Thursday, December 31, 2015



While many Christians are not being taught anything about antichrist, others are mainly taught about the Antichrist and 666. The verses below will help bring some needed insight and balance. We must be aware that the spirit of Antichrist is already at work and many antichrists have already come. It will help our understanding if we also know that anti can either mean against, opposite or in place of.  

If you will begin taking an honest and discerning look at the world around you as well as at parts   of the church you will begin to see that an anti-Jesus and anti-Christian civilization that is undergirded by anti-Jesus and anti-Christian political/judicial power is on the rise.

As always, I am calling for enough Christians to unite in the faith and fully accomplish what Jesus wants of His church before He returns.

Little children, it is the last time (hour): and as you have heard that the Antichrist is coming, even now many antichrists have come, by which we know that it is the last hour.

--1 John 2:18

Who is a liar but he who denies that Jesus is the Christ? He is the antichrist who denies the Father and the Son.

--1 John 2: 22

Whoever denies the Son does not have the Father either; he who acknowledges the Son has the Father also.

--1 John 2: 23

Note: 1 John 2: 23 specifically addresses some who knock on doors. Some of you have friends who fall into this category. Pray for and witness truth to them before it is too late for them.

Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits, whether they are of God; because many false prophets have gone out into the world. By this you know the Spirit of God: Every spirit that confesses that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is of God, and every spirit that does not confess that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is not of God. And this is the spirit of the Antichrist, which you have heard was coming; and is now  already in the world.

--1John 4: 1-3

For many deceivers have gone out into the world who do not confess Jesus Christ as coming in the flesh. This is a deceiver and an antichrist!

--2 John 1:7




Friday, December 25, 2015

My Christmas Prayer

Dear Lord Jesus,


I know that you were not born on December 25th, but with all my heart I celebrate Your birth with others who love and appreciate You and all You have done and continue to do for us. Let us have a true awakening and an anointing of your Spirit that causes us to celebrate You every moment of our lives. Let us yield to your Spirit and allow Him to fully form you within each of us. You are no longer a little baby; You are full grown and You are the King of kings and the Lord of lords.


The world around us that is under Satan's control is trying to destroy, erase or change anything that mentions or points to You. I pledge to You that I will by the help of Your Spirit continue to do what I can to awaken the hearts and minds of those who say they believe in You so that we will unite in the faith and become unified witnesses for you and Your kingdom.


Satan and his ministers disguised as ministers of righteousness have invaded and taken over parts of what is called Christianity with their lies, deceptions and vain philosophies. Though Your word warns of these things, I see young and old alike being captured and deceived by him and his false ministers who are deceiving and deceived. Satan has an arsenal of strategies and tactics and he knows that not everyone will fall for the same thing so he tailors and personalizes his attacks. So far his strategies and tactics have been so successful in blinding the minds and hearts of many professing Christians that they are not only not resisting what he is doing, but are actually cooperating with him.


One thing that defies logic is that many people who profess You as their Savior and Lord say that they see the dangers all around us but they can do very little if anything because they have been captivated by parts of Christianity which deny the power that You have provided for Your people to do your will on earth. One of the things that prevent them from waking up is that many of those who don't deny the power have set bad examples by either prostituting it for their own gain or by chasing wildfires. Satan must sit back and laugh as he continues to take ground. At present, it is almost impossible to see how he could feel threatened by the church at large.


Much has changed since last Christmas! Much will change by next Christmas! I believe that what will take place is largely up to what takes place with Your followers. We desperately need restoration, revival and awakening! I know that Satan and his forces, both demonic and human, have plans to double down on their efforts in attacking You and Your followers. You surprised him and His followers at Your birth; You surprised him and his followers at Your crucifixion and subsequent resurrection. Let’s surprise him and them this next year!


Let there come forth a faithful remnant church that totally yields to Your Spirit and allows Him to fully form You within each member thereof. With Him in total control of our spirits, souls and bodies, let our meat be to do the will of our Heavenly Father and glorify You in all things. Let there be a church in Your image that manifest Your love, power, truth and unity.


Lord Jesus, You are no longer a little baby; You are full grown and You are King of kings and Lord of lords. In the future every knee will bow and acknowledge You as such. I choose to willingly bow to You and acknowledge all of who You are now. Thank You with all my heart!


In Your Name,




Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Alert to True Christians

I have been warning for years that the battle is against Jesus and His followers, and that Christians in America should wake up to see that your Christian freedom is under attack. Today I have a fresh warning that the time is short for Christian freedom in America unless enough Christians wake up and wake up soon.

To help wake up true Christians I must also address end times to make the word above clear to your hearts and minds. Things are getting worse all over the world, including in America. Some preachers and Christians recognize that fact, but their response is that Jesus is coming soon which means that they will be saved from the chaos and destruction. Jesus is coming, but there is something that is missing in the minds of most of those who long for His return. They are missing the truth that Jesus is coming for a church that has made herself ready (Revelation 19:7). Being ready includes several things, and one of those key things is the unity of the faith that Jesus prayed for in John 17 (see also Ephesians 4:13).

