Friday, July 1, 2011

Prophetic Words of Restoration (July 2011)

Our message this morning is titled “Look to God for Stability.” We are living in uncertain and difficult times, but will find that God is a very present help when we look to Him. He provides a stabilizing force to believers (Isaiah 33: 5, 6). (7/24/2011)

I have spoken and written time and time again that the major problem in and with the United States is not the President, the Houses of Congress or the Supreme Court, etc.; the major problem with the United States is the condition of the overall Church in the United States. Will this nation have to fall before enough true disciples of Jesus the Christ wake up, unite in faith, follow Jesus wholeheartedly and become true salt and light to our nation? (7/18/2011)

Our message for this morning is titled "Righteousness Exalts a Nation." The righteousness of Jesus within His people is the only thing that will prevent the United States (or any nation) from falling. Let's together seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness. The Lord Jesus be glorified! (7/17/2011)

Should not a person seek their God? This is found in Isaiah 18:19 and is a warning and admonition to the people of God not to seek other sources for guidance. In this particular instance mediums and wizards are mentioned, but the underlying principle is what Christians should be aware of. Some Christians are daily following sayings that may or may not be beneficial to their life. (7/08/2011)

Happy 4th of July! May all Christians in our wonderful country humble themselves, repent, and unite in faith to be God's salt and light so that He will heal our precious country.

Lord God, we give You thanks and desire to worship You in spirit and truth. We declare that this is Your day and Your country! We will celebrate, give thanks and make intercessions this day. We will do Your will. In Jesus Name! (7/04/2011)

The title of our message for today is “Jesus Gives Freedom”. Think not first freedom for the United States of America. Think first of personal freedom from sin, guilt, condemnation, satanic attacks, the flesh, sickness and disease and then freedom from judgment upon this country because of the present state of the Church.

If Christians will humble themselves and repent therefore enabling the Church to become true salt and light then our country can be spared its deserved judgment. The humbling and repenting will include repentance for following traditions and teachings of man in the Church rather than continuing in God’s Word and knowing truth. This applies to Charismatics, Pentecostals, Baptist, Methodist, the Church of Christ, Catholics, Presbyterians, Episcopalians, etc. (7/03/2011)

We need a church or local churches in every community that fulfill God's plan for His Church and serves as a witness to the other churches in the community. The devil will do every thing he can to keep such churches from being birthed or continuing in existence. On the other hand he leaves many churches alone because they are no more a threat to him than any other community group people like to be a part of. For many Sunday church is just another way to fulfill a need to be part of a social or community group. Since it is a religious meeting their attendance gives them some sense of fulfilling their spiritual obligations to God.

We need local churches that will fulfill our Lord's will for the Church He is building. Fellowship will be a vital part of these churches, but it is supernatural fellowship and not just a natural fellowship taking place in a church setting. (7/02/2011)

Starting a real revival! O, if we could just start with every pastor really being born again and baptized in the Holy Spirit and praying in tongues more than all their church members. (7/01/2011)

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