Saturday, December 5, 2009

True Unity or Needless Suffering

Jesus made it quite clear that, in this world, Christians will suffer persecution. In the Sermon on the Mount, He teaches us that those who suffer for righteousness’ sake are blessed. Christians have always been persecuted, and many are being martyred and tortured presently. Persecution is going to increase for Christians throughout the earth, including the United States, but we must come to understand that there is a huge difference in Christians suffering persecution for righteousness’ sake and suffering for disobedience or the refusal to unite in faith.

Throughout the earth, Christians are going to suffer needlessly because of their refusal to humble themselves, repent, become sanctified by truth, and unite in true faith. It will not matter whether their refusal is because of ignorance or stubbornness and pride. This needless suffering will happen in the universal Church, in local churches, and for individual Christians.

Is there time left to turn it around, and is there still hope that it can be turned around? Yes, God can still have places like Goshen, but the time is short! Individual Christians, local churches, and the universal Church must act quickly. Christians in local areas can become a protected people, not protected from persecution, but from needless suffering. They must examine themselves, make the necessary changes, and do so quickly. Christians must humble themselves, repent, become sanctified by truth, and unite in faith.

Christians must find and give heed to God’s true and mature prophets. Those who reject God's prophets and those who don’t believe there are still prophets sent by God are going to suffer the consequences in this life. They will give an account to Jesus Christ, not only for themselves, but also for those whom they led astray while on earth. There are, as there have always been, false prophets, but there are true and mature God-called and sent prophets. Find them, listen, and take action.

For those who will heed the warning, the result will be mature Christians who will stand together for and in Christ in local geographical areas throughout the earth. (I cannot over emphasize the need for Christians in local areas to unite in faith; there must be bastions for God all over this earth). Christians who heed and act will still face persecution but will triumph in Christ even unto death. They will fulfill Matthew 16:18; they will build and fight. They will be witnesses and soldiers of Jesus Christ and His kingdom even unto death. I again encourage you to listen intently and take notes from the message titled “Prayer Warfare.”

You have not seen anything yet! Will you help build a Church as pictured in Ephesians, or will you blindly go about doing the usual and step right into the middle of needless suffering? Will you take up the whole armor of God, join with other soldiers, and fight the good fight, or will you be devoured and defeated? Christians are being deceived by both good and bad things. Where are those who are wide awake and have their senses trained to discern?

Monday, October 26, 2009

The Great Need of the Hour

The Great Need
The great need of the hour, the great need of the time in which we live is the restoration of the Church of Jesus Christ. The greatest thing that can happen to any of us is to be born again so we can spend eternity with the Lord. In order for things to be put in their right perspective, however, we must understand the importance of the Church being and doing what Jesus has always intended for her.

If Jesus Christ had not come to earth or if He had come to the earth without fulfilling God’s will, we would be hopeless. He is God, and we are His Church, but we simply must come to understand the implications of being what He called and ordained the Church to be. It is in that spirit that I tell you the great need of the hour, the great need of our time is the restoration of the Church.

We have all heard the song that says “Let the Church be the Church.” Jesus Christ needs the Church to be the Church on the earth. He needs the Church to be what He has revealed her to be in His Word; He needs her to do what He has called her to do. Some Christians are falling away; even some in the Church are falling away. Many others are proudly and stubbornly stuck in a man-made religious rut, of which there are many.

I have been asking some questions recently to help awaken Christians and bring forth commitment. Here are some more questions. Where are you? Are you falling away? Are you stuck in a rut? Do you want to be what Jesus Christ wants you to be? Do you want to do what He wants you to do? Do you want to find and fulfill the purpose for which He created you?

Committed Disciples
It takes committed disciples to be and to do that which Jesus wants. Are you a committed disciple? Are you living daily as one who has denied self and taken up your cross to follow Jesus Christ? Do you understand that part of following Jesus is aligning yourself to be equipped by His true and mature ministers? Do you understand that part of following Jesus is becoming part of a local church that is being totally led by His Spirit and living only by His Word rightly divided?

Do you understand the seriousness of the need for the Church to be restored to Jesus Christ and His Word of truth without any part of man’s private interpretations and traditions? No, it is not going to be easy! It takes real commitment. Jesus was committed to making a way for us to be redeemed to the Father. He went to the cross! He has made His Spirit and His truth available to us. He does have true and mature ministers, including true and righteous prophets. They are committed to equipping committed disciples.

Jesus went to the cross, and He is asking you to take up your cross daily and follow Him. Who has the commitment to pay the price to follow Him? Who is committed to doing all you can to bring about the restoration of the Church? Will you find a true and mature minister, join with him, and help bring forth a Church that is in line with the glorious Church described in Ephesians 4:13-16 and Ephesians 5:26-27?

Prophetic Prayer
Our Father, we look to You. We trust You; we must obey You. There is no other way. Awaken us, O God. Awaken disciples throughout this earth. Speak to our hearts and minds. Help us lay aside every weight that has beset us, every weight that has prevented us from being what you would have us to be, and every weight that has prevented us from doing what you have called us to do. So much is at stake, Lord; lives are at stake. Eternity is at stake for many people! Have mercy, O God. Give us time.

We ask You to cast down the strongholds that have bound so many people in their minds and in their lives. We ask you to free people in the Church all over this earth from the religious ruts, the man-made teachings and traditions. Remove the pride and stubbornness; bring humility. Bring unity of faith.

Some have been hurt. They believe in You, but they don’t believe in the Church. Lord, forgive your people! Let a restored Church come forth on this earth. Let truth be ministered in love from that restored Church that will heal people’s memories of former pain and hurt, whether it is someone who was hurt in a Christian church, or a Muslim, or a Hindu, or a Jew, whoever it is with plenty of evidence to show how the Church has not been what she should be.

The unrestored Church has even given people a clouded picture of Jesus Christ. Lord, as I have looked at Jesus recently, He is amazing, and He reveals You and Your love and Your care. Let us understand You and awaken others to understand You. Give them time, O Lord. Show them Your love and compassion, and draw them to you. Speak to them in dreams, in circumstances, in visions. Send laborers, true laborers, to them. Heal their hurts.

Lord, this prayer is endless. We say, so be it, in Jesus name. Amen!

This message was taken from Jesus and Prayer, a three-part series that is available in audio MP3 format on our website. To listen to the series, click here:

Monday, September 14, 2009

Understanding Wheat and Tares

True Holiness versus Cheap Love and Grace
God desires a Holy Church. Scripture rightly divided reveals that not only is God holy, but He wants a holy people. He wants a people who are holy in all their conduct (1 Peter 1:13-16). Now, it is evident that some have tried to be holy by works of the flesh; legalism and religious spirits have had a "heyday" in parts of the Church. On the other hand, there are those who live carnal, sinful lives and change Scripture to justify their choices. They live and espouse a cheap love and grace.

In many places the pulpit has been taken over by carnal men and women who live deliberate sinful lifestyles and justify it by changing the meaning of Scripture. They are gaining many followers and are joining forces. In the past, some tried to hide their secret sins from most people, but now they are becoming more open and flagrant. Ministers and congregations are popping up all over the place that espouse and demonstrate a new way of living. They preach and talk about Jesus, love, justice, mercy, and grace while living like the world and proclaiming that heaven awaits them. They are deceived and are deceiving many others; it is a flagrant case of the blind leading the blind. God's Word warns that false teachers will lead many astray with their destructive heresies, and it is happening all around us.

