Friday, October 31, 2014

The Kingdom of God and the Political Kingdom of the World

When one is born again by faith he or she is transferred from the kingdom of darkness into the Kingdom of God (Col. 1: 13).  A born again person is in the world but is not to be of the world. Until being born again people are for the most part under the control of Satan and his kingdom of darkness. After being born again they are citizens and representatives of the Kingdom of God which makes them a threat to Satan, his followers and his kingdom of darkness.  As citizens of the Kingdom of God they are to be witnesses for Jesus and His Kingdom which means they are to be salt and light to the world around them which is still under the influence and control of Satan and his demonic forces. In being salt and light they can utilize things of the world but are never to become part of the world.
For example, the political realm is part of the world system. Disciples of Jesus are to be salt and light to the political realm but not of the political realm. In being salt and light, disciples of Jesus can run for and be in office, but they are always to represent Jesus and His Kingdom and are not to become part of the political realm. I will illustrate this by discussing power. Satan wants power and dominion over people; he wants to put people in bondage and bring destruction to them. He will use lies and deception to gain the power and dominion necessary to accomplish his intentions. Politicians who are of the political realm want power and dominion over people; they too will use lies and deception to gain that power and dominion.  Disciples of Jesus who are involved as salt and light in the political world are to use the power and truth of God to advance the Kingdom (rule) of God and to help people. This pleases the Lord Jesus but puts them at odds with those within and without their party who are part of the political world.
In conclusion, please remember that the political world is part of the world system which is under the control of the god of this world. Jesus needs true and mature disciples who will be salt and light for Him and His Kingdom to the political kingdom. Unfortunately, parts of Christianity have come under the influence and control of Satan resulting in a corrupted Christianity that has become part of the world system. Corrupted Christianity is part of the political world rather than salt and light to it. May you be salt and light for Jesus and His Kingdom not only to the political world but to all the kingdoms of the world including the corrupted religious kingdom.


Thursday, October 30, 2014

Important Things to Know

1.       One is born again by faith in Jesus Christ and His finished work on the cross (Romans 10: 9, 10).  

2.       After being born again Christians need to be baptized in the Holy Spirit which will give them the anointing and power to carry on the works of Jesus (Acts 1: 4, 5, 8).

3.       Being sanctified by truth is an absolute necessity for all Christians (John 17: 17).

4.       There is only one body of Christ and it is made up of Jews and Gentiles who have believed in Jesus Christ (Ephesians 4: 4).

5.       There is only one faith (Ephesians 4: 5). There is not a Baptist faith, a Methodist faith, a Church of Christ faith, a Pentecostal faith, A Roman Catholic faith, a Jewish faith, a Charismatic faith, an Independent faith, etc. There is only one faith!

6.       The one body of Christ is to mature and live in the unity of the faith (Ephesians 4: 13).

7.       The end will only come after the true church preaches the gospel of the kingdom in all the world as a witness to all nations (Matthew 24: 14).

Friday, October 24, 2014

Onward Christian Soldiers Marching as to War

I warned early on that the devil would like to set up a terrorist state that has its own geographical area.  We have some in our country and in our government that are not controlled by the Holy Spirit which means they might not do enough to stop this from taking place.  Some people in America actually want to see it take place.
I have also warned for a long time about attacks taking place in the United States. The war is here now! It is spiritual war being played out in the natural realm in new ways and new dimensions. It is kingdom versus kingdom! Spiritual war is not ultimately won with natural weapons. A natural war might be won but another will pop up to takes its place. People are going to be afraid; hearts are going to fail for fear. People are going to be afraid of all kinds of things. They will be suspicious and afraid of people carrying book bags, exercise bags, etc.
Spiritual war involves many other areas besides natural wars and attacks on people physically.  Not all heart failure will be over physical threats and actions. I will not go into that in detail at this point, but if you have had your senses trained to discern both good and evil you can see the works of Satan and his agents both demonic and human all around us. We are facing things that even the early church did not face. Satan has saved some of his most evil and deceptive things for the last. The things that he is beginning to unleash are beyond what the natural mind can address and deal with. People and their leaders are going to be dumbfounded unless the wisdom of God comes forth. Note: Remember that some people will be cooperating with the spirit of the world.  
Some of what is taking place now and is going to take place could have been avoided if enough disciples had heeded the call of the Spirit for the restoration of the church. The war in new ways and new dimensions is upon us now and it will not end quickly, but the call is still for restoration of the church that leads to revival and great awakening. The call is also to spiritual war.
Heed the call for humility and godly repentance. Pray for restoration, revival and awakening. Heed the call to spiritual war; keep your spiritual armor on and the sword of the Spirit sharp. Onward Christian soldiers marching as to war.




Thursday, October 23, 2014

Correctly or Incorrectly Pepared and Equipped?

