Monday, January 30, 2017

The Whole Counsel of God

It is the middle of the night and I have been studying the word of God.

The Whole Counsel of God

There is a world of difference in ministers studying the whole counsel of God (Acts 20: 27) to show themselves approved so that they can properly equip the saints and false ministers (Matthew 7:15) and immature ministers (Hebrews 5:12, 13) that search the Bible to find Scriptures that they can use to further their political agendas.

There is a world of difference in true and mature ministers of Jesus Christ that preach and teach the whole counsel of God and false prophets and/or immature ministers that use Scripture out of proper context to persuade people to follow and accomplish their agendas which are often political.

True and mature ministers preach and teach the whole counsel of God so that Christians are sanctified by truth and properly equipped for the work of the ministry and the building up of the body of Christ.

False prophets and regretfully some immature ministers use Scriptures out of context to accomplish their agendas. At present many are using Scriptures out of context to accomplish their political agendas.

Friday, January 27, 2017

Watch Out For False Prophets

In Matthew 7: 15, 16 Jesus warns us to watch out for false prophets; He said that they would come in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly would be ferocious wolves and by their fruit we would recognize them.

In Matthew 24: 24 Jesus warns us that false messiahs and false prophets will appear and perform great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect.
In 2 Corinthians 11: 13-15 the Spirit of Jesus through the Apostle Paul warns us about false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into apostles of Christ. And no wonder! For Satan himself transforms himself into an angel of light. Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also transform themselves in to ministers of righteousness, whose end will be according to their works.
Listen, my fellow Christians! Satan is fast at work; on one hand he is killing, stealing and working through evil people in a way that is obvious to the natural eye. But on the other hand, he is using deceit and deception like he did with Eve. It takes spiritual discernment to recognize those mentioned in the Scriptures above.  Those mentioned above include ministers that are working right now in churches that are supposed to be Christian churches. They will often emphasize love, grace and mercy but it is not the true love, grace and mercy of Jesus and His word. Can you recognize them? Many cannot because they do not have spiritual discernment! Do you want to recognize them!
I pass on to you the warnings that Jesus and Paul gave us. I beseech you to ask the Lord Jesus for spiritual discernment and I encourage you to study Scripture under the teaching of the Holy Spirit so that you can have your senses trained to discern both good and evil (Hebrews 5: 14).
 Can you recognize false prophets? They are scattered throughout modern Christianity! They don’t wear outward signs that say they are false prophets, but they can be recognized if one has spiritual discernment. One of the gifts of the Spirit is discerning of spirits. This gift is definitely needed in our time and day and every true Christian needs to have their senses trained to discern both good and evil so that they are not among the elect that are in danger of being deceived. Selah!

Tuesday, January 3, 2017

The Need for the Power of the Holy Spirit

Satan fears a church with the real power of God! Up to now he has managed by deception to keep the majority of Christians from receiving the true baptism in the Spirit with the results that most Christians are not endued with the necessary power from on high. One tactic that has proven successful for him among many Christians is the development of the language of being Spirit filled along with the elimination of the gifts of the Spirit which limits or takes away the feared power. Another tactic that he has used is to cause some who have been baptized in the Spirit to move out of order and be distractive as well as be an instrument to turn people off to the things of the Spirit. 
Jesus needs the church that He is building to have the power of the Holy Spirit, therefore every born again Christian needs the baptism in the Spirit. It was so important to Jesus for His disciples to have the power of the Spirit that He told them to wait in Jerusalem until they received the baptism in the Spirit without which they would not have the power of God to accomplish His purposes. They were not to try to fulfill the "Great Commission" without first receiving the baptism in the Spirit!
Lord Jesus, Give us apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers that are mature and will equip the saints as You want them equipped. Speak to every true minister and tell them to wait until they have received the true baptism in the Spirit and then to make sure that their church members also receive. Thank You!