hurt feelings, true prophets of God are seeking to awaken, heal, restore, equip, and bring forth a true and mature remnant Church made up of disciples who will follow their Lord Jesus Christ and accomplish all that He intended when He said, “I will build my Church and the gates of Hades will not prevail against it” (Matthew 16:18).  

The trump will sound when it is time for the Lord Jesus to return. True prophets of God are now sounding the call to prepare for His return. This sound includes not only a call to witness the good news of Jesus and His kingdom (Acts 28:23, 31) but a call to true spiritual warfare. Spiritual warfare is real! It goes on twenty-four hours a day and will continue until the glorious return of our Lord Jesus Christ. The primary enemy is one that is unseen by the natural eye but seeks to steal, kill, and destroy anything of God in the visible realm.

This is a day of trumpet and alarm (Zephaniah 1:16). Wake up and hear the call. The trumpet is not only signaling that the enemy is approaching but is warning that he is already here. The alarm is a war shout! Put on your armor; take up the sword of the Spirit and, as Christian soldiers, march as to war.  

To be informed is to be knowledgeable, forewarned, forearmed, and prepared to do spiritual warfare against unseen forces that aim to wreak havoc in the visible world. This is an alert! Are you listening, really listening? Do you hear the call? Will you hear the call and respond by and to the Spirit? Are you prepared? Will you prepare? Will you hear and respond to the call for spiritual warfare? Will you take your place as a soldier of the Lord Jesus in His last days army? Onward Christian soldiers...




Friday, February 15, 2013

Rapture Ready Preachers and Teachers

All true followers of Jesus Christ should have the glorious hope of our Lord’s return (Titus 2: 13, 14). But I do have a major problem with most, if not all, of these “Rapture Ready” preachers and teachers. They get people all excited, mostly in the flesh, about being caught up and away, but they are not creating true godly zeal for becoming part of the glorious Church (Ephesians 5:27) that is unified in true faith (Ephesians 4:13) and being victorious over the gates of hell here on earth (Matthew 16:18). In essence, they are not really preparing the saints for the Lord’s return.

Actually, most of these preachers and teachers don’t have a clue about what I mean. Who among the preachers, teachers, and their listeners will wake up? There are too many on the team who are not in the game, at least not in the game that really counts. I hope I have stirred the pot! But many can’t or won’t break free from this overemphasis on tribulation and rapture ready preaching and teaching that excludes real preparation for the Lord's return. Therefore, they can’t even recognize the real game. They are spiritually addicted! But there are a few who are waking up. There is a modern day “Gideon’s 300” coming forth. So just relax, keep doing your thing, and they will win the battle for you. But guess who will get most if not all of the rewards when the Lord does return for His people.

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Recognizing True Christianity

Do you know the difference in true and false Christianity? How can one know if a local church is part of true or false Christianity? The line is very blurred today unless one has their senses trained to know the difference in good and evil (Hebrews 5:14).  Not knowing the difference has serious consequences for individuals, families, communities and nations.

As for the United States, we are fast approaching a point of no return in saving the United States unless enough people recognize the difference. By this I mean recognizing the difference in true and false Christianity and fulfilling 2 Chronicles 7:14. The eyes of the Lord are looking to see who is really loyal to Him (2 Chronicles 16:9) and who is just playing church and having nostalgic memories of past things that may or may not have been a part of true Christianity.

Friday, January 25, 2013

Women on Front Lines of War

I could go in several directions with my response and I definitely have concerns about this situation, but we must ask ourselves how this has come about. Could the feminist movement and humanism along with liberal, socialistic, and progressive thinking and actions have brought us to this place? Individuals and countries do reap what they so!

My response would not fit in a feel good, seeker sensitive, purpose driven church, but we must examine ourselves. We cannot blame foolish decisions all on those that fit into the thinking and actions I have listed above. Much of the blame lies squarely on a divided, immature church that is not united in faith and is often more like the world than like Jesus. In other words, Christians have allowed many things to take place because we are not united in faith and have abdicated much of the responsibility God has assigned to us. Therefore we must have a remnant church that is true salt and light or more devilish storms yet not thought of in manner and degree are just up the road.

We Christians are in a war that not only requires women to be on the front lines but also requires boys and girls. Our war is a spiritual war against principalities and powers that are unseen. They are the forces behind the foolish and evil things we do see.

Learn that spiritual warfare is real and things are not just going to work out in time unless we put on our armor, unite in true biblical unity and faith and follow the Spirit of our Lord into the real war that is behind natural wars. Victory is only in Jesus the Messiah! 

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

What Does Restoration Mean for Christians in the United States and Throughout the Earth?

For years, I have shared the need for “restoration, revival, and awakening” within the Church all over the earth, and especially for the Church in the United States of America. I have warned that there would be “either godly restoration or devilish storms” all over the earth, and especially in the United States. As of now little restoration has taken place in the Church, and many storms of various kinds have stricken our earth, especially in the United States.

A few years ago, after many storms had taken place, the Spirit of the Lord said to me that we “have not seen anything yet.” But with that word, He held out hope. He said that “we could see great things if there would be restoration, revival and awakening within the Church, but if not there would be greater devilish storms.” Since that word, “restoration, revival and awakening” has made little headway within the Church, but devilish storms have increased and intensified all over the earth.

The Spirit of the Lord has been and is calling for “restoration, revival and awakening” but warning of storms, devilish storms, increased and intensified devilish storms. It is time to get personal! Do you have ears to hear the Spirit and the truth of God’s word, or are you caught up in one or more of the devilish fads that hold many captive within the Church? Fad after fad abounds, while truth is seldom spoken or heard within many parts of the Church! When truth is spoken, it is often out of context and/or mixed with deceptive error.

