Tuesday, October 4, 2016

We Need Christians that are Anointed with the Holy Spirit and Power

At present most Christians and their pastors in the United States are powerless Christians.  Why? They have not tarried until they have received the baptism in the Spirit that gives them power from above. This has to change! If it doesn’t I am prophetically telling you that you have not seen anything yet. Satan is just getting warmed up in the United States! The only way to stop him and his agents both demonic and human is for a church to come forth that is on fire with the Spirit, sanctified by truth and moving in power.

When one receives the true baptism in the Spirit, they will then be able to move in one or more of the gifts of the Spirit identified in 1 Corinthians 12: 7-11. If one is not moving in the gifts of the Spirit, they are either not filled with the Spirit or are not desiring spiritual gifts.

There is a false teaching that has been around parts of the church for a long time that teaches about being filled with the Spirit that either eliminates the gifts of the Spirit or substitutes other gifts for the ones listed in 1 Corinthians.  A little leaven leavens the whole lump! A little false teaching mixed with truth has done damage to people since the beginning of time. Go back to the biblical account of the Garden of Eden and move forward through the word and see how Satan often works. Know Your Savior intimately but also know your adversary!

In closing, make sure that you have been born again. There are many members of churches, including pastors, who have not been born again. Next, make sure that you have been really baptized in the Spirit. If you have and are not moving in the gifts of the Spirit, tarry before God until you do. Take up the sword of the Spirit and pray. Pray for revival that returns America to Jesus. Pray down all strongholds that stand against Jesus and His truth.
To Christians in Alabama and elsewhere: If you have the power of the Holy Spirit, it is time to pray and see the Spirit of the Lord Jesus move out those in power that use their power to put people out of office that are standing for biblical truth. If one doesn’t have the power of the Spirit, there is not much they can do but complain and talk about how things are getting worse and worse. But if you have the power of the Spirit, then bind and loose in the name of Jesus. Pull down demonic strongholds and build up the things of Jesus. Onward true Christian soldiers!

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