Thursday, June 5, 2014

Addressing Religious and Political Correctness

Note: In this message religious and political correctness are tools used by those who oppose Jesus Christ, His kingdom and the church that He is building. Often times well meaning Christians are trapped and taken captive unwittingly. The Bible warns about even the elect being deceived; it also warns that the devil will send his ministers into Christian churches; they will disguise themselves as ministers of righteousness and lead the saints away from truth. They will mix a little error with a lot of truth because it only takes a little leaven to leaven the whole lump. The end result is that many of the unwitting Christians get trapped into religious and or political correctness. They may even adamantly oppose one while touting the other.

Many Americans, especially conservative Christians, are extremely upset and concerned about the ever growing political correctness in the United States. I too am concerned, very concerned, more concerned than ever! How did all of this start? Where are the answers? What are the solutions? How do Christians, especially mature Christians, address this issue? There is a clue in the title above!

The devil uses every strategy and tactic at his disposal to oppose Jesus Christ, the Church that He is building and the kingdom of God. Two of his main weapons have always been religious and political correctness. They may not have been called such, but religious correctness and political correctness have been around almost since the beginning of time. The devil uses them to control the hearts, minds and actions of people.
At times religious and political correctness look like they oppose one another, but always from the devil’s perspective they are working hand in hand. They worked together against God and His purposes in the Old Testament times. They persecuted and crucified our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. After His ascension, they continued working together to oppose the church and have been doing so right up to now and will continue to do so until the devil and his minions are finally put away. Sometimes they fight the church from without and sometimes they fight from within by infiltration. The infiltration takes many avenues but always works to infiltrate the minds of unsuspecting Christians. One of their main goals being to prevent Christians from becoming Christ-like and making sure that they do not unite in faith to fulfill our Lord’s plan for His church that He is building.
Regretfully, up to now the minds of many unsuspecting Christians have been captivated by one or both of these tools of the devil. As time moves toward the final day all of the elect must cautiously guard against last days deception. Deception is increasing and will continue to do so. Godly discernment is a daily need!
Many years ago I began calling for restoration, revival and awakening, and warning that if a restored church didn’t come forth there would be devilish storms and loss of freedom(s).  In America, as well as other nations, freedoms are eroding rapidly. Is there a point of no return? Are we in America close to that point? I want God’s will above all else. I also want my children and grandchildren to have freedom. How about you? 
Can you identify and name any aspects of religious and political correctness?


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