Sunday, August 10, 2014

Jesus, His Church and Victorious Spiritual Warfare

Our enemies are making plans to come to America; they are already making preparations and laying the ground work. Remember Satan is behind all of this! He works from many different places to accomplish his overall goal. He works from within and he works from without. He has people in key places in our country, including within government, the judicial system, the educational system, the entertainment industry, the media and even within religious institutions, and he has multiple forces without our country that can’t wait to destroy America. The only answer is Jesus working through His church that He is building (Matthew 16: 18). The church man has built doesn’t have a clue and couldn’t do anything if they did unless they wake up and repent.

Too many Christians in America have not taken things seriously because they are focused on (actually distracted by) other things. Some Christians who are aware and concerned look to political solutions and/or the rapture. Jesus didn’t say that He would build a political group and the gates of hell wouldn’t prevail against it. I have a hope of the Lord’s return, but we are no better than Christians elsewhere in the past or present and the rapture hasn’t saved them. Jesus is coming for a wife that has made herself ready (Revelation 19: 7). We are not ready! Will we get ready because we willingly wake up and fall in humility and unity before the Lord Jesus or will the stone fall on us?

Too many Americans don't want to take military action anywhere at this time. Why don't Christians wake up and do spiritual warfare? Military action never stops Satan and his forces anyway. God is calling His people to spiritual warfare which is the only way to real victory. Victorious spiritual warfare is behind any other victorious warfare. Where are the soldiers of the Lord’s army? Onward Christian soldiers…

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