Monday, November 29, 2010

Let the Church be the Church

(This is a part of the message Understanding Faith and Works which can be listened to at

Jesus has been building His Church since He was on earth 2000 years ago. Throughout the past centuries there have been faithful disciples, but there have also been major problems in and with the Church. Time after time, things such as legalism, license to sin, licentiousness, carnality, error, and division have taken hold and characterized many parts of the Church. She has not been consistent in living by the Spirit and the Word. In short, the Church has not forsaken all to follow Jesus, to live by faith, and to carry on His works.

Over the years, there have been breakthroughs in various places, with such things as the Reformation, great awakenings, outpourings, and revivals—things that many look back to, long for, and pronounce that we need in our day. As great as these things may have been, in my heart I know that there is something more that is needed. It may be hard to describe with human words, but, in my spirit, I know that there is something the Church has missed or, if experienced, has not maintained and built on.

We have a great opportunity! We have the opportunity to be right in the middle of what the Spirit of our Lord wants to do. But I want you to know that there is going to be great opposition. Actually, the forces of opposition are already in place and are already at work. The opposition is great, and it is increasing. Day by day, the world grows darker. Day by day, parts of the Church fall away, and other parts become more solidified in the traditions of men and erroneous doctrines and practices. But know in your minds and hearts that greater is He, greater is the Holy Spirit who will help all who choose to deny self and forsake all to follow Christ Jesus.

What do you do? You make a choice! You choose! You choose to follow either the world, the falling away church, the status quo church, or you choose to follow Jesus and be part of the Church He is building, the Church that, in your day, begins to experience and fulfill the “something more” that we mentioned above. You have an opportunity to be part of the Church that earthly and/or heavenly history will record as the Church who matured and fulfilled her heavenly purpose on earth.

Let the Church be the Church! Let the Church be the Church that God has always envisioned! Let the bride be filled will the Spirit and led by the Spirit. Let her make herself ready, and let the Spirit and the bride say, “Come, Lord Jesus.”

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