Lack of Biblical Study
Second Timothy 2:15 in the Amplified Bible states: Study and be eager and do your utmost to present yourself to God approved (tested by trial), a workman who has no cause to be ashamed, correctly analyzing and accurately dividing [rightly handling and skillfully teaching] the Word of Truth. Sadly, few professing Christians, including those in ministry, personally study, correctly analyze, and accurately divide the Word of God enough to know truth from error or to discern good and evil. They are therefore easily deceived by every wind of doctrine and those ministers who, likewise, do not study, correctly analyze, and rightly divide Scripture. Those who do not know God’s Word become easy prey for false teaching, whether that teaching is done mistakenly by immature ministers or deliberately by false and carnal ministers.

Parable of Wheat and Tares
One of the many topics that is often wrongly taught is the parable of the wheat and tares. Immature ministers who don't know better and false ministers with deceitful and/or carnal motives have improperly trained church members about the parable of the wheat and tares, resulting in many professing Christians misinterpreting what Scripture teaches about wheat and tares. It begins by changing the meaning of one word in this parable. The error and the deception begin by stating that, in this parable, the field is the Church. From there, false teaching springs forth that is devastating to the holiness, purity, unity and maturity of the Church. Many doors are opened for accepting, hiding, or even justifying carnal and immoral behavior in ministers and church members.

Knowing Truth Sets Free
Those who continue in the Word will learn the truth about this parable. The field represents the world. In the world, there are both righteous sons of God and wicked sons of the evil one. The Church, on the other hand, is to be made up of disciples who have been crucified with Christ, have denied self and forsaken all to follow Him in the unity of faith with other true and like-minded disciples. Together, they are fulfilling God's will on earth and making themselves ready for the marriage of the Lamb. Always know and remember that there is a tremendous difference in wheat and tares making up the population of the world and wheat and tares making up the body of Christ. Many professing Christians, including some ministers, do not know the difference (Just as they don't know the difference in the Kingdom of God and the Church). Those ministers are not equipping the saints properly! The parable is about wheat and tares growing side by side in the world; it is not about wheat and tares growing side by side in the Church.

Jesus Christ is looking for a Church in His image. He is looking for a Church that has Christ formed within. He is looking for a Church that is mature, holy as He is holy, and unified in faith. He is not looking for a Church that is divided, immature, and fleshly in her conduct. He is not looking for a Church made up of wheat and tares. He is looking for a Church made up of obedient disciples who are going out into the world and ministering the gospel to the lost in the world. He is looking for disciples to be used of Him to witness truth that will turn the lost into good wheat. He is looking for a Church that is so formed in His image and so filled with His power that when the lost visit with them, they are transformed by the Spirit and presence of Christ. They come in lost and leave as wheat. They come in worldly and heavy laden and leave born again, Spirit filled, and singing the praises of God.

The Parable of the Wheat and the Tares
(Matthew 13) 24 Another parable He put forth to them, saying: “The kingdom of heaven is like a man who sowed good seed in his field; 25 but while men slept, his enemy came and sowed tares among the wheat and went his way. 26 But when the grain had sprouted and produced a crop, then the tares also appeared. 27 So the servants of the owner came and said to him, ‘Sir, did you not sow good seed in your field? How then does it have tares?’ 28 He said to them, ‘An enemy has done this.’ The servants said to him, ‘Do you want us then to go and gather them up?’ 29 But he said, ‘No, lest while you gather up the tares you also uproot the wheat with them. 30 Let both grow together until the harvest, and at the time of harvest I will say to the reapers, “First gather together the tares and bind them in bundles to burn them, but gather the wheat into my barn.”’”

The Parable Explained
36 Then Jesus sent the multitude away and went into the house. And His disciples came to Him, saying, “Explain to us the parable of the tares of the field.” 37 He answered and said to them: “He who sows the good seed is the Son of Man. 38 The field is the world, the good seeds are the sons of the kingdom, but the tares are the sons of the wicked. 39 The enemy who sowed them is the devil, the harvest is the end of the age, and the reapers are the angels. 40 Therefore as the tares are gathered and burned in the fire, so it will be at the end of this age. 41 The Son of Man will send out His angels, and they will gather out of His kingdom all things that offend, and those who practice lawlessness, 42 and will cast them into the furnace of fire. There will be wailing and gnashing of teeth. 43 Then the righteous will shine forth as the sun in the kingdom of their Father. He who has ears to hear, let him hear!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Trumpets of Truth

Drawing a Crowd
In too many parts of the modern-day Church, it doesn't take truth to draw a crowd. It only takes curious people seeking things like personal fulfillment, personality, religious tradition, entertainment and teachings that they personally agree with and/or makes them feel good and at ease. Human nature causes people to be easily drawn to various personalities and speakers who make them feel good or who express like-minded opinions about Scripture and things of life, including politics.

There are many preachers who are prepared and more than ready and willing to give people what they want. They are controlled more by human nature than the Spirit of God. Therefore they offer whatever it takes to draw you or a crowd within the context of their religious traditions and private interpretations. They can speak the needed religious language, and already have in place what you are interested in or will let you start something in line with your personal interest. They will put natural leaders in charge and offer willing followers many opportunities to choose from. They have something for everyone or will soon make it available.

They are quite adept at offering entertainment and personal opinions rather than pure truth. When they do refer to Scripture, they often water it down or interpret it to make it fit into an acceptable modern context that makes enough of those listening feel comfortably at ease. After all, they want people to choose or continue choosing their particular church as their church home.

Giving an Account
There will be a day when all people give an account for how they handled the Word of God. In that day ministers will give a greater account. Therefore, all ministers should move with fear and trembling in how and what they preach and teach. Many ministers will say, "Lord, Lord ...," but a loving Jesus Christ will say, "Depart from me ..." They will depart because they did not handle the Word of God properly and, thereby, misled many people.

Ministers Who are Trumpets of Truth
The Church needs ministers who are "Trumpets of Truth." The eyes of the Lord are looking throughout the earth for ministers who are loyal to Him. These ministers will preach and rightly divide the Word whether people are ready for it or not.

The eyes of the Lord are not only looking for ministers who are true to Him and His Word of truth, He is looking for people who are hungering for truth. He is looking throughout the earth for true disciples who will be drawn by His Spirit to the ministers who are trumpeting pure and unadulterated truth. He is looking for disciples who have forsaken the private interpretations and traditions of men that have infiltrated the Church and are hungry for the Lord and His Word of truth.

These disciples will not turn away from the hard sayings that go against the grain of their previous traditions, interpretations, and opinions. Instead, they will seek out, find and listen to those ministers whom the Holy Spirit has trained and sent to equip His saints for the work of the ministry. They will rejoice at finding truth; they will take their Spirit led place in a local Church where they can help fulfill God's will and purposes.

Distance will not matter! They will willingly travel and joyfully submit themselves to being equipped for the work of the ministry. A minister who is a trumpet of truth will equip them to becoming disciples who are "trumpets of truth." They will be filled with the Spirit and will continue in the Word until they know truth, proving that they are true disciples of Jesus Christ. They will be part of a local church that moves them on the path of maturity and the true unity of faith.

Many say that only a few will remain faithful to Jesus Christ and His truth as time on earth moves toward the return of the Lord. Whether the number is few or many, the faithful remnant will be one that is made up of true and mature ministers who preach and teach only truth and true disciples who have been set apart to God by being washed in truth.

There will be a faithful remnant on the earth prior to the Lord's return that fulfills the description of the Church given in Ephesians 4: 11-16 and Ephesians 5: 26, 27. Those who desire to be part of that glorious Church will yield all to the Holy Spirit. They will seek out and find ministers who are "Trumpets of Truth" and they themselves will become disciples who are "Trumpets of Truth!"

