Thursday, June 30, 2016

Birth is Only the Beginning

If parents treated their new born babies as most parts of Christianity do, we would have few physically mature adults in this world. The birth of babies, both natural and spiritual, brings joy but in both cases it is only the beginning. A major problem occurs when birth, natural or spiritual, is seen and treated as an end all.

Both natural birth and spiritual birth are very exciting occurrences, but at present those born naturally have a better opportunity to grow and become mature adults than those born spiritually have in becoming a mature disciple of Jesus Christ. We all enjoy our children and grandchildren at their various stages of childhood, but the goal is for them to grow up and become mature adults. The goal that Jesus has for those born into His family is that they grow up and become mature disciples, but at present it is difficult for it to take place. 

In the message titled The Problem of Spiritual Immaturity I stated the following: “One of the main problems in Christianity is that spiritual immaturity is widespread among the members of the body of Christ. The problem includes many that are working as ministers! Spiritual immaturity is not a new problem among Christians; it is a longstanding problem and is possibly the greatest hindrance that prevents the Church from fulfilling her God given call and responsibilities.”

Why is spiritual immaturity such a wide spread problem in Christianity? Who is responsible? Spiritual immaturity is wide spread in Christianity because the traditions and doctrines of man have replaced and/or been mixed with the truth of the word of God and water it down. The ones that are most responsible are those in spiritual leadership positions. All of this results in keeping Christians in a state of babyhood.

While I am writing this I am listening to an account of what is being called a revival in a particular church. I listen guardedly! I am looking for the real and I have seen enough of flash revivals. A church can have what they call revival, people can be saved, buildings can be expanded or new ones built, television opportunities can open up and expand worldwide, conferences can be held on a regular basis, people can come from far and near to see and/or be part of this happening and in a few years it is not heard of anymore. Why? It is at best usually what I will call a partisan revival meaning that it is by a particular church that has its own doctrines and traditions. In these revivals people can really be born again, but very quickly are indoctrinated into that particular groups beliefs-doctrines and traditions.

I am seeking restoration, revival and awakening that is real and lasting. When those that are already true Christians wake up, repent and remove everything that is of man and live by the word of God rightly divided then when babies are birthed into the kingdom of God they will be on a fast track to maturity in Christ. Churches, let’s examine ourselves with the word of God rightly divided as our standard and take the necessary steps that will make sure that when a baby is born that baby will grow to maturity in the one body of Christ-the church that Jesus is building.


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