Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Trumpets of Truth

Drawing a Crowd
In too many parts of the modern-day Church, it doesn't take truth to draw a crowd. It only takes curious people seeking things like personal fulfillment, personality, religious tradition, entertainment and teachings that they personally agree with and/or makes them feel good and at ease. Human nature causes people to be easily drawn to various personalities and speakers who make them feel good or who express like-minded opinions about Scripture and things of life, including politics.

There are many preachers who are prepared and more than ready and willing to give people what they want. They are controlled more by human nature than the Spirit of God. Therefore they offer whatever it takes to draw you or a crowd within the context of their religious traditions and private interpretations. They can speak the needed religious language, and already have in place what you are interested in or will let you start something in line with your personal interest. They will put natural leaders in charge and offer willing followers many opportunities to choose from. They have something for everyone or will soon make it available.

They are quite adept at offering entertainment and personal opinions rather than pure truth. When they do refer to Scripture, they often water it down or interpret it to make it fit into an acceptable modern context that makes enough of those listening feel comfortably at ease. After all, they want people to choose or continue choosing their particular church as their church home.

Giving an Account
There will be a day when all people give an account for how they handled the Word of God. In that day ministers will give a greater account. Therefore, all ministers should move with fear and trembling in how and what they preach and teach. Many ministers will say, "Lord, Lord ...," but a loving Jesus Christ will say, "Depart from me ..." They will depart because they did not handle the Word of God properly and, thereby, misled many people.

Ministers Who are Trumpets of Truth
The Church needs ministers who are "Trumpets of Truth." The eyes of the Lord are looking throughout the earth for ministers who are loyal to Him. These ministers will preach and rightly divide the Word whether people are ready for it or not.

The eyes of the Lord are not only looking for ministers who are true to Him and His Word of truth, He is looking for people who are hungering for truth. He is looking throughout the earth for true disciples who will be drawn by His Spirit to the ministers who are trumpeting pure and unadulterated truth. He is looking for disciples who have forsaken the private interpretations and traditions of men that have infiltrated the Church and are hungry for the Lord and His Word of truth.

These disciples will not turn away from the hard sayings that go against the grain of their previous traditions, interpretations, and opinions. Instead, they will seek out, find and listen to those ministers whom the Holy Spirit has trained and sent to equip His saints for the work of the ministry. They will rejoice at finding truth; they will take their Spirit led place in a local Church where they can help fulfill God's will and purposes.

Distance will not matter! They will willingly travel and joyfully submit themselves to being equipped for the work of the ministry. A minister who is a trumpet of truth will equip them to becoming disciples who are "trumpets of truth." They will be filled with the Spirit and will continue in the Word until they know truth, proving that they are true disciples of Jesus Christ. They will be part of a local church that moves them on the path of maturity and the true unity of faith.

Many say that only a few will remain faithful to Jesus Christ and His truth as time on earth moves toward the return of the Lord. Whether the number is few or many, the faithful remnant will be one that is made up of true and mature ministers who preach and teach only truth and true disciples who have been set apart to God by being washed in truth.

There will be a faithful remnant on the earth prior to the Lord's return that fulfills the description of the Church given in Ephesians 4: 11-16 and Ephesians 5: 26, 27. Those who desire to be part of that glorious Church will yield all to the Holy Spirit. They will seek out and find ministers who are "Trumpets of Truth" and they themselves will become disciples who are "Trumpets of Truth!"

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