Friday, May 22, 2015

The Holy Spirit is Looking and Calling

At present, in the overall church in the United States, there are more ministers and members who are religious than there are ministers and members who are mature followers of Jesus Christ. Inside the church this is exemplified by the dedicated adherence of these ministers and members to the teachings of their group’s doctrines and the practicing of their group’s traditions. Outside the church it is exemplified by the spiritual darkness that is rapidly spreading throughout our nation because of the lack of lack of salt and light emanating from the church.

The Holy Spirit is looking and calling for ministers and members of the church who will yield to His teaching and do the true works of Jesus Christ. Those who respond whole heartedly will know the presence, anointing and power of the Lord Jesus as never before. The Holy Spirit will open the eyes of their understanding to the word of God in new ways. He will equip them to become salt and light witnesses of Jesus Christ and His kingdom to those within and without the church. They will be instrumental in restoring the church in the United States as well as saving our beloved country from destruction. They will meet great opposition from within the church and from society, but their victory will be in Jesus. They will learn firsthand that greater is He who is within them than he who is in the world.  Onward Christian soldiers! Onward to victory in Jesus!

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