Friday, September 4, 2015

The Necessity of Being Properly Equipped

Text: Ephesians 4: 1-16

Jesus is on His heavenly throne, but at present a spiritual war still rages on earth. Some day in the future all evil will be put away permanently. Until that time Satan and his forces, demonic and human, are engaged in an all out war against anyone and anything of God on earth.

What are the followers of Jesus to do until Jesus returns? In every generation true Christians should look forward to the glorious return of our Lord Jesus Christ, but should be about the work that Jesus has assigned His church to do until He returns. He came to the earth and stayed focused on the Father’s business until He completed what had been assigned to Him. He now sits at the Father’s right hand waiting for His church to do the same.

On earth we have some major problems to overcome if we are to accomplish what the Lord desires of our generation. At present I am going to name only one of those problems. The first problem involves the ministers of the Church. In each generation Jesus calls, prepares and sends ministers to equip His people on earth for the work of the ministry. The problem is that in each generation Satan works to counteract the plan of Jesus by arranging for immature and false ministers to control many parts of the church. This is a major problem! It must be overcome!

I want to make it absolutely clear that it is a necessity for each and every Christian to be properly and fully equipped for the work of the ministry. Furthermore, I want to make it clear that no member of the church will ever be properly and fully equipped to accomplish his or her assigned work without being equipped by a true and mature minister who has been called, prepared and sent by Jesus Christ. Therefore, it is incumbent upon each and every Christian to make sure that they seek out a minister or ministers who will properly and fully equipped them for the work of the ministry.




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