Hear me! The devil’s word and works have infiltrated many parts of the Church. Under the guise of church, many preachers are proclaiming the devil’s word and advocating the devil’s works, and many listeners are listening to and following those preachers. Deception abounds, and it seems the people love it so. It is very subtle, and unless one has their senses trained to discern both good and evil, they are easy prey for deceived ministers and their deceptive doctrines. Hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of Christians are presently in captivity, and more are being taken in daily. If not already, you too will be taken in unless you have your senses trained to discern both good and evil (Hebrews 5:14) because Matthew 24:24 says that if it is possible, even the elect will be deceived. Discernment is critical. What will you do? The Spirit of the Lord is looking for and calling for those who will go God’s way and stand against the wiles of the devil, the way of destruction. Hear me again! Destruction, unbelievable destruction, awaits unless you really wake up. But there will be great things of God if you and enough others become wide awake and enter into restoration, revival, and great awakening.

I have been amazed at those who have heard the call(s) for restoration and the warning(s) of the coming storms but have continued to flounder along with less than half-hearted devotion to God and no real attention to His repeated call(s). What will it take before you and other spiritual sleepers wake up? You may have spiritual routines and disciplines, but they are little more than excuses that sooth the selfish soul. In truth, you are not really helping the true cause of God, and you may actually be blocking and/or hindering the work of the Spirit in the living and the spreading of the truth of God.

Will you finally hear a prophetic call and warning of God, or will the world fall apart around you? Will you become a living stone in the Church, or will you be a white-washed tomb? Please, I beseech you, examine yourself. Ask God to open the eyes of your understanding and reveal where change might be needed.

For further study: Matthew 24: 4-5, 11, 24; Mark 13:22; 2 Tim. 2:17-18; 2 Cor. 11:3-4; Romans 16;18; Colossians 2:2-4; 2 John 1:7; Luke 21:8; 2 Thess. 2:1-3, 9-10; 1 Tim. 4:1; James 1:22; 1 John 1:8; James 1:26; Galatians 6:3; 1 Cor. 3:18; 2 Cor. 11:3; Heb. 3:12-14; Heb. 12:4; Titus 3:3; 1 John 4:1; 1 Thess. 5:21; 2 Tim. 3:16-17; 1 Thess. 5:21

Prophetic Words of Restoration (January 2013)

Recognizing True Christianity:                                                                          

Do you know the difference in true and false Christianity? How can one know if a local church is part of true or false Christianity? The line is very blurred today unless one has their senses trained to know the difference in good and evil (Hebrews 5:14).  Not knowing the difference has serious consequences for individuals, families, communities and nations.

As for the United States, we are fast approaching a point of no return in saving the United States unless enough people recognize the difference. By this I mean recognizing the difference in true and false Christianity and fulfilling 2 Chronicles 7:14. The eyes of the Lord are looking to see who is really loyal to Him (2 Chronicles 16:9) and who is just playing church and having nostalgic memories of past things that may or may not have been a part of true Christianity. (1/27/2013)

Women on Front Lines of War:
I could go in several directions with my response and I definitely have concerns about this situation, but we must ask ourselves how this has come about. Could the feminist movement and humanism along with liberal, socialistic, and progressive thinking and actions have brought us to this place? Individuals and countries do reap what they so!  

My response would not fit in a feel good, seeker sensitive, purpose driven church, but we must examine ourselves. We cannot blame foolish decisions all on those that fit into the thinking and actions I have listed above. Much of the blame lies squarely on a divided, immature church that is not united in faith and is often more like the world than like Jesus. In other words, Christians have allowed many things to take place because we are not united in faith and have abdicated much of the responsibility God has assigned to us. Therefore we must have a remnant church that is true salt and light or more devilish storms yet not thought of in manner and degree are just up the road.

We Christians are in a war that not only requires women to be on the front lines but also requires boys and girls. Our war is a spiritual war against principalities and powers that are unseen. They are the forces behind the foolish and evil things we do see. 

Learn that spiritual warfare is real and things are not just going to work out in time unless we put on our armor, unite in true biblical unity and faith and follow the Spirit of our Lord into the real war that is behind natural wars. Victory is only in Jesus the Messiah! (1/25/2013)

Learn that spiritual warfare is real and things are not just going to work out in time unless we put on our armour, unite in true biblical unity and faith and follow the Spirit of our Lord into the real war that is behind natural wars. Victory is only in Jesus the Messiah! (1/25/2013)

There is a devil who comes to steal, kill and destroy (John 10:10) If one accepts everything as from God then there is nothing to resist. Submit to God and His plans; resist the devil and his plans (James 4:7). (1/25/2013)

I justify no one's right to be mean and have wrong or cruel intentions but many of those who by their
thoughts and/or words and actions with condemn those who expressed their freedom to meet in various state capitals today are the same ones who said nothing when the flash mobs gathered in various cities last year. It is also interesting that when some say or do certain things it is considered their freedom of speech and assembly but when others say or do certain things they are considered hateful and racist.  

Something is not right in our country! Our country needs healing and only the Lord Jesus can bring that healing. We need the Lord Jesus Christ! The true Spirit and character of Jesus Christ expressed in and through enough people is the only thing that is going to save the United States from eventual total collapse! May we have true restoration, revival and awakening. May the glory of the Lord fill our land by filling a faithful remnant of true followers of Christ with His Spirit and character. (1/19/2013)

Do you know why our Spirit-led Founding Fathers wrote the second amendment to our Godly Constitution? Do you really know why? Have you studied, meditated and prayed about it? (1/15/2013)