Friday, August 8, 2014

The Devil, Terrorist States and Legitimacy

The devil wants to establish terrorist states and give them legitimacy; this is part of his overall strategy for world domination. He will take hundreds and thousands of years to bring things about.  Therefore, one major problem for us to be aware of is that a wrong decision now, even though it may look good to the natural eye, will impact our children and grandchildren years from now and cause hell on earth for them.

It takes godly wisdom and discernment to counter the devil and there aren’t a whole lot of those qualities to be found in America, especially in Washington D. C.  Those qualities should be abundant in the Christian church, but sadly are all too often lacking in most parts of modern Christianity. Therefore, be careful what you base your decisions and judgments on. 

Be very discerning! For instance, right now seek God about ISIS and Iraq as well as other places. While doing so remember what the devil wants and that he uses time and deception to bring about his works. He uses different tactics and he will start and stop things just to throw people off. You might think new actions by a political leader have solved things; new actions may be needed but also may be used by the devil to deceive people. I could be more specific, but for now I will just say it is important to remember that the devil is patient and very deceptive. He often disguises his intentions until it is too late to stop them.  Always be aware that his ultimate goal is world domination, at heart he is a thief, a killer, a destroyer and a master deceiver! He wants legitimate terrorist states. He will use overreach and then back up and compromise. If at once he doesn't succeed, he will try and try again.
In conclusion, deceived people will support the establishment of what in reality is a terrorist state. They will think and say “peace, peace; this makes sense and it is better than all the shooting and killing.” Wake up you sweet little knuckle heads; a terrorist group will not quit its overall objective just because it gets a recognized state.




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