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Study and Rightly Divide the Bible

Neglect of the Word
Most Christians have never developed a discipline of Bible study. Few Christians, including ministers, read and/or study the Bible through on a regular basis. Of those who do profess to study Scripture, most do so from a perspective of private interpretations and traditions of men. Rather than allowing the Holy Spirit to speak truth to them, they read into the Word their preconceived interpretations.

This rampant neglect of true disciplined study of God's Word of truth has produced a Church which is biblically illiterate and full of internal problems. Yes, most internal problems within the Church can be traced to a neglect of knowing and living by the Word. Christians just do not know the Bible. Therefore they are unable to rightly divide Scripture. They are unable to discern between good and evil.

Two of our major internal problems are immaturity and division. We can not unite in faith because we are divided into so many sects. Things have been this way for so long that most Christians do not know of or expect anything else or different.

Let's Go On To Maturity
The Holy Spirt through the writer of Hebrews not only defines the problem but gives the solution (Hebrews 5:12-6:2). The problem was that those who should be teaching and helping others grow to maturity in Christ were still babies themselves. The solution was to study the six basic biblical doctrines until they were firmly established in them and then to go on to maturity.

All new disciples should quickly be taught the six basic doctrines found in Hebrews 6:1-2. Make sure that you and your family know them backwards and forwards. They are (1) repentance from dead works, (2) faith toward God, (3) the doctrine of baptisms-note baptisms is plural, (4) the laying on of hands, (5) the resurrection of the dead, and (6) eternal judgment. These are the elementary or milk doctrines. No one can or will ever go on to full maturity in Christ and His Word without being thoroughly trained in these milk doctrines. No one will ever have their senses fully trained to discern both good and evil without first being grounded in these six doctrines (see Hebrews 5:12-14).

Become Humble, Teachable and Discerning
Stay humble and teachable, but be careful of who you learn from. Always check out everything anyone says with the Word. I often tell people to check out everything I say with the Word, and to do so with all people including ministers. Always require chapter and verse, chapter and verse in context and rightly divided. No private interpretations and traditions of men are allowed; they are off limits.

Everyone really needs to become a student of the Word. Make it a normal part of your life to study through the Bible on a regular basis. Let the Holy Spirit teach you and never read into the Word. What do I mean by never reading into the Word? I mean that as you study the Word do not make it say in any shape or form what you or others want it to say. I mean do not ever read any private interpretation into the Word. There is no place for personal opinions, personal preferences or private interpretations. Those are three of the major culprits that have caused the Church to be divided in to so many parts rather than being sanctified by truth and united in faith (see John 17:17, 20-22 and Ephesians 5:26, 27).

It is alright to read study books and have Bibles with notes, but be careful of the notes. For one example, there is a reason that there is a Bible called "Scofield's Bible." It has Scofield's notes, and many people end up believing and teaching what Scofield said rather than believing and teaching what the Bible said. This principle is true for every Bible with notes. The notes may be helpful, but know Jesus Christ and His Word so that you can discern the notes.

My heart grieves because Christians have not usually been trained properly after being born again and baptized in the Holy Spirit. They are really born again and really Spirit filled and then are taught mixture of truth and personal opinions, personal preferences and private interpretations which stymies and hinders their growth, prevents maturity and causes division rather than unity of faith. These are a few reasons why the Church as a whole needs restoration. Thank God for Luther, Wesley and others, but full restoration requires going not back to them, but back to Jesus Christ and His Word.

The Bible has all the revelation we need; we just need the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him and His Word. The restored Church will train new disciples correctly from the very beginning and they will mature quickly. The result will be a Church as pictured in Ephesians 4:11-16 and 5:26, 27.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Unity or Division

God Desires Unity
It is the desire and will of God that His family live on earth in unity with Him and with each other. This was strong in the heart and mind of Jesus just prior to the cross. It is a theme that runs from the beginning until the end of the Bible. God is God and He wants a family that is united in faith. This is and has always been very important to God; it must become important to His earthly family, the body of Christ.

The Devil Hates Unity
The devil works to prevent unity from developing, and to destroy it wherever it may have taken place. He fears Jesus Christ and he fears a unified body of Christ. Since the birth of the Church the devil and his forces has seldom had to deal with a Church that is united in faith under her head Jesus Christ. When this ever takes place, he will experience the full realization and impact of what Jesus meant when He said that “He would build His Church and the gates of hell would not prevail against it.” Therefore he, the devil, works overtime to prevent true and lasting unity in the Church.

Modern Sectarianism
Regardless of how it would be described by different people, we have a problem of rampant sectarianism in the modern Church. We do not have widespread unity with God and with each other, instead we have ungodly division. In some places it is open and extreme, in some places it is hidden, and in other places it is small but in every case it is not of God. It opposes God’s kingdom and God’s will by greatly hindering the Church from seeking God’s kingdom and fulfilling His will on earth.

To what ever degree sectarianism is at work, it is an enemy of our Lord’s high priestly prayer found in John 17 and it is a devilish hindrance not only to the building of the Church but to the work of the Church. All of our good and commendable works can not make up for and cover this sin. The Church at Ephesus was greatly commended by our Lord but…

Self Defense or Honesty
Many Christians would look at a definition of the word sectarian and quickly go on the defense by saying that their group is not parochial nor is it a bigoted, narrow minded sect. But when they take an honest look at the Church beyond their group they will have to acknowledge that the Church is divided rather that united regardless of the words they might choose to describe it. Some can’t take an honest look because they think that the church they belong to is the Church. Some are very open about this and others are more subtle, but in each case the thought process exist. Until these and other walls are taken down the Church will never work together to accomplish and complete God’s will for her on earth. Until we work together we are not going to be victorious in the full sense intended by God. We need honest and true self examination and not self defense.

Until eyes and ears are opened by the Holy Spirit, most of those who might even acknowledge the problem would react by declaring that it will not be resolved until Jesus returns and then they would go about life as usual. How sad! That mindset surely saddens God's heart; it most definitely makes the devil happy.

I believe that there will be a remnant Church all over this earth that is mature in Christ and is united in faith. I believe that it will happen before our Lord’s return. If it doesn’t happen before His return then the gates of hell will prevail needlessly and the work and witness of the Church will suffer greatly. Eternal lives are at stake! Let's allow the Holy Spirit to unite us in faith by sanctifying us with truth (John 17:17; 20-26)

The eyes of the Lord are looking for those who will fully surrender to the Spirit of God. He is looking for those with open eyes and ears that will allow Him to wash and sanctify them with truth. At some time He will find what He is looking for. There will be a people of God, made up of believing Jews and Gentiles, all over this earth, who will humble themselves, pray, seek God and turn from their wicked ways which includes any and all satanic division. They will unify in faith with God and with each other.

Will you be among those who unify in faith? Will you even take the lead? If this is your desire, then still yourself before God and allow His Spirit to begin opening your eyes and ears. Allow Him to speak God’s concern about division in the Church and His desire for unity in the Church into your mind and heart? Stay humble and teachable and He will cause you to become sanctified by truth. Study 1 Corinthians 3 until the revelation found within becomes alive, relevant and current to you. The Lord bless, keep and unify His body.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Spiritual Deliverance: A Free Mind and Heart

“The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly.” (John 10:10)

This Scripture is a very important one; it has even been said that it is a dividing line in Scripture. On the one hand it reveals what the devil wants to do to people and on the other hand it reveals what God desires to do for people.

Demonic Strongholds
The devil works to establish demonic strongholds in the minds of people, including Christians. He wants to close off the minds and hearts of people to God. If he can do so then he can further accomplish his works of stealing, killing and destroying.

