Saturday, January 9, 2016

The Only Way to Save America From Destruction

The only way that America is going to be saved from destruction is by restoration within enough Christians that leads to true and lasting revival and awakening.  Things have to change and change quickly with Christians in America. 


I am sure that the Jewish people loved their spiritual leaders when Jesus was on this earth. The truth is that their spiritual leaders led them astray and not only did they not receive Jesus they ended up with Jerusalem being devastated in 70 AD. Christians need spiritual leaders that will do what is necessary to bring forth a restored church in America that is made up of people who are really born again, really anointed with the Holy Spirit and power because they have really been baptized in the Spirit and are sanctified with the truth of God’s word because they continue studying truth and hearing truth from their ministers which frees them from any and all doctrines and traditions of man which up to this point have divided and weakened most Christians.


If I can just get a nucleus to begin with that understands the seriousness of things. It is late, but not too late for enough Christians in America to unite in the faith and by the Spirit prevent the destruction that Satan and his forces, both demons and humans, are working to bring upon us.


We are in a spiritual war!  The church that Jesus is building is in a spiritual war and has been since the church was birthed. The ultimate victory will come when Jesus returns, but whether or not each generation experiences victory is up to the Christians in that generation. Can’t you see it? O God, help them to see it please. I weep over the church. I weep over America. I weep over what is going on throughout this earth.


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