Monday, April 1, 2013

Is Our Witness Biblically Balenced?

I stand for God and stand against what is not of God as the Spirit of God leads me. I stand for the Spirit of God and I stand against the spirit of the Antichrist which is already at work in the world around us, but I make it clear that greater is He that lives within us than he that is in the world.

I respect freedom of speech rightly divided but question that some who profess to being a follower of Jesus  spend more time focusing on exposing the wrong and not enough time on sharing the truth of Jesus and His kingdom? Jesus did spend time exposing the devil and destroying His works but He spent more time preaching and teaching the gospel of the kingdom and ministering to people and their needs. We are supposed to carry on His work!
Do we need to check our focus? Are we spending enough time and energy revealing (ministering) things such as the truth and importance of the birth of Jesus, our being born again, His life on earth, His ministry, His kingdom, His word of truth, His suffering and crucifixion for us, His resurrection, His ascension, His sending the Holy Spirit and our being baptized in the Spirit, His intercession, His desire to have a church with Him formed within, His prayer for the unity of His church, His bride preparing herself for the marriage of the Lamb, His return and our ruling and reigning with Him throughout eternity?
Let’s do all that the Word directs us to do but let’s keep the Lord’s priorities in mind and heart.  Let’s forsake all to follow Jesus; let’s seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness as we take the good news of Jesus and His kingdom into all the world as a witness to all nations (Matthew 24:14). Paul gives us a good example in the last chapter of Acts. He describes his ministry two times (Acts 28: 23, 31).


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