I am going to expose four of the demonic strongholds that he works to establish especially in the minds of Christians. You might be surprised that he has been at work in your mind and/or in the minds of some who are close to you. Almost everyone that can read knows that they can go to a dictionary and find the definitions for unforgiveness, anger, bitterness and resentment but few know that each of these can become demonic strongholds in the minds of people, even Christians.

The devil looks for any opening to attack the children of God. He is constantly sending fiery darts toward them. One of his favorite targets is the mind of believers. When you realize what he is doing, then you begin to understand why many say that “the battle is in the mind.” The devil works to attack and create chaos in the minds of God’s people. He wants to take away their peace and rest. He knows that Scripture says that “You will keep him in perfect peace, Whose mind is stayed on You.” He wants to steal, kill and destroy your peace. He wants to distract you and get your mind off of the Lord. If he can do so then he can hinder your fellowship with the Lord, your ability to edify your brothers and sisters in Christ, and your witness to the lost.

Freedom in Christ
Jesus came to set the captives free. He came to give life and life more abundantly; He came to give peace that surpasses understanding. He is your victory! Look to Him to set you free. He wants you to have a free mind and heart. The Word of God teaches us to submit to God and resist the devil and he will flee (James 4:7).

Christians are in a spiritual war that will continue until Jesus returns. There is a reason why we must be vigilant and always keep our spiritual armor on. If you have let down your guard at some point and a fiery dart or darts has gotten through to your mind, then pray to God to deliver you. Some may also need to seek out a minister who will help them find freedom in Christ. God made us to need each other and he has given ministry gifts to pray and help in time of need.

Father, Your Word teaches us that salvation includes not only our sins being forgiven, but healing, provision and deliverance. I pray that if anyone reading this has been under attack by the devil and his demonic forces that in Jesus Christ they will be set free. I specifically command the strongholds of unforgiveness, anger, bitterness and resentment be cast down. Your Word promises us that our weapons are mighty to the pulling down of strongholds. We are to overcome the devil and his works by the blood of the Lamb and the word of our testimony. Your Word teaches us to submit to you and resist the devil and he will flee.

Father we submit to you! Devil, in the name of Jesus we resist you and your demons of unforgiveness, anger, bitterness and resentment. These people belong to God; they have been bought with the price of our Lord’s precious blood. You have no more right to their minds or their lives. They and their mind belong to the Lord Jesus. Be gone in the name of Jesus.

Thank you Father in the name of Jesus, Amen

Now give thanksgiving and praise to God and walk forward in the victory purchased by Jesus on the cross. Be careful of making room for the devil. Always forgive everyone without their asking or their changing. Regardless of its degree, never let the sun go down on your anger (Ephesians 4:26). Get before God and release everything to Him. He will give you peace in your mind and heart and bitterness and resentment will not be able to find a way into your life. Keep on the armor. There is a reason for the helmet of salvation and the shield of faith as well as for all the armor given us by our Lord.

In Christ Jesus you are an over comer; you can have a free mind and heart. I have emphasized unforgiveness, anger, bitterness and resentment in this message, but what ever your battle involves there is victory for you in Christ Jesus. Many are dealing with fear, discouragement, worry, fretfulness, anxiety and stress, etc. Seek Freedom! Remember “Thanks be to God who gives you the victory in Jesus Christ Your Savior and Lord” (1 Corinthians 15:57).

Friday, August 21, 2009

Circumstances and Trust

Approaching Circumstances

Recently upon returning from an out of town trip I was seeking God about what to put on our Church sign. What I heard in my spirit was that “fast approaching circumstances will reveal who has put their trust in God.” There will be personal, family, local, national and international circumstances that will soon occur and each situation will reveal who has put their trust in God. Some of the circumstances will be small and some will be large, but in either case you will be tested as to whether you fully trust God or not!

Loyal Disciples

Scripture teaches us that the eyes of the Lord look to and fro throughout the earth for those who are loyal to Him. One major test of our loyalty to God is whether or not we really trust Him. It is very important to God that not only do His children trust Him in all things, but they trust Him fully.

Do you trust God? It is quick and easy as well as spiritually correct to say that you do. Most Christians would give specific examples of when and how they got through situations with the help of God. But the question remains, do you trust God? Do you really trust God?

Examine Yourself

Have you ever examined your self to see if you trust God or to discern the depth of your trust in Him? Now is a good time to do so. Study what Scripture has to say about trust in God and study those in Scripture who put their trust in Him. If you see that you come up short, call out to God to teach you to rely on Him.


Most of us, if honest with ourselves and with God, will admit that we need not only to grow in our trust, but to learn more about trust in God. Now is a good time to begin afresh and anew. Commit yourself to seeking God in prayer and in His Word. Tell Him that you want to abide in the Vine. Tell Him that you want to abide in Christ continually and that you want His Words to abide in you (John 15:1-7). Make sure that you are continuously full of the Spirit and are always led by the Spirit.

Note: Some Christians are so busy with life and church activities that they have little real time for prayer and the Word. They run from meeting to meeting and if opportunity presents itself can quickly teach or discuss with enthusiasm certain teachings, but they are more hyped up by sugar drinks, fleshly zeal, etc. than filled with the Spirit. If they study the whole Bible, they usually read their preconceived and predetermined thoughts into Scripture. If honest, usually their prayer life suffers.

Join with other disciples who have forsaken all to follow Christ and to trust Him. God loves you as an individual, but has always viewed you as part of His body. It will take unity, true unity of faith, to victoriously face the things ahead.

God is calling His people to unite in faith and to draw near to Him. The circumstances ahead will test your trust and your unity of faith with fellow disciples. As a messenger of God I encourage you to “be prepared.” Seek God until you can truly say that you trust in Him with all your heart (Proverbs 3:5).

Monday, July 20, 2009

Restoring the New Testament Gospel

A Cry of the Spirit
My heart cries out for disciples with eyes to see and ears to hear. My discernment tells me that most of those presently visiting our web sites could be described as spiritual web surfers rather than true seekers of God and His truth. If that offends you, then so be it. Maybe it will cause you to wake up! All Christians presently living were born again and/or Spirit filled during a time when most of the Church is in desperate need of restoration. That does not mean that you were not born again or Spirit filled, but it does mean that your walk with the Lord was hindered from the beginning.

For most modern-day Christians, there is a great lesson to be learned from a serious study and personal application of the words found in Hebrews 5:12-6:2. Most members of the Church, including ministers, are in need of learning the basics of God’s Word and going on to maturity. I have given many warnings about what is ahead if enough mature Christians do not come forth, united in faith, following Jesus.

Restoration, Revival and Awakening
The three words Restoration, Revival, and Awakening were given to me by the Spirit of God many years ago. The need for restoration, revival, and awakening grows greater each and every day. We desperately need a faithful remnant of disciples who will fully return to Jesus Christ and His biblical truth. They must be fully revived; they must be awakened from their spiritual slumber never to sleep spiritually again. They must go forward to fulfill all that Jesus envisioned when He said that He would build His Church.

One of the greatest needs to accomplish the above is the restoration of the New Testament gospel. The devil is sly and deceptive. He has caused most of the Church to accept as truth his doctrines and traditions. This acceptance may vary in degree from church to church, but is nevertheless a great hindrance because a little of the devil’s doctrines and traditions leavens the whole lump.

What is the New Testament Gospel?
The Apostle Paul gives insight to the New Testament gospel in the last chapter of Acts. As a matter of fact, he gives it two times. In verse 23 we learn that he explained and solemnly testified of the kingdom of God, persuading them concerning Jesus from both the Law of Moses and the Prophets. In the last verse, we learn that he preached to all who came to him the kingdom of God and taught them the things concerning the Lord Jesus Christ.

