Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Saving Christian Freedom in America

The Spirit of the Lord Jesus is speaking to me that the only way to save Christian freedom in America is for enough Christians to humble themselves, repent and in the unity of faith cry out to God for His intervention(s) within the church and within all parts of our nation with special emphasis at this time upon the selection of governmental leaders from the local to the national level. It doesn’t take all Christians; it just takes enough who are dedicated to Jesus and His kingdom. Only a small percentage of Americans fought and won out liberty in the Revolutionary War.  There were more against them than were for them, but they took up the cause and paid the price.  The United States was birthed!

Words almost fail me in being able to express the seriousness of things in the United States. In the midst of this seriousness millions of people, including Christians, are blindly following the blind while swatting knats and swallowing camels. I said yesterday that I saw voters which were almost like walking zombies with their minds being controlled by ungodly supernatural forces.  They are just representative of millions of people within the borders of our beloved country.  It is very disturbing to know that many people, Christian and non Christian, have given their minds over to forces that cause them to believe lies and therefore call good evil and evil good. This includes ministers, active and retired, that are either actively engaged in opposing what the Lord Jesus wants of His church and our nation or they are hiding from the issues with intellectual rationalizations.

It is equally disturbing to see many professing Christians that are more interested in searching out answers from the kingdoms of the world rather than giving themselves to prayer, fasting and seeking answers from the word of God.  For example, some Christians seem to be addicted to finding political writings that support their mental strongholds. They share those writings with boldness, but do not speak from their heart words of direction from the Spirit of God that will set us free. It has never been truer that out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks. Other Christians are deliberately staying out of the fray and are focusing on other things of life which really amounts to hiding their heads in the sand rather than addressing issues that will affect their family for generations to come.

Satan has always been an archenemy of Jesus Christ. He has been a bitter foe of the church since it was birthed and he never wanted the United States to come into existence. He has been working for hundreds of years to destroy America. He has always been the god of world systems and he has worked diligently to infiltrate many parts of the church, including seminaries so that he could use professing Christians to destroy America and her place in the world.  He has been quite successful, so successful that he thinks he has us on the ropes and he is getting ready to move in for the knockout.

Are there enough true Christians to stand in the gap and preserve Christian freedom and bring revival and awakening to our nation?  We have waited too long and it is going to be difficult, but it is still better to get going now while we still have some semblance of freedom than to wait until times are very hard. God will intervene, if true Christians will call on Him! Will you by faith put your life on the altar of the cross and live as a living sacrifice for Jesus and His kingdom?

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