Thursday, January 21, 2016

The Olivet Discourse

This morning I studied the Olivet discourse in Matthew 24, 25; Mark 13 and Luke 21. One of the main purposes of our Lord Jesus in the Olivet discourse was to warn Christians to watch out (be on guard) for deception. A major problem among most Christians, who are even aware of the Oliver discourse, is that they are overly focused on signs and their favorite theory on end times and under focused on deception.


At present, deception for most Christians begins where it should be least expected-in their church. Actually, the main reason that Christians are deceived by the world systems is that they have first been deceived by things going on within their church. A prime example is how governmental leaders are chosen. Up to this point in America, there have been enough Christians to determine the outcome of every election, but deception within the church has spilled over into how Christians vote or in many cases don’t vote.


This must change and change quickly if we are to be the salt and light that gives us godly leaders. While most Christians have hesitated for whatever reason, in repenting, uniting and becoming true salt and light, Satan has already been making plans for how to negate the influence of restored and revived Christian’s in future governmental elections. First of all he would like to take away their vote, but just in case that doesn’t pan as soon as he would like out he is stepping up his deception within parts of Christianity while at the same time laying plans to have more voters who would vote as he wills. I believe it is past time to wake up and begin to watch and pray! How about you?


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