The New Testament gospel has two parts. Those two parts must be ministered in truth and in entirety. The New Testament gospel is incomplete without either of the parts. An incomplete gospel produces incomplete Christians.

We must preach and teach about Jesus Christ and about His kingdom. We must preach and teach about Jesus Christ, and we must preach and teach what He preached and taught. Mark 1:1 reads: The beginning of the gospel of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. Matthew 4:23 teaches us that Jesus went about teaching and preaching the gospel of the kingdom.

The devil, in his slyness and deception, has deleted and/or modified the message of Jesus Christ and His kingdom. Be warned that you will meet resistance in the Church and in the world as you return to the truth of the New Testament gospel.

Are there any who will study to show themselves approved, and become among the few who will, as Paul did, teach and persuade all who come their way about Jesus Christ and His kingdom? Will you be among the faithful who put their hands to the plow and do not look back? If so, then you can be used of God to help bring forth true restoration, revival and awakening to the Church. Heaven waits and looks for the faithful!

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Choose Your Future

God speaks warnings through His prophets
Amos 3:7 teaches us that God does nothing unless He reveals His secrets to His servants the prophets. A close study of Amos reveals that this applies to God giving warnings to His people through His prophets.

There are those who don’t believe God has prophets anymore. They are biblically illiterate about this topic so please don’t let them deceive you. Hopefully they will wake up in time, but remember that the time is short. Those who don’t believe in prophets often chase unbiblical and ungodly warnings. Unless they repent and open their spiritual eyes and ears they will not be alert to true God given warnings. Pray that their spiritual eyes and ears will be opened.

Things ahead
One of two things is ahead for each of you who profess to be a Christian. You will be part of modern status quo Christianity or you will forsake all to follow Christ and help fulfill His biblical purposes for His Church. If you choose to maintain the status quo, you will be judged accordingly. If you choose to follow Jesus Christ and help fulfill His purposes for His Church, you will be in the fight of your life but will be greatly rewarded.

Status quo Christians are going to reap what they have sown and will not be properly prepared for the attacks that are coming. Disciples who forsake all to follow Christ Jesus will suffer persecution but will be “Victors in Christ.”

Choose your path
Choose you this day which path you are going to follow!

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Blind Christians

American Christians Repent Quickly or Lose Your Freedoms
What would be your reaction or response if you read the words above on a sign outside a church building that you drive by on a regular basis? You would be in the minority if you even read it, and you would be in a smaller minority if you really heard its message. Why? Most Christians have vision and hearing problems!

The Bible teaches us that Satan, the god of this age, blinds the minds of people. Most church members have been taught and conditioned to think that this applies only to the lost. It is true that the lost are blind, but it is also true that Satan has blinded and/or hindered the spiritual vision of multitudes of professing Christians. To whatever degree one’s mind is blinded their ability to spiritually see and hear is distorted. This distortion affects all that they do.

Two Groups of Christians
Most present-day Christians fall into one of two groups. They are either complacent, or they are extremely active. The complacent go through their regular routines, and the extremely active work their fingers to the bone. Both groups have been blinded by Satan.

My reason for writing this is to expose the problem and to look for those who will wake out of their spiritual slumber. My discernment says that few will give it much heed. Most of the complacent will continue their settled routines; the active will continue grinding away, feeling more justified than ever while being annoyed that anyone would question their motives, if they even took the time to read what I’ve written.

Back to the Church Sign
It is true that American Christians are going to lose their freedoms if they don’t repent quickly. It is a shame that God’s people, for the most part, have always had to learn the hard way. But just maybe, a faithful few will see and hear the warning and get in the gap and help turn things around before it is too late. If not, there will be a lot of complacent and active Christians digging ditches in the near future. Maybe then some of both groups will wake up. More than likely, however, many of the complacent will just find a comfortable routine, and the active will be zealously digging with what is left of their fingers.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

The Work of a True Prophet

“A prophet with strong words and a carnal lifestyle is no prophet of God. A prophet with strong words and a calloused heart is no prophet of God. A prophet who speaks cheap grace and cries easily is no prophet of God. True prophets of God will be spiritually mature, speak strong words, and have a crying heart.”

Two key issues
First of all we must address a couple of key issues. First, there are those in the modern Church that deny prophets exist anymore. Those who make these denials are misguided and are misguiding anyone that listens to them. It is not just a matter of opinion; it is a matter of biblical truth and man’s additions and subtractions from God’s Word of truth. Those who make these denials are presently greatly hindering the maturity and work of the body of Christ and in the future will give an account to the Lord Himself. The Lord who sends prophets to do His work is not pleased with those who deny the existence of those He sends. He is not pleased that they are personally not acknowledging, recognizing and listening to those He sends, and He is not pleased that they are hindering others from doing the same. Those being hindered don’t have a clue!

Secondly, where prophets are recognized as existing today there are many false and carnal prophets doing great damage to the Church. They tickle people’s ears and fleece them for all they can get. They make up words from their own imaginations and speak things that are not from God. They talk about new things and they cause people to selfishly think about their personal destinies rather than denying self, forsaking all and following Jesus. At the surface or just below the surface anyone with true discernment can always see pride and haughtiness in these strutting peacocks. They not only bring words of their own making, they take truth and dabble it with leaven. A little dab of leaven will make the truth of no real effect. God is definitely not pleased with these people and He is not pleased that they are great stumbling blocks to His Church. They cause many in the Church to go in the wrong direction and the people of the Church like it so.

Truth concerning the existence of prophets
There are true prophets of God in our day. There may not be as many as some think, but there are true prophets. What does not exist today are founding prophets, but prophets exist along with the other ministry gifts listed in Ephesians 4:11. They are here to do their God assigned part in the equipping of the body of Christ. The body of Christ or any part of the body of Christ will never be complete without the work of our Lord’s true prophets.

What is the work of God’s prophets?
First let’s address what they don’t do. In brief, true and mature prophets do not give new revelations; they do not bring new words that are equal to or beyond Scripture. That is left to the false prophets to do and claim. They are not concerned about themselves and what they can get out of life; they are concerned about God, His people and His kingdom. They do not fleece the people and lead them astray; they do not cause the people to selfishly seek things and selfishly focus on their own destinies.

What do true and mature prophets do? True and mature prophets help equip the saints for the work of the Lord’s ministry. They speak words that will open people’s understanding and reveal to them what is already written in Scripture. They may give insights and/or warnings from God about the future, but they are strongly focused on the here and now. They speak from the Word what God is emphasizing at a particular time and/or place.

Study the prophets of the old and new covenants and you will gain many insights. For example, the call of God to Jeremiah reveals things that are needed today. We need prophets who will root out, pull down, destroy and throw down what is not of God, especially in the Church. We need prophets that will build and plant what is of God, especially in the Church.

I have for years been saying that all true and mature prophets will be calling the Church to repentance. Along with that they are calling the Church to maturity in Christ and to the unity of faith with each other; they are calling the Church to return to the Lord and His Word. They are calling the Church to seek God’s kingdom and His righteousness. They are calling for true purity of heart and holiness. They are calling the body of Christ to war, to put on her armor and fight the good fight of faith. Most important of all they are calling the body of Christ to truly love and worship God.

There are other things that true prophets do, but if you have ears to hear and eyes to see, and you can free yourself from the effects of modern churchanity you will be able to begin identifying true prophets. They may not presently be in your local Church and or denomination. Be loyal to where God places you, but realize that all of the Church is His and most of it needs to be restored. He is sending prophets to restore all of His Church that will listen and obey. You want sinners to look beyond where they are; God wants the same of you! Selah.

