Tuesday, January 28, 2014

True Godly Restoration Accompanied by Persecution or Devilish Storms Like You Have Never Seen

God did not call the world to be salt and light. He called His people, believing Jews and Gentiles, to be salt and light to the world. He did not call His people to be salt and light by their own might and power (human abilities). He called them to be baptized in the Holy Spirit, to have Jesus formed within, and to go about doing good, as Jesus did while He was on earth (Acts 10: 38).  

This country will continue to fall apart as long as the Church in America is divided, immature and for the most part spiritually impotent due to its various religious ways, doctrines and lack of true spiritual character and power.  There may be temporary respites, but they will not last long! Jesus is making intercession, and His eyes are looking for those who will awaken out of their religious sleep. He is looking for those who will repent not only of their fleshly ways but their religious ways. He is looking for those who will totally depend on the power of the Holy Spirit and not their human abilities. He is looking for those who will forsake their religious man-made doctrines and beliefs and will become sanctified by His truth and His truth only.  

Jesus will have a faithful remnant before He returns, but the cost is going to be high until that faithful remnant comes forth in the unity of the faith. Who will step up and not only forsake the ways of the world but the ways of man’s religion and will follow Jesus and Jesus only? Then and only then can one go about doing the good that is really needed.  

We haven’t seen anything yet!  The “anything yet” can go one of two ways. It can go in the direction of  devilish storms that make anything seen presently seem minor, or it can go to a real spiritual awakening, the likes of which this country has never seen. (I am fully aware of earlier spiritual awakenings). If it goes to the latter, there will be tremendous persecution but with great results that will glorify Jesus. The persecution will be better in God’s eyes than reaping what we are presently sowing, and it will be better than the devilish storms that are the only other alternative.

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