Friday, January 25, 2013

Women on Front Lines of War

I could go in several directions with my response and I definitely have concerns about this situation, but we must ask ourselves how this has come about. Could the feminist movement and humanism along with liberal, socialistic, and progressive thinking and actions have brought us to this place? Individuals and countries do reap what they so!

My response would not fit in a feel good, seeker sensitive, purpose driven church, but we must examine ourselves. We cannot blame foolish decisions all on those that fit into the thinking and actions I have listed above. Much of the blame lies squarely on a divided, immature church that is not united in faith and is often more like the world than like Jesus. In other words, Christians have allowed many things to take place because we are not united in faith and have abdicated much of the responsibility God has assigned to us. Therefore we must have a remnant church that is true salt and light or more devilish storms yet not thought of in manner and degree are just up the road.

We Christians are in a war that not only requires women to be on the front lines but also requires boys and girls. Our war is a spiritual war against principalities and powers that are unseen. They are the forces behind the foolish and evil things we do see.

Learn that spiritual warfare is real and things are not just going to work out in time unless we put on our armor, unite in true biblical unity and faith and follow the Spirit of our Lord into the real war that is behind natural wars. Victory is only in Jesus the Messiah! 

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