So what is the conclusion? We Christians in America can go along as we are and experience greater and greater loss of Christian freedom or we can wake up, repent, yield to the Holy Spirit and allow Him to make us one with the Lord Jesus and with each other. The prayer of Jesus is going to be answered! For us it can take place while we have Christian freedom or after the loss of Christian freedom and all that loss will mean, but it is going to take place.

Saturday, December 19, 2015

Producing a Faithful Remnant Church

Are you born again? Are you one with the body of Christ? These are two very important questions that must be biblically balanced or we will never have a faithful remnant church that is able to complete her work on earth.

There are many born again Christians whose main focus is on the importance of being saved and going to heaven. They are born again and will spend eternity with the Lord Jesus, but they are falling way short in what the Lord wants of them on earth. They do not yet have the full revelation of what Jesus wants the church that He is building to be and to do.

Jesus does love each person as an individual, but the major goal of Father, Son and Holy Spirit is having a body of Christ that is one with each other. Grow in your appreciation that Jesus made a way for you as an individual to be part of His body, but develop a mindset that we must have a body of Christ that is one with Jesus and with each other. Ask the Holy Spirit for revelation on how important this is because without this mindset we will never be able to fulfill the major goal of Father, Son and Spirit.  In building a building, each individual board is important, but they must be put together and put together properly to have a building. The fragmentation of the church is the polar opposite of the will of Jesus for the church that He is building.  We can sing Victory in Jesus, but without fulfilling our Lord’s Prayer found in John 17 we will never be victorious on earth.

Caution!  Don’t be deceived and drawn in to the false unification that is being promoted by many within and without Christianity. It is very deceptive and uses key words such as love, peace, tolerance and grace to accomplish its evil and deceptive purposes.

In closing, I urge you to repent of and remove any mindset that promotes fragmentation. Submit to the Holy Spirit and study the word of God diligently so that you know truth and will not be among the elect who are in danger of deception. Find a minster that is focused on helping Jesus build His one body rather than building up some local church or ministry that does good things but is wittingly or unwittingly promoting fragmentation.  The Lord Jesus is praying, watching and waiting.


Thursday, December 3, 2015

We Haven't Seen Anything Yet!

Galatians 6: 7, 8 reads “Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap. For he who sows to his flesh will of the flesh reap corruption, but he who sows to the Spirit will of the Spirit reap everlasting life.”


For decades I have been calling for Christians to wake up as well as warning of things like what happened in California yesterday. I have repeatedly said that unless enough Christians wake up you haven't seen anything yet.


This morning I hear in my spirit that most Christian ministers in America do not know what to do in light of what is taking place. Yes, they will talk about praying for hurting people as they should. They will talk about trusting God as they should. They will talk about some other things that are appropriate, but deep down inside they don’t know what to do to get to the root cause of things. Oh yeah, the end time people will come on strong with things are getting worse and be ready. Yes, things are getting worse; we should all look to the glorious return of the Lord Jesus, but He isn’t coming for a weak and divided bride who hasn’t completed her work on earth.


My word to you is, don’t be deceived. Do not be deceived by the rhetoric which is and which will be coming forth from multiple sources (religious leaders, political leaders, the media, etc.). Wake up and yield all to the Holy Spirit. Ask Him to bring forth true and mature apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers to equip the saints. Find some to properly equip you! Be careful and discerning of those who might make a brief change, but will soon get back to their status quo messages. Remember that most don’t really know what to do to get to the root cause of things. Pray that they wake up; make the appropriate changes in their lives and messages, and begin getting about the business of properly equipping and making the bride ready for now and the future.


We haven’t seen anything yet! I want to see restoration, revival and awakening that turns the world upside down for Jesus. What do you want to see? Are you willing to count the cost and pay the price?


Tuesday, December 1, 2015

God's Truth Versus Last Day's Deception

One devastating last day’s deception says that God accepts people of all religions. There are those who call themselves Christian ministers who are spreading this deception by saying that God accepts not only Christians but Muslims, Hindus and those of other religions. They are not only spreading this last day’s deception, but are joining with leaders from other religions to form a false unity. They are setting people apart with deception. Pray for these deceived ministers and the leaders of others religions to wake up to God’s truth!

The truth is that God loves all people, but there is only one way for them to be restored to God. That one way is to by faith receive Jesus as Savior and become part of the spiritual body of Christ. This is the only way to be accepted into the family of God! Ministers of truth will love all people and because of that love will share the truth of how to be restored to God to all lost people including those of other religions. Those who hear and respond to the truth of Jesus will join together to answer the prayer of Jesus in John 17. Sanctification by God’s truth forms a people that are one with God and one with each other.

Even though many Christians may not yet be aware of this particular deception, it is rampant and spreading fast among parts of modern Christianity. It is a serious deception and is in itself another growing gospel. It fits in the biblical warning that deception will be such in the last days that even the elect will be in danger of being deceived.