The most important thing that Jesus did for us while on earth was to go to the cross and thereby make a way for us to be reconciled to God by faith in Him and His finished work.  After His ascension two other very important things were done for us. The first was that the baptism in the Spirit was made available for all who would believe and receive. The second was that Jesus gave His church apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers to equip the saints for the work of the ministry.  He is now ever living to make intercession for His spiritual body on earth to fulfill God’s will for her.
At the cross Jesus won the victory and Satan was defeated. The defeat of Satan did not mean that he was annihilated.  He is still at work and still using lies and deceptions.  It worked well for him in the Garden of Eden so why not try it with the church?
Satan’s work has so far had dramatic results. There are many church members, including ministers, who have never been born again. There are even more church members and ministers who have been born again, but have not received the baptism in the Spirit.  Finally, there are even more church members who have not and are not being properly equipped for the work of the ministry by their ministers.
We must have a restored church that is the catalyst for revival and great awakening that will continue until the Lord’s will for His church is fulfilled on earth. Do you want to be a part of this? Can you in the affirmative answer the following questions? Have you been born again by faith and faith alone in Jesus and what He accomplished for you at the cross? After you were born again by faith and faith alone have you received the baptism in the Spirit?  Are you being properly equipped for the work of the ministry?


Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Misguided Fervency versus Biblical Fervency

One who is fervent about the commandments and traditions of men advocated by his church will be recognized, commended and often elevated to positions of influence within his church. It is happening all around us; it is the way of the world within the church. Often times it is personality instead of anointing that opens the doors for these people and often times there is mixture of truth and error in their message just like there was in the Garden of Eden.
I will say that many of them are doing so out of lack of understanding about certain things and not deliberately to deceive people.  If they humble themselves and wake up about certain key things they will be mighty for Jesus and His kingdom. Apollos is a good biblical example of one who humbly listened and made the necessary changes. (Acts 18: 24-26). Note to men: how many of you will listen and change if a woman is involved in explaining the way more accurately to you. I do realize that there are a few puffed up women. The bottom line is humility, true humility for all
 Biblical fervency must be combined with biblical humility. Where are those men, women, boys and girls who are broken and contrite, teachable, born again, baptized in the Spirit, sanctified by His truth, and fervently witnessing Jesus and Him crucified and the gospel of the kingdom to all around them (Matthew 24: 14)?

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Is There Not a Cause?

Are Christians called to be sweet little door mats and/or cowards or are they called to be bold, courageous defenders of the faith? It is time to do all and stand! It is time to mobilize! Yes, it is time to mobilize and pray, but it is also time to mobilize and take action.
For example, why can’t Christians in all communities who attend football games do what one community did? They were told they couldn’t have a prayer before the game so they all mobilized and prayed at the game. In another situation a business person was told he couldn’t fly the American flag so many mobilized and flew our flag which represents freedom bought and maintained by sacrifice and the shedding of blood.
Jesus shed His blood, not for us to be wimps and roll over before Satan, his world system, and his agents both demonic and human.  Yes, demons are still at work and there are people who are still controlled by them, but the members of the body of Christ are called to overcome. Jesus needs enough people who are filled with and led by the Holy Spirit that will boldly  and courageously act on His behalf in opposition to those who are controlled by and acting on behalf of Satan.
Let’s get out of the four walls of our church buildings and prove that greater is the Holy Spirit in us than the demonic spirits controlling and directing those controlled by the power behind the world system.  A word to you women, Jesus set you free. Encourage the men, but mobilize and take action even if they don’t.


Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Godly Restoration in the Church

Please hear before it is too late! We must have godly restoration in the church that leads to revival and great awakening or we are in danger of our Christian freedom (s) being taken away. Actually, the truth be known, for the most part Christian freedoms are being given up rather than taken away. How could this happen?
It is happening because deception is rampant within modern Christianity and has left most of the church spiritually weak, divided and impotent.  At the root of this deception are the false religious doctrines and traditions of man that have captivated most parts of modern Christianity leaving much of the church in the state of a form of godliness but denying the power thereof.  These things are the number one problem. More than anything else they keep the people of God weak and divided. Therefore the devil, the flesh and the world go largely unopposed.
You might say, “I see what is happening in the world around me and I am opposed to it.” Yes, and thank God that you are, but it is going to take more than you and you are going to have to make sure that you are not weighed down with any doctrines and traditions of man. You will not be able to successfully carry out the work of a soldier of the Lord Jesus if you are entangled by and with any false religious doctrines and traditions of man. It is time to come clean! It is time to continue in the word and be washed free of any leaven of man. Some would rather hang on to their precious doctrines and traditions and sink with the ship like those In Jerusalem did in 70 AD. I want to stop the ship from sinking! How about you?
There is still time to restore the church or at least a faithful remnant thereof and save America from destruction from within and without. There is going to be godly restoration within the church or there are going to be devilish storms that steal, kill and destroy our Christian freedoms.  A warning: false preachers and teachers will call for a restoration that is of man and not of God. Many politicians, entertainers, business leaders and others will cooperate with them. Watch and pray!


Friday, October 10, 2014

Defining the Problem and Giving the Solution

The “Problem” is Satan, his kingdom of darkness and his agents both demonic and human. The “Problem” causes many problems such as acts of terror, wars and loss of freedoms.  

The “Solution” is Jesus Christ, His kingdom and His disciples who have Christ formed within, are sanctified with truth and endued with power from on high.