Monday, July 25, 2016

I Pray

I pray that the Spirit of the Lord Jesus Christ will cause confusion to come over the socialist/communist wherever they meet this week and that discernment will come to all true Christians in the United States that allows them to see clearly what is going on.

I pray that Christians will see the spirits at work behind the media that has been promoting the socialist/communist and secular/atheistic movements in America.

I pray that all people attending churches controlled by anything other than the Holy Spirit and led by anyone other than true and mature apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers will awaken from their spiritual stupor caused in large part by the ministers and teachings they have been following and will flee those churches and those deceived and deceiving ministers.

I pray that Christians with Christ formed within, anointed with the Holy Spirit and power and sanctified by truth will come forth and be the church that Jesus gave His life for and will go into the world as salt and light defending the true gospel and proclaiming the truth of Jesus, His word and His kingdom.

I pray that all the other gospels that have infiltrated many churches and denominations will be exposed and dealt with accordingly. This includes the false prosperity gospel, the false cheap love and grace gospel, the false social gospel, the false legalistic gospel and any other gospel that has replaced and/or watered down the truth of Jesus as the Sacrificial Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world and the empowering Lord who baptizes with the Holy Spirit and proclaims the gospel of the kingdom.

I pray that all true Christians will have discernment that allows them to see evil spirits wherever they are at work in anyone. I pray that their discernment will be so keen that they can tell that a spirit or spirits are at work simply by seeing the effects on the faces of the people and hearing the effects on the voices of the people.

I pray that all true Christians will become sanctified by truth and be able to discern lies, deceptions, false teachings and false traditions no matter how beautifully and religiously they may be packaged.

I pray that all ministers who have been born again but not baptized in the Spirit will stop what they are doing and wait before God until Jesus baptizes them in the Holy Spirit. that all true Christians will become sanctified by truth and be able to discern lies, deceptions, false teachings and false traditions no matter how beautifully and religiously they may be packaged.

I pray that all ministers who have been born again but not baptized in the Spirit will stop what they are doing and wait before God until Jesus baptizes them in the Holy Spirit.

I pray that all true Christians will become sanctified by truth and be able to discern lies, deceptions, false teachings and false traditions no matter how beautifully and religiously they may be packaged.

I pray that all ministers who have been born again but not baptized in the Spirit will stop what they are doing and wait before God until Jesus baptizes them in the Holy Spirit.

I pray that all true Christians will become sanctified by truth and be able to discern lies, deceptions, false teachings and false traditions no matter how beautifully and religiously they may be packaged.

I pray that all ministers who have been born again but not baptized in the Spirit will stop what they are doing and wait before God until Jesus baptizes them in the Holy Spirit.

 In Jesus Name

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