Monday, June 29, 2009

Love and Worship God

A Call to Love and Worship God
The following is more than an individual message or written copy of a verbal message. It is a call to return to your first love; it is a call to love and worship God. All present day Christians became so during a time when most of the Church is in need of restoration. Therefore, one can be born again and not Spirit filled; one can faithfully attend for a life time a local church that mixes God’s truth with man’s ideas and traditions, and one can do good and great works in the Church without really loving and worshipping God.

Many years ago the Holy Spirit spoke the words “Restoration, Revival and Awakening” into my heart and mind. My heart yearns to see the Church or a portion of the Church-what I call a “Faithful Remnant” yield to the Spirit of God and unite in faith to be and do all that Jesus intended when He said I will build my Church.

Over the years the Lord has revealed from His Word steps that are necessary for restoring the Church. For example, the Church needs the real power of the Lord, but the Spirit of God made it clear to me that God will only trust the fullness of His power where there is the life and character of the Lord Jesus Christ. He made it clear to me that one true disciple can do great and mighty things for Him, but to fully accomplish His will and purposes there must be a faithful Church throughout this earth working in the unity of faith.

There are many other things that He has revealed to me, but none greater than what I am sharing with you now. In my search for what will bring restoration, revival and awakening the Spirit of God has brought me to love and worship. O, I have been here before, but today I am writing about a revelation of true love and worship. In my search, it is the “Mother Lode”. There is nothing else to search for; one just goes deeper and deeper in the vein of love and worship and all else falls into place. All else is revealed; all else is discovered!

Cry out for Wisdom and Revelation
Who has eyes to see? Who has ears to hear? Who will forsake all to love and worship God? A 20th century prophet said, “The gospel as preached by good men in our time may save souls, but it does not create worshipers.” Our church sign presently reads Good Music and Singing Have Replaced True Worship in Most of the Church. I beseech you to ask the Spirit of God to give you wisdom and revelation concerning the love and worship of God. Seek God, and seek to love Him with all your heart, soul, mind and strength. Ask the Holy Spirit to reveal to you what Jesus meant when He said that the Father is seeking those who will worship Him in spirit and truth.

Learning from the Church at Ephesus
Learn the lesson from the Church at Ephesus. This Church had been given such a revelation of Jesus Christ and His Church. A true understanding of the book of Ephesians would correct many of the mistaken and false teachings in the Church today. It would bring order out of chaos. It would shut down a lot of the business and activities and bring quiet and calm. It would bring a real sense of the presence of God.

The book of Ephesians reveals one body made up of believing Jews and Gentiles, united in faith under their one Head Jesus Christ. It reveals a glorious Church glorifying God. It reveals a victorious Church. And yet it is the first Church corrected in the book of Revelation. In a few short years after receiving a wonderful and great revelation, this Church fell from her first love. She had fallen from the true love and worship of God. O, how busy she was with good works. Churches like the Church at Ephesus are highlighted to the world in our day. They are recognized for their many works. Their members toil long and hard while the Spirit of God is calling them to return to their first love.

Responding to the Call
The eyes of the Lord are looking for those who will love and worship God. Does the Spirit of God have your attention? Do you know that He is speaking to you? Will you respond to the call? If so, make a choice; make a decision to forsake all to love and worship God.

Begin now setting aside the weights that have so easily beset you. Those weights are often good works and activities. Yes, we are to show our faith by our works, but just as we are to wait for the promise of the Father before witnessing, we are to wait on God before anything else. We are to love and worship God every day of the week. Many misguided Christians do what they call worship at set times of the week and then work their fingers to the bones for the Lord the rest of the week. Become one that seeks God early in the morning and throughout the day; become one who worships not in Samaria or Jerusalem but worships the Father in spirit and truth. Heaven waits!

Monday, June 22, 2009

Full of Faith and Power

The Truth about America and Change
Recently, I heard a song that over and over repeated the words “We pray for you America”. My immediate thoughts were that those singing the song either assumed that the Church in America was just fine or else they were blind to the real condition of the Church in America. After singing the words “We pray for you America” they would add something. The last thing I remember being added was about change-We pray for you America for change!

Change can be either good or bad. Change can be either godly or ungodly. If change is not godly, it is not good. Godly change in America will only come if and when the Church in America makes “Godly Changes”. America is on a path towards chaos and destruction. All Americans who profess to be Christian should want and pray for America to be saved from chaos and destruction. All Christians in America must receive the truth that only the Church in America can save America. If America is to be saved, it will be by the Church. It is by the Church becoming all that God wants her to be. It is by the Church having Christ formed within her. It is by each member of the Church having Christ formed within them.

To have Christ formed within is to be “Full of faith and Power’. Men, it is time! It is time for all men in the Church to be filled with faith and power. Women, it is time! It is time to complement the men in the Church. You can only do that if you are filled with faith and power. A Church filled with faith and power will be the salt and light necessary to bring the needed change to America. Quit focusing on getting out of a mess you have helped create and become a witness that does what Jesus Christ wants of His Church. The return of Jesus Christ is our hope, but when He comes let Him find a Church that is filled with faith and power.

Mankind’s Replacements
In the world, mankind denies the true God. In the Church, mankind often changes and replaces the things and ways of God. Man's various doctrines, ideas, beliefs and traditions have either replaced or have been mixed with God's truth and ways. For example, all too often the Baptist way, the Methodist way, the Pentecostal way, the Catholic way, the Charismatic way, the Non-Denominational way or the House Church way has replaced and is preferred over God's Way.

In the Church at Ephesus good works replaced the love and worship of the Lord. In today’s Church good works have also often replaced the love of the Lord; good works have replaced true biblical discipleship. In today’s Church good music and singing have replaced true worship. In today’s Church faith and power have often been set aside as something of the past only. In today’s Church faith and power have been taught incorrectly and have been misused in practice and experience.

Where is the Real?
Discerning and defining all of mankind’s replacements in the Church raises the question of where is the real. The real will be wherever an individual forsakes all that mankind has added to the Church. The real will be wherever an individual recovers all that mankind has subtracted from the Church. The real will be where an individual forsakes all that the world offers, denies self, takes up his or her cross and follows Christ Jesus to be a witness to that same world. The real is a purged witness who says to the Lord, Here am I! Send me (Isaiah 6:5-8).

Full of Faith
To be filled with faith is to be filled with God’s word of truth. It is to hide God’s word in your heart and to meditate on His truth day and night. It is to be sanctified by His truth until you are set apart to God and His word. It is to be able to say God’s word within me is like fire shut up in my bones.

Full of Power
To be full of power is to be filled with the Holy Spirit. Jesus the Christ told His first disciples to wait in Jerusalem and they would receive power when the Holy Spirit came upon them (Acts 1:4, 8). Stephen is an example of one who was filled with faith and power (Acts 6:5; 8-10).

In Matthew 3:11 we read that John the Baptist said that Jesus would baptize His disciples with the Holy Spirit and fire. In Matthew 7:24-27 Jesus teaches us that we must build our lives upon His words. Prophetically, I tell you that rains, floods and winds are ahead. Gear up!

Biblically, a normal disciple is one that is full of faith and power. Be restored to that state! Rearrange your spiritual priorities. Renew your mind. Remember that a part of the Church has falsely believed and taught that certain things have passed away. In essence they have said that faith and power is not for now or they have limited faith and power. Another part of the Church has abused and misused faith and power. Remember these things, but above all remember that there is the real.

