Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Worship and Places

Loyal Disciple or Experience Seeker?
While many professing Christians are looking for something in places and experiences, the eyes of the Lord are looking for loyal disciples to make up a restored Church. While loyal disciples are denying self to follow Jesus, immature and/or carnal Christians and religious people are looking for places, experiences, etc.

Human nature is no different today than in the past; it is no different than when Jesus walked the earth and spoke truth to the Samaritan woman. Did she have ears to hear to become a true worshiper? Will you have ears to hear, or will you continue your journey and defend your position? Much is at stake!

Where to Worship
Jesus said that the hour is coming when true worshipers would worship the Father in spirit and in truth wherever they are, not in certain places like the mountains of Samaria or Jerusalem. That hour actually came a long time ago, but countless professing Christians still run to and fro looking zealously for something spiritual in places and experiences.

Many of those presently viewed as spiritual leaders feed this frenzy by example and word. They continually chase this and that. They chase this for a while and write or talk about how great it is, and then they will decide it is not so great after all and then they will take off looking for something else. They are really hindering the Church and the kingdom of God. They might even mean well but they are helping create a lot of unnecessary confusion and are distracting multitudes of people.

It is time to stop where you are, repent of all the chasing, and become a true worshiper of God right where you are. Our Lord is looking for those who will hear His word and become disciples who worship in spirit and in truth. Many of those who have been seeking places and experiences will continue on that path, but a few will have ears to hear and will heed the Lord's call for true worshipers. They will readily repent and begin the process of being transformed by renewing their minds. While those around them still hit and miss, mostly miss by chasing this and that, they will be in pursuit of God.

While the itchy ear generation runs to and fro looking for experiences that excite and thrill, a faithful remnant Church is forming. This faithful remnant wants to know God intimately and wants to fulfill the Lord's words concerning worship. They want to worship God in spirit and in truth.

True prophets and other ministers of God are calling for Christians to repent and return to their first love. They are heeding the admonition giving by Paul to Timothy: “Preach the Word of truth when they are ready for it and when they are not ready for it." Some will heed the call and others will resist and defend their present positions. Be among the faithful, do not be defensive and stubborn minded. Be humble and teachable rather than defending some religiously accepted position.

Become a disciple who seeks God rather than places and experiences. Become one who communicates the truth of God with whatever means available to you. The itchy-ear generation wants other things, but give them Scripture. Most of all walk among them as one who worships God in spirit and truth!


deaconc said...

Hi Pastor Wayne:

I said this before, but believe me, it is more evident day by day that God is pulling the covers off of a lot of things. Judgement is finally starting to happen in God's house. Nonsense has been preached for a long time and it is time to pay the piper. God is tired of His people being carried away from wind to wind; more and more of these so called preachers, "profits" and "singers" are being exposed for the charlatans they are.

The so called "christians" in the church are also being exposed. The word and only the word will transform you. I want the church to be what Jesus intended it to be and I am willing to do whatever is necessary for it to happen.

May God continue to keep you strong in Him and keep preaching the word in and out of season.


R. Wayne Wilson said...

Hi Carol, I believe that the Lord is looking for loyal disciples who will totally yield to Him and His will.

Many Christians are presently so bound that it is hard for them to shake free. They have hearts for traditions and ears for private interpretations. It will take hard times for many to wake up. I do believe that judgment is taking place in the Church. Judgment by God is actually motivated by His love and grace. He wants His people to wake up so that they don't have to face greater judgment later on.

I encourage all who have their spiritual eyes and ears open to cry out to God in intercession and to witness truth to Christians and to the lost. God bless you for your faithfulness to Him and His Word of truth. In Christ, Wayne