Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Making Ourselves Ready

I have been thinking of my close friend in Jesus, Bobbie Campbell. She has moved and I haven't heard from her. Thank the Lord Jesus because she just called, and we had a wonderful time sharing about Jesus and His word.

Many years ago the Spirit of the Lord gave me the words "Restoration, Revival and Awakening".  The Spirit made it clear to me that there must be a faithful remnant church that is fully restored to Jesus and His word rightly divided, and picks up where the early church left off. There will be Restoration, Revival and Awakening before the Lord returns! These words took root within Bobbie and are growing day by day. She knows that Jesus is coming but He is coming for a bride that has made herself ready (Revelation 19: 7). Bobbie is given to prayer and intercession to wake up the church and bring this about.

The bride, the faithful remnant church, will be free from deception and prejudice, racial or otherwise, that has divided the church for so long. The bride will love as Jesus loves. This church will be saying the same things, and not contradicting each other as is so rampant presently, because it has been sanctified by God’s word rightly divided (John 17: 17; Eph. 5: 26). It will have Christ Jesus formed within (Gal. 4: 19), will be in the unity of faith (Eph. 4: 13), and will go about doing good because of being anointed with the same Holy Spirit and power that anointed Jesus while He was on earth (Acts 10: 38; John 14: 12).

Thank God for saints that are given to prayer and intercession. Holy Spirit, make the church ready! Lord Jesus, come for your bride that has made herself ready!

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