Saturday, November 22, 2014

The Promotion of Islam

I am troubled about many things that are going on in the United States, but what troubles me the most is the lack of awareness and concern of Americans, especially among those who call themselves Christians. One of my major concerns is the promotion, spread, and growing influence of Islam, while true Christianity is coming under more and more attacks.

 Are you aware of just how much the systems of the world, including parts of the falling away church, are promoting Islam within our country? If you are informed and discerning, you see, and you see that it is on the rise. In some cases, it is open and flagrant, and in other cases, it is very subtle. I went to a high school football playoff game last night. At half time, one of the bands had a tribute to Arabian music from the past. Although disguised, it was a subtle promotion of Islam. I looked around and could find no one else who was the slightest bit aware of what was taking place. Did you hear about the school that is requiring students in a particular class to make certain declarations, such as "Allah is God" and that Islam and Christianity are similar? The bottom line is that Jesus and the Bible are being driven out of schools, even so-called Christian schools and universities, while the doors are being opened very wide for Allah and Islam.  

I am not writing this to incite, but to inform. I love people! I play basketball with a young man from Iran who is a Muslim. I befriend and communicate with him every time we see each other. This past year, I played basketball with four young guys from Nigeria. I developed friendships with them. All of a sudden, they were gone and are back in Nigeria. I pray for their protection and that they are not part of certain groups.

We have to have our eyes, natural and spiritual, open to what is going on in our country. If we are going to be productive witnesses of Jesus and His kingdom, we have to be wise and discerning. We have to not only know and be obedient to what the Lord Jesus and His kingdom require of us, we have to know and recognize what is going on around us. Ask the Lord Jesus to make your senses keen, so that you can discern both good and evil (Hebrews 5:14). Ask Him to open your spiritual eyes, not only to see what is going on in the visible world but, more importantly, to see what is going on in the unseen world. 


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