Saturday, September 27, 2008

Getting Things Straight: Day of Pentecost

Let's get what happened on the Day of Pentecost straight once and for all! No one — apostles, disciples, or anyone else — among those in the upper room acted like they were drunk. I am so astounded by the ignorance of some who claim to be Christian that I want to ask, “Who are you people learning from? What are you thinking when you read the Bible? Do you even read the Bible? Are you even studying to show yourself approved? Are you a worker who should be ashamed at the way you handle the Word of truth?”

It was the mockers, get it clear, the “mockers” who said they were full of new wine. They were mockers! They were mockers! Read your Bible — they were MOCKERS. (Yes, I am raising my voice as I sit in front of this computer!)

I am called of God, and my spirit is grieved at the spiritual junk so many professing Christians have given themselves over to. My spirit is grieved because professing Christians are being trained by ministers who neither know Jesus Christ intimately nor His Word thoroughly. By now, some who are reading this may be getting upset and reacting against me, saying, “Well, who and what are you?” What really matters is Who God is, and Who and what He has called any of us to be and do. If you want to know what God has called me to be and to do, ask Him; study what I write. You will discover who and what I am in my writing, if you know anything about the characteristics of certain ministers and what they do. Find out Who God is, who He wants you to be, and what He wants you to do. Let’s do it together, in the unity of faith.

The emphasis in Acts Chapter Two ...

Concerning the eleven and the other disciples, is upon the following:

1. They were all with one accord in one place (v. 1);
2. A sound from heaven filled the whole house (v. 2);
3. Divided tongues, as of fire, appeared and sat upon each of them (v. 3);
4. They were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak with other tongues, as the Holy Spirit gave them utterance (v. 4);
5. Peter, standing up with the eleven [not falling down or getting up after falling down], raised His voice [without stammering like a drunk], and said to them … [in clear and precise language] (vv. 14-40). In verse 15 he specifically said, "For these men are not drunk, as you (unbelieving mockers) suppose...

Note: A new lie of the devil about the emphasis being upon the hearing rather than the speaking is taking root and spreading like "wild fire" in places where people, ministers and professing Christians, don't really know the Word of truth.

Concerning those who came together to see what was going on:
1. When this sound occurred (the only sounds mentioned in verses one through five are found in verses two and four — one being a sound from heaven (v. 2), and the other a result of the utterance given each disciple by the Holy Spirit (v. 4);
2. Those in the multitude who came were all amazed and heard the disciples speaking in the native languages of the hearers (vv. 7-10);
3. They were hearing the disciples speak the wonderful works of God in the language of the hearers (v. 11);
4. They were perplexed at what this could mean [what they were hearing; not seeing people falling all over themselves and others like stupid drunks] (v. 12).

Concerning the mockers (THOSE UNBELIEVING MOCKERS!):
The MOCKERS said, “They are full of new wine.” The emphasis should be upon the truth that there are MOCKERS. Don’t give them too much credit because they only get one verse (v. 13). False and/or carnal and immature prophets, preachers, pastors, teachers, and disciples have taken that verse and given the devil’s message and manifestations.

Concerning those who gladly responded to everything, and specifically Peter’s clear and precise message:
About three thousand souls were added to the number of disciples (v. 41).

Concerning the follow up:
They continued steadfastly in the apostles’ doctrine and fellowship, in the breaking of bread, and in prayers (v. 42).

Concerning you:
1. Will you deny self, forsake all, unite in faith with true and mature ministry gifts and disciples? Will you, together with them, follow Jesus and do His will?
2. Will you become a real student of all of the Word of God?
3. Will you do what is necessary to find true and mature ministers to teach you truth?
4. Will you help bring restoration, revival, and awakening?
5. Will you have your senses trained to discern the false and carnal ministers, run from and stay away from them?
6. Will you have the courage and fortitude to break free from traditions that have made the Word of God of no effect?
7. Will you preach Jesus and Him crucified, and will you learn and preach the message that He preached — the gospel of the kingdom?

There were no apostles or disciples falling down, shaking, or speaking with slurred speech. There were apostles and disciples who had just been baptized in the Holy Spirit after being in one mind and accord and after hearing a sound from heaven. There were people who gathered and heard the apostles and disciples speaking about the wonderful works of God in their native languages, languages not learned intellectually by the speakers. If any preachers from any kind of groups tell you otherwise, they are lying to you. They are guilty of adding to and taking away from the Word, and they are guilty of misleading God’s people. Neither sin is small in God’s eyes! If you are listening to and believing their lies and then passing them on to others, then you are adding to and taking away from God’s Word of truth. You are adding to the problems in the body of Christ.

My prayer is that the eyes of many will be opened to see that certain things that have been happening in some segments of Western Christianity that mimic drunkenness and animalistic behavior is not of the Holy Spirit. Let’s all get things straight; let's have our senses trained to recognize good and evil, and let's be about the Father’s business of making true and holy-in-conduct disciples. The time is short! The hour is urgent! Repent for the kingdom of God is at hand!


deaconc said...

Hi Pastor Wayne:

It angers me that God's word is misused and abused to put people in slavery to the devil and his antics. It saddens me that the church goes on "as business as usual", not realizing that the time is shorter than any one of us realizes.

I realize now more than ever that the road to Christ is narrow and that few will or are willing to walk on that road.

Pastor Wayne, not too many people want to hear the truth. You can preach & blog until "your tongue falls out :)", but until their ears & eyes are unplugged by the power of the Holy Spirit, they will not hear you. My prayer is that eyes and ears are open to hear the truth spoken by you and other Godly pastors, and the church is restored by Godly repentance.

God bless,


R. Wayne Wilson said...

I am in agreement with you Carol. Let's pray that the power of the Holy Spirit opens the eyes and ears of countless Christians and lost people. The battle is the Lord's; we have victory in Jesus! God bless you. I really appreciate your comments. In Christ, Wayne