Monday, April 27, 2015

Faith, Healing and the Church in the United States

Most Christians in the United States have not been taught to believe for physical healing, but even among those who have been taught being healed and/or staying healed is the exception rather than the rule. Why? There is one simple answer and it has to do with understanding that Jesus Christ has only one spiritual body.
When enough Christians wake up, repent and become part of one restored remnant Church then and only then will everything fit together and work as Jesus, the Head of the body intends for them to work. This includes physical healing for His family on earth. There are things that we will not understand until Jesus literally returns, but the basic Scriptural truth about healing is that it is available for each member of the body of Christ until they finish their course on earth. The exceptions to this principle are only fully known by the Lord Himself. At present, because of lack of truth healing is the exception rather than the rule.
What can we do to see healing in the body of Christ to the degree that Jesus, the Head of the body, desires? We can receive truth and live by the resulting faith that sets us free from anything that is not of the Lord God. A major truth that God desires for all people to know is that Jesus is the only Way to God, and Jesus has only one spiritual body. When Christians receive this truth and begin to make the necessary corrections all will begin to fit together and work as Jesus intends. While Jesus was on earth in a physical body, the parts of His physical body worked together as they were intended to do so. He wants His one spiritual body to work together as intended.  
The world understands that the condition of the soul affects the physical body. The deeper truth is that the condition of the spirit affects both the soul and the body.  Parts of the Church understand this in some areas, but not in this most important area. Jesus is building only one Church which means that He has only one spiritual body. He had one physical body when He was on earth and He has only one spiritual body now that He is at the right hand of His Father.
Up to now, most Christians who have been taught to believe for healing have not been taught healing in the context that I am presenting it. Jesus works where He can; He has often had to work with His people who have limited revelation, but the truth remains that for the most part healing has been the exception rather than the rule. Let’s change that! Let’s change it to what Jesus the Head of the Church has always intended for His one body. Let’s become one spiritual body united in the faith.
I will sum this up by saying that Jesus loves each member of His body, but He wants each member to have the revelation that they are part of one spiritual body of Christ. Healing will begin to flow as Jesus intends for it to when His body begins to function as His body. There is a world of difference in you believing for healing while most of the body of Christ does not, and you believing for healing as a part of the body of Christ that does believe for healing.  Right now you are doing what you can to experience healing, but when the body of Christ functions as intended gifts of healings are always flowing. Selah!



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