Thursday, November 20, 2014

Communism Often Starts Slowly

Communism often starts slowly in a country. As its advocates gain ground and power they draw in more people by promising them one of two things. They promise power to some and the meeting of needs to others. They play on the desire to rule within many, especially those who consider themselves to be among the elite, while at the same time playing on the needs and discontents of the masses. They promise that their needs will be provided for while at the same time sowing discontent and discord. Often times they enlist preachers, who will help control, mislead and distract the people. 

Some of you are saying Amen about the preachers. You are very concerned about some Revs who are actively involved in certain actions, but you have bought in hook, line and sinker with some who are very deceptively leading the masses of Christians with other gospels. I watch closely who you post. If they are not, preaching the truth of Jesus and Him crucified and the gospel of the kingdom then call it what it is. It is another gospel. They may make you feel good and motivated and even teach you something about the Bible, but they are ministers of other gospels either deliberately or by lack of their knowledge.
The bottom line in all of this is that it is Satan still trying to overthrow God and His purposes on earth. He instills in people the desire to have power and control over others. Deception is always involved. Those wanting control over people are deceived and those who fall for what they are doing are deceived.
Satan is working to deceive the elite by offering them power and playing on their intellect, while working to deceive the masses by offering them plenty of fruit.
Which tree are you eating from? Are you training your senses to discern what is of Jesus Christ and what is of Satan? (Hebrews 5:14)



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