Thursday, August 14, 2008

Open Letter to Lee Grady and Anyone with Eyes to See and Ears to Hear

(Lee Grady is an editor with Charisma magazine and is widely known throughout the Charismatic part of the Church).

Before I can fully express what is in my heart this morning, I must write that there is nothing more important than being born again. The importance of being born again begins with each of us and then moves on to all others. It should be the desire of all true disciples to work for the salvation of all; we should give our lives to seeing that none perish.

Having made the above clear, we all must understand that being born again is the beginning of our work here on earth. This is where we begin to run into problems! The overall Church is not in line with Jesus Christ and His biblical pattern. This is especially true of the Charismatic part of the Church. Note: Just as Charismatics must know the importance of reaching the lost, Charismatics must realize that they are just a small part of the body of Christ, and that they must work to bring forth a Church that is one with God and one with each other. They must work to bring forth a Church that is in the image of Christ and is in line with His truth and His truth only.

The Church, as a whole, is far from John 17:17-22, Ephesians 4:13-16, and Ephesians 5:26-27. The bride is not ready (Revelation 19:7). The Church as a whole is divided and immature; she is in need of restoration! The main reason that she is in need of restoration is that she is divided into various parts that follow private interpretations of the Word and the traditions of men, rather than following the Holy Spirit and being sanctified by truth.

There are faithful and mature disciples, but they are few and far between presently. There are faithful and mature ministry gifts, but they are also few and far between presently. The faithful and mature disciples are not presently working together, for the most part. The faithful ministry gifts are not presently recognized and/or accepted by most of the Church; they are either not known or are not well known.

Yes, there are church members and ministers who are very faithful to their church and/or their group's doctrines and traditions, but there are few who are really intimate with the Lord Jesus and in line with His will. The Church needs to be restored, and it begins with acknowledging the need, which is quickly followed by true godly sorrow, humility, and repentance.

In closing, I reiterate the importance of working to make sure that no one perishes but add that most who are born again now enter a local Church that is more in line with some man's pattern than with Jesus Christ and His biblical pattern. If they become members of a Charismatic Church, the chances are great that they will soon be chasing gold dust, false personal prophecies, and false heavenly visions rather than denying self, forsaking all, and following Jesus Christ.

Brother Lee, I love you. You have a great opportunity to reach many people. Let's reach them and bring them into a Church that has Christ formed within, has been sanctified by truth, and is united in faith. You may not be a prophet, but you have a great chance to blow a trumpet for Jesus Christ and His truth. You may grow into a prophet, but titles do not matter that much, except for being and doing what God calls us to do.

To all of you others, I also say I love you, but what is your motivation in life? Why do you visit this forum? Why do you write things? Are you here to find truth and join with others who are sanctified by truth, or are you here to see yourself write and to debate with someone? The time is short, the hour is urgent! Quit being overly concerned with the false and find the real! Then all will know what is really in your heart; all will know what your real motivation is! The Church needs to be restored, and the harvest fields are white for harvest. Let's bring in the sheaves to a Church that has Christ formed within; let's mature them quickly to take their place in our Lord's body and His kingdom. Let's work together to fulfill God's will to the glory of Christ. Amen

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