Monday, February 29, 2016

Simple Voting Guidelines for True and Mature Followers of Jesus

For a mature and discerning follower of Jesus Christ, making a decision on who to vote for in the primary is as simple as researching who is true to Jesus and the Bible and our Constitution rightly divided. The bottom line is who has an ongoing witness of seeking to be true to Jesus, His word and our Constitution? This type of candidate, if elected, may not be perfect but will have the full resources of heaven on his side.


A lot of things are being said and promised to American voters, but do the things being said and promised fit properly into the whole of being true to Jesus, His word and our Constitution. If not, what is being said may tickle enough ears to be elected, but in the long run things will not work out to the good of Christians in America.


If one is consecrated to Jesus, lives by His word and determines that all must be true to our Constitution, then any individual need and/or policy will be addressed accordingly. There are some candidates who have researched what key issues people are interested in and they consistently emphasize those things and say what they believe people, including Christians, want to hear. But does what they say come from the heart of one who is consecrated to Jesus, is dedicated to living by His word and has been and continues to be a defender of our Constitution?


How can anyone who is a true follower of Jesus and a true patriotic citizen of our beloved country even consider voting for an outright socialist/communist or someone who has progressive leanings toward socialism or communism? Where are their faith, trust and wisdom?


A true and mature follower of Jesus has their senses exercised to discern both good and evil. They can discern ministers and they can discern candidates. They know what to look for; they don’t get distracted from keeping their focus on the main thing. They can distinguish the ministers that equip the saints in the whole council of God from the ministers that pick subjects that tickles the ears of immature Christians and draws big crowds. They can distinguish the candidates that are focused on being true to Jesus, His word and our Constitution from the candidates who are focused on self and are saying whatever is necessary to advance their personal agendas.


What is the need? The need is to find ministers who are true to Jesus and the Bible and candidates who are true to Jesus, the Bible and our Constitution. We desperately need ministers that will train Christians in the whole council of God and then individual needs will be met. We need governmental servants who will stay true to our full Constitution and then individual needs will be met.


Do you understand the principles I am emphasizing. A preacher can talk about things that please the ears of people while never intending to be true to the whole council of God. A candidate can research and find certain needs and then promise over and over to meet them, but does not constantly emphasize allegiance to our Constitution rightly divided. Do you see the difference?




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