Sunday, July 19, 2015

Let Judgment Begin with the Shepherds

God is righteous and His judgments are sure. Judgment begins at the church and there is no better place to start than with the shepherds of the flock. For the most part Christians go where their shepherds lead.  Many shepherds are not equipping Christians under their responsibility properly and/or are leading them astray.  For the most part they are equipping and teaching them by the standards, traditions and doctrines of their particular group and/or by the standards of the world rather than by the Spirit and whole counsel of God. Thank God for the few who are faithful to Jesus Christ and His word rightly divided.

I am asking the Lord Jesus to judge all of His shepherds beginning with me and to bring heavy conviction upon those who are not true to Jesus and His word rightly divided. If there are any shepherds who do not repent accordingly, then I am asking the Lord Jesus to replace them with shepherds after His own heart who will minister only the word rightly divided and will do so with an anointing that comes only by the Holy Spirit.

Speaking of anointing, there is a world of difference between personality and anointing, and a world of difference between enthusiasm and anointing.  Let the Spirit of God teach Christians the difference so that they choose their shepherds according to the Lord’s standards and not the world’s standards.


Thursday, July 16, 2015

Spiritual Warfare

No one engaged in warfare entangles himself with the affairs of this life, that he may please him who enlisted him as a soldier (2 Timothy 2: 4).

Many years ago the Lord spoke verbally to me in a dream and said to call the body of Christ to war. Over the years I have tried to be faithful to what He said to me. Early this morning the Spirit of the Lord told me to write again about spiritual warfare and He gave me the Scripture listed above.  I titled this message and recorded the Scripture this morning and started studying and meditating on what needs to be said. Later in the day I learned of the devilish attack on our Marines. I am deeply saddened as I am sure you are, but I am not at all surprised by what took place in Chattanooga today.
By the leading of the Holy Spirit, I have for years been trying to wake up Christians and prepare them for the times in which we live.  On one hand I have called for what the Lord Jesus wants of His people, on the other hand I have warned of what the devil has planned for the people of God and for the nations, especially for the United States of America.
I have called for repentance and restoration of God’s people that would lead to revival and great awakening.  I have warned that if there is not godly restoration there will be devilish storms beyond your imagination. Let me clear something up for you. The devil is going to be around until Jesus puts him away for good. This means that there will be evil and it will increase. But what many Christians lack revelation of is that a restored church would be a force to be reckoned with. I will explain more about this in time. I will say that at present most parts of the Church are not properly prepared to resist the devil and his demonic and human forces. Neither are they properly prepared to preach the gospel of the kingdom in all the world as a witness to all nations. In fact, most preachers, much less their church members, don’t even know what the gospel of the kingdom is.
By the Spirit I have given general and specific warnings. An example of what I mean by general is when I say devilish storms. When I say people will be afraid to go to shopping centers because of the fear of attack or when I say people will be afraid to see someone with an exercise bag because it might contain explosives I am being more specific about devilish storms.
I am going to conclude this part by saying we have waited too late and devilish storms are here, but the Spirit of the Lord will help us if we let Him. One thing to be aware of is that as attacks increase there will be a desire to call for military and police action.  The devil would be quite happy to turn America into a military state with a very restrictive government. Remember that fear not only causes the hearts of people to fail, it causes them to call for things that would take away their freedoms.
What can Christians do? First, we need to humble ourselves and repent. We need to learn about spiritual armor and warfare and we need to pray. I will be teaching things that will help us. I regret that things have gotten this far along, but I am a soldier of the Lord and I am not going to surrender. I am calling for the body of Christ to learn about and carry out spiritual warfare.
I have a pastor’s heart with a prophetic call; I pray enough people will listen, understand and respond. All glory to Jesus Christ!