There is real faith and power! You can be one who is full of faith and power. Hunger for God; seek Him. Seek Him in prayer, fasting and in His word of truth. Surrender all to Him. Be about His business, but know that His work can only be accomplished by His means. He has told us what to do, and He has said have faith in Him and be filled with His Spirit. Ask and receive. Be Full of Faith and Power.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Warning To the Church in America

The word below is a warning and a call to repentance to the Church in America. God knows, and I know, that there are true ministers and true disciples in America. God knows, and I know, that there are many carnal and/or false ministers and church members in America. God knows, and I know, that if there is not true repentance, severe judgment is ahead.

To the Straying Church
You have wandered far from God and His word of truth! You are weak, anemic, and blind to your condition. You are heading down paths of your own making, and destruction is ahead, destruction for you and for the country that so needs true salt and light. You are tossed to and fro by every wind of doctrine, spread by carnal and satanically placed ministers. You have forsaken Jesus Christ, His Spirit, and His truth to follow another Jesus, another spirit, and another gospel.

Rather than denying self, you are the epitome of selfishness. Rather than taking up your cross, you are looking for the easy way. Rather than forsaking all, you are grabbing all that you can get. Rather than following Jesus you are following the flesh. Rather than living by truth you are chasing winds of doctrine. Rather than uniting in faith as one body with one Lord you are polarized by your divisiveness. Rather than being sanctified by truth, you have divided into groups that follow their own teachings and traditions. Rather than being salt and light, it is hard to distinguish you from the world around you. Rather than being a mighty army that pulls down strongholds, an army against which no weapon prospers, you are powerless against the demonic forces that have been leashed against you and your country. Rather than listening to the true prophets that God has sent to call you to repentance, you have rejected and ignored them and have followed immature, carnal, or even satanically inspired ministers. Rather than having true restoration, revival, and awakening, you birth and publicize counterfeit moves over and over again. Rather than producing strong and mature disciples of Jesus Christ, you take those who experience a true birth in Christ and make them into your own image. You even take in members who don’t even know Jesus Christ.

To Those with Ears to Hear
If you are being convicted by the Spirit of God and will humble yourself, repent, turn from your wicked ways, and call out to God, He will hear you. You must surrender fully to God and sanctify yourself with the washing of water by the Word. He will restore you and will draw you close to Himself. If you will follow His Spirit, He will join you with faithful disciples. He will lead you to true and mature ministers who will equip you for the work of the ministry. I repeat: you must surrender fully to God and sanctify yourself with the washing of water by the Word.

To True God-Called Ministers
Some of you have been stymied by those who trained you and/or by the type of church that you have been a part of. God is calling you to free yourself from anything and everything that has encumbered you. It will not be easy, but the results will glorify God. Become sanctified by truth and minister all of the truth. It will bring persecution from within and from without the Church. Some of you will be driven out by their church, but God will care for you and your family. Others are trying to be loyal to God and His Word and are experiencing rejection and tremendous warfare. Stay true to God and His word until the end. Never compare yourself with others or their outward results. Your rewards will be at the judgment seat of Christ. Keep your focus! Keep your eyes fixed on the Lord.

To True Disciples
There are some of you who have been following man-made ministers and teachings. You have been taught truth mixed with error. You are bound by tradition even in the type of local church you belong to or look for. You will spend eternity with God, but will never finish the earthly course He has ordained for you unless you repent and have your senses trained to maturity. Give yourself to prayer and to being sanctified by truth. Yield yourself totally to the Spirit of God. Cry out for true and mature ministers who will equip you. God will hear your cries and will answer. Be persistent! Be open to change that is of God.

To the Faithful Remnant in America
We have missed many God-given opportunities and are now paying the price, but there is hope. Jesus Christ is our hope. We must realize, however, that He has ordained that He works in and through His body. He must have enough faithful disciples who are united in faith to be and do what is required of us. Before the Lord returns, there will be a faithful remnant. The battle is now greater than ever before, mainly due to our shortcomings of the past, but we can still turn the tide. If we will repent, become restored, and unite in faith, the Lord will hear from heaven and will work a work for and through us. Will He find you as part of that faithful remnant when He returns?

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Repentance, Restoration, Maturity and Unity of Faith

(Updated 8/28/09)This message was originally posted a year ago (5/16/08). It is still relevant and needed today.

The Need for Understanding
To fully understand this message, you must be filled with the Holy Spirit and be enlightened by Him. In all things of God we must learn to go by the Spirit and not lean to our own human reasoning and/or sympathetic emotions. Ask Him to give you wisdom, revelation and understanding. It will also be a necessity to look beyond your immediate spiritual group and by the Spirit see the entire body of Christ on earth. Ask God to give you His heart for His Church.

The Need for Restoration
The overall body of Christ needs restoration which means that the Church needs to fully return to Jesus and His biblical pattern for doing all things. Restoration will only begin with disciples who have seen the need. Therefore we need true and mature prophets who will cy out and awaken Christians who have ears to hear to the need for restoration.

The first thing attentive Christians will want to do is repent. Their hearts will be broken because their spiritual eyes have been opened to how far they and the Church have strayed from Jesus and His Word. Receiving the Lord's heart for His Church will cause them to fall on their faces in intercession concerning the state of the overall Church. They will desire to see the Church repent and be restored and will give God no rest until there is a faithful remnant throughout the earth.

Recognizing True Prophets
Once some Christians can get past the unfortunate misconception that there are no longer prophets in the Church, and once other Christians quit following carnal, immature and false prophets we will see the Church make great progress spiritually. One thing to look for in a true prophet is that they are calling the Church to repentance and restoration. God has burned in their hearts the need for restoration of the Church and they know that repentance must take place before true restoration is a reality. They will also be strongly emphasizing maturity and true unity of faith. I write true unity because false prophets are calling for carnal and/or pseudo unity. Become very discerning! It will sound good to the ears of those who have not had their senses trained to discern both good and evil. True spiritual maturity is vital concerning true unity of faith!

True prophets emphasize what God is emphasizing. They do not add or take away from the Word; that is left to the carnal and false prophets. We need true and mature prophets who are emphasizing what God is emphasizing. God wants His body to return to Jesus and His Word rightly divided and to go on to maturity and the unity of faith. To accomplish God's will and purposes require that all of the ministry gifts found in Ephesians 4:11 work together to equip the Church. Each of the ministry gifts will honor God by being what God has called them to be, but also by working together. For example the other true gifts will listen to the true prophets and also call the Church to repentance, to restoration, to maturity and to unity of faith.

Ministry Gifts Will Unite in Faith
True and mature ministry gifts will unite in faith to accomplish God’s will for His Church. They will demonstrate unity of faith to the Church. The sectarianism warned about in 1 Corinthians 3 will be defeated. Division will be replaced by humble ministers living and demonstrating the unity of faith. They will equip a Church on this earth that fulfills the Holy Spirit inspired pattern found in Ephesians 4:11-16. They will believe that it is possible and will submit to the Spirit of God to make it a reality. Will you believe or will you be one of little faith?

United in faith these restored and mature ministers who will preach Christ and Him crucified and the word of the kingdom of God. They will make disciples who will deny self and forsake all to follow Christ. They will then train them to be and do what Christ has always intended for the Church He is building. They will tear down the walls of division in the Church and bring forth by the Spirit of God a Church that is sanctified by truth (John 17:17; Ephesians 5:26) and united in faith (Ephesians 4:13). They will bring forth a mature and glorious Church (Ephesians 5:27). The harvest fields will be filled with laborers working together bringing in the harvest (John 4:35; Matthew 9:38). All to the glory of God!

