Approaching Circumstances
Recently upon returning from an out of town trip I was seeking God about what to put on our Church sign. What I heard in my spirit was that “fast approaching circumstances will reveal who has put their trust in God.” There will be personal, family, local, national and international circumstances that will soon occur and each situation will reveal who has put their trust in God. Some of the circumstances will be small and some will be large, but in either case you will be tested as to whether you fully trust God or not!
Loyal Disciples
Scripture teaches us that the eyes of the Lord look to and fro throughout the earth for those who are loyal to Him. One major test of our loyalty to God is whether or not we really trust Him. It is very important to God that not only do His children trust Him in all things, but they trust Him fully.
Do you trust God? It is quick and easy as well as spiritually correct to say that you do. Most Christians would give specific examples of when and how they got through situations with the help of God. But the question remains, do you trust God? Do you really trust God?
Examine Yourself
Have you ever examined your self to see if you trust God or to discern the depth of your trust in Him? Now is a good time to do so. Study what Scripture has to say about trust in God and study those in Scripture who put their trust in Him. If you see that you come up short, call out to God to teach you to rely on Him.
Most of us, if honest with ourselves and with God, will admit that we need not only to grow in our trust, but to learn more about trust in God. Now is a good time to begin afresh and anew. Commit yourself to seeking God in prayer and in His Word. Tell Him that you want to abide in the Vine. Tell Him that you want to abide in Christ continually and that you want His Words to abide in you (John 15:1-7). Make sure that you are continuously full of the Spirit and are always led by the Spirit.
Note: Some Christians are so busy with life and church activities that they have little real time for prayer and the Word. They run from meeting to meeting and if opportunity presents itself can quickly teach or discuss with enthusiasm certain teachings, but they are more hyped up by sugar drinks, fleshly zeal, etc. than filled with the Spirit. If they study the whole Bible, they usually read their preconceived and predetermined thoughts into Scripture. If honest, usually their prayer life suffers.
Join with other disciples who have forsaken all to follow Christ and to trust Him. God loves you as an individual, but has always viewed you as part of His body. It will take unity, true unity of faith, to victoriously face the things ahead.
God is calling His people to unite in faith and to draw near to Him. The circumstances ahead will test your trust and your unity of faith with fellow disciples. As a messenger of God I encourage you to “be prepared.” Seek God until you can truly say that you trust in Him with all your heart (Proverbs 3:5).
1 comment:
I enjoy stopping by and reading . I agree very much about trusting Him. He helps me which in turn brings a person to a newer depth of belief. It is like one reinforces the other like links in a chain. God's chain of freedom.Thankyou for your words, they are always so building up
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