Wednesday, August 26, 2015

August 2014

As you read what I write would you please understand that I realize that there are faithful ministers and church members in the body of Christ, but I also know that the Church as a whole needs restoration, especially the part that is in the United States.  (Fri. 8/28/15)

When the new nature of a Christian is mixed with the old nature, the result is an immature Christian who is often religious on one hand and lukewarm on the other. They are often very religious about church attendance but lukewarm about personal prayer and Bible study. (Wed. 8/26/15)

If a minister is born again and has also received the baptism in the Spirit, he or she will be actively moving in one or more of the nine gifts of the Spirit listed in 1 Corinthians 12: 8-11. If not, something is not right and needs correcting. One of the main things that need correcting is the false teaching that a person is baptized in the Spirit simultaneously with being born again. (Wed. 8/12/15)
The Lord Jesus is creating circumstances that reveal who and what people are. (Fri. 8/7/15)

If the church in the United States was made up of ministers and members who have been born again, baptized in the Spirit and sanctified by truth, the vote in Washington D. C. yesterday would have had different results.

Our little Sunday and Wednesday meetings are not for the most part producing true and mature disciples of Jesus Christ and we are paying a high price and the worst is yet to come unless real repentance takes place, so enjoy doing your little thing(s) while you can.

If you as a preacher cannot understand and/or rightly divide and teach what the Bible really says about the baptism in the Holy Spirit how do you expect governmental and judicial leaders to understand and rightly divided our Constitution? Wed. 8/5/15)

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