Faulty Versus Proper Training
God has true and mature ministers, but the public eye of the overall Church has not usually looked for, recognized, or accepted them. Many of the leaders who have had the public eye of the Church over the last several decades have not been true and/or mature ministers. There may have been exceptions, but the exceptions were rare. The end of a thing usually reveals what was there all along. Even with the possible exceptions, the truth remains and must be recognized that the present day Church is in need of restoration. What has been taking place with all of the public eye ministers has not brought about the needed restoration. Public eye Church leaders must accept their responsibility for the overall state of the Church. Every professing Christian must also accept their responsibility. The Church must cry out for the real and the mature. There will be no true and/or lasting revival without true and mature ministers directed by the Holy Spirit. It may begin with an intercessor(s), but it will not go far without the gifts given by Jesus to equip His body.

We need true and mature leaders to lead the Church to repentance and restoration. We don't need any more false, carnal and immature leaders. We need disciples who know Jesus intimately and His Word thoroughly and will not be sidetracked by the false, carnal and immature. If there is Timothy, there needs to be Paul training him on the right path. If we need Christian media and news reporters at all, we need those who have had their senses trained to discern good and evil. We do not need those who promote what is flashy, popular and economically profitable. We do not need those who call something a revival when it is an ungodly mess, even if many professing Christians and professing Christian leaders are involved. We need those who will quit promoting false, carnal and immature ministers and will go out to the back side of the desert if necessary to find the real.

One of the main reasons that many cannot properly judge and discern what goes on outside their local church is because of wrong, incomplete or inadequate equipping in their local church. The Bible rightly divided is our standard for all things. The body of Christ is not like a carnal judicial system that goes by some manmade precedent rather than the Constitution. The body of Christ goes by the Bible rightly divided. The Church goes by the Word of truth and not what some group or false prophet came up with, and started what is now a Church or denomination. The Church does not go by some revival in the twentieth century or the seventeenth century; the Church goes by the Bible rightly divided. The body of Christ rightly uses the Day of Pentecost and does not make it become something to fit what they want to justify and approve now.

The spirit of Antichrist is at work in the Church. The devil has infiltrated the Church with his ministers disguised as ministers of righteousness. Devil worship and the occult should not deceive professing Christians, but those ministers of the devil, who use the Bible, talk about Jesus and even move in power will deceive many. How does one discern the difference? They must have their senses trained to discern both good and evil which involves knowing the milk and meat of the Word. Most professing Christians choke on the six basic teachings (milk) found in Hebrews 6:1,2. Much of the responsibility is because of a failure of being trained properly by the true and mature ministers of Ephesians 4:11, but every disciple also has a responsibility to study all of the Word until they can rightly divide it. Part of the Church denies some of the ministries and part of the Church receives the false, carnal and immature rather than the true and mature. A large part of the Church does not know Jesus intimately or His Word thoroughly.

True repentance and restoration will change all of this and much more too. True restoration will bring forth a mature Church united in faith that will bring revival and awakening that turns the world upside down. It will be revival and awakening that does not burn out but builds in momentum until Jesus returns. Let's humble ourselves before God and cry out for true and real restoration, revival and awakening. Much depends on it. We will have true godly restoration, revival and awakening or unimaginable devilish storms. God help us and have mercy on us! Who has ears to hear?

Monday, February 23, 2009

Present Day Danger

The Church is Failing
The Church has failed in her assignment from God, and we now live in a day of danger! Christians and non-Christians are suffering the consequences of that failure. Unless repentance, leading to restoration, revival, and awakening, comes quickly, things will only worsen. There will be a combination of God’s judgment and devilish storms.

Some Christians who know better are falling for things that further distract them from the core of what God wants. Some are being distracted by the things of the world. Some are being distracted by personal ego pursuits, even in spiritual things. Still others are distracted by things that pose as revival.

The devil keeps the world and many Christians “busy-busy-busy” with various and sundry pursuits. While people, including Christians, are finding pseudo personal fulfillment, the cause of God is wanting for lack of committed and dedicated disciples.

Spiritual Revolution
There must be a spiritual revolution within the Church! Dedicated and committed disciples must develop a “revolution mentality” and no longer settle for anything less than a return to Jesus Christ and His truth—His interpretation of truth. They must no longer accept private interpretations or a mixture of the Lord’s interpretation with their church’s or their pastor’s interpretation, no matter how popular that interpretation may be.

I just received a phone call from someone who said they represented a particular phone company and that they could give us a 50% savings on our church phone bill. I told them if they would guarantee, in writing, that our phone bill would become half of what it was, including taxes, etc., then I would take it. Of course, they did not mean that our phone bill would be cut in half, but many unlearned people fall for their way of saying things, their sales pitch. Recently, someone asked a pastor if there were still apostles in the present-day Church. Rather than giving a direct and clear yes or no answer, the pastor gave a pre-learned “canned” answer that his particular denomination gives to such questions. I understand that not all questions can be answered with a yes or no, but I also know that some answers are designed not to be clear and concise.

The point I am making is that every disciple needs to know Jesus and His Word, and every disciple needs to find out what their church leaders know and believe about Jesus and His Word. Disciples cannot grow to maturity, accomplish their God-given purposes, and finish their God-designed course if they continue learning from spiritual leaders who feed them with private interpretations of Scripture. Americans must demand that their leaders (executive, judicial, and legislative) rightly divide our Constitution. And disciples must demand that their church leaders rightly divide the Word of truth. All Americans must know the Constitution, and all disciples must know the Word of truth to accomplish this.

Spiritual leaders in the home must find true and mature spiritual church leaders who will equip their family for the work of the ministry. If you really understand what I am writing, then you will understand why you need a “revolution mentality.” We are in a Day of Danger that calls for revolution within the Church. Will you heed the call?

Friday, January 2, 2009

Defining Restoration, Revival and Awakening

This message is especially for disciples who are forsaking all to follow Jesus Christ.

There is a great problem with the Church that must be solved. Until the problem is solved there are going to be negative consequences, dire consequences. What is the problem? The overall Church on this earth needs spiritual restoration. The truth be known, the Church has for a long time been in great need of restoration!

Some, maybe even many, people would quickly agree that there is a problem. Most of them would be agreeing without really understanding what they are agreeing with and/or without understanding the seriousness of the problem. Until they wake up these people can not really help the cause; they would just get in the way and add to the problem rather than helping bring the solution.

Others who can not help the cause include the following: those who are seeking things like self promotion, mental knowledge, and thoughts for a sermon or class they teach; those who are half-hearted; those who can be distracted; those who hate being lonely; those who are caught up in the things of the world and the modern Church; those who are people pleasers; those who will wilt when persecution arises.

Prophetic Words
Prophetically, the Lord put the three words restoration, revival and awakening in my heart and mind many years ago. Since then I have been looking for a few people with ears to hear and hearts to understand the problem who will become witnesses to bring the necessary changes to restore the Church. These few people will have to be real disciples-disciples who have been crucified with Christ, filled with His Spirit and have set their faces like flint to help bring forth a Church with Christ formed within.

If your heart is quickened while hearing and/or reading these words, then you are a candidate for becoming a witness. I am going to share a few definitions which will give insight about restoration, revival and awakening. These definitions can be developed and enhanced, but for those with ears to hear and eyes to see they will help shed some needed light.

Restoration is the bringing back of the Church to Jesus Christ and the original biblical pattern intended by Him for the Church that He is building.

Revival is coming back into full use because of being restored to Jesus Christ and His biblical pattern.

Awakening is the restored and revived Church being and doing what Jesus Christ intended for her because she has been aroused from a long spiritual slumber that she will never return to.

Biblical pattern is the pattern found in the Bible as the Word of God is rightly divided.

There is a work of God to be done that can only be done by a restored Church. True and mature disciples of Jesus Christ must first work to bring forth a Church that is restored to Jesus Christ and His biblical pattern. May those disciples come forth and come forth quickly all to the glory of Jesus Christ.