Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Two Reasons Why Most American Churches are Powerless

Most American churches are powerless for two basic reasons: 1. Lack of the baptism in the Holy Spirit; 2. Lack of brokenness and contriteness in the soul of Christians which prevents and/or hinders the release of the Spirit of God from their spirit.

Christians cannot be victorious without the power of God, and without the baptism in the Holy Spirit there is no power of God. When Christians who have not been baptized by Jesus with the Holy Spirit and fire witness of Him and His kingdom there is no confirming of their witness with accompanying signs (Mark 16: 20). The Holy Spirit will honor their witness as far as he can, but He is limited if they have not received the power of God or deny the power thereof. Without the power of God, Christians often turn to things of the flesh, soul and world to accomplish the Great Commission, if they try to accomplish it at all. Some of those who do try to accomplish it will work their fingers to the bone and wear out early because they are depending on self for the most part. Many others just find a church that suits their taste and settle in for the long haul. Both groups will spend eternity with God, but are never able to fully fulfill His purposes for them on earth.
There are many Christians, those Spirit baptized and not, that are not broken and contrite before God and man. The world can pick up on it in a moment because that is the way they are. They hear the spiritual words but sense the unbroken soul.
God is patient with His children and rewards them beyond their just due, but He is looking for mature disciples to finish the course. Mature disciples are born again, baptized in the Spirit, sanctified by God’s truth (not the truth as certain churches see it, but God’s truth) and they are about the Father’s business while depending only on the Holy Spirit and His power.
God anointed Jesus with the Holy Spirit and with power, who went about doing good and healing all who were oppressed by the devil, for God was with Him (Acts 10: 38; Luke 4: 18, 19). Before He was ascended Jesus told His followers what He wanted them to do, but He told them to wait on the baptism in the Spirit before they tried to carry on (Luke 24: 49; Acts 1: 4, 5).
I know that many have been taught that certain things are not for now, and many others have hurt the cause by over zealousness and chasing of wild fire, but there is the real and none of us can fulfill God’s will without it. Selah!
Before Jesus comes for His people there will be a church with Christ formed within that not only did the works Jesus did while on earth but finished the course. Those that have depended on other things to do the works are often the most outspoken about the world waxing worse and worse, and we have done all we can so we are looking for being caught up at any moment. We are all to have the glorious hope of the Lord’s return, but let’s us humble ourselves, let us allow the Holy Spirit to wash us with the washing of water by the Word of truth (Ephesians 5: 26) which will clean us from the words of the world and from wrong teachings in the church, and let us all wait until we receive the promise of the Father. We will then united in faith and together in one accord witness the good news of Jesus and His kingdom in all the world as a witness to all nations, including Israel, and then and only then will the end come (Matthew 24: 14).



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