Friday, September 3, 2010

Words of Restoration (September 2010)

God wills that His children walk in the Spirit. To obey His will one must realize that they are a spirit with a soul (mind, emotions, will) housed in a body (temple of God). As a spirit they are to control their soul and body by being continually yielded to the Holy Spirit. Too many Christians are like channel changers; they regularly switch controls rather than constantly being led by the Spirit.(9/30/2010)

Worship originates from within us as we humbly and lovingly respond in adoration to God and the truth of His mercies. Performance originates from the external and entertains. The entertainment, the performance, often causes a response by our bodies, souls and spirits but is far from true worship. Singing can be an expression of true worship, but it can also just be entertainment and performance. (9/28/2010)

There is coming forth a faithful remnant Church who loves God with all her heart and will worship Him in spirit and in truth. True worshipers will also be united in faith and fulfill our Lord's prayer in John 17. I just pray that enough disciples do so willingly out of love for God and each other and not because things get so tough that they are forced to draw close to God and each other. Persecution can be a great motivator; it caused part of the early Church to get out of Jerusalem and take the "good news" to other places.

Problem: There is something in many parts of the Church that is being called praise and/or worship, but is really performance and entertainment. Solution: Become worshipers in spirit and in truth (John 4:23,24). (9/27/2010)

If we are honest, all of us would say that we want real inner peace. Jesus is called The Prince of Peace because He made a way for us to have that peace. People do a lot of things, even religious and/or spiritual things, to find peace, and all the while Jesus wants to give them what they are looking for. He loves us so much!

Over the centuries mankind, in the name of religion, has often shed the blood of their fellow man. All too often they have had no qualms about shedding the blood of others, but wouldn't receive by faith the precious blood of Jesus Christ that He willingly shed for all of mankind. When mankind accepts what He has done, they will not want to shed the blood of others. Love will prevail! (9/16/2010)

Our Lord Jesus prayed that we would be sanctified (set apart) by truth (John 17:17). One has to continually feed the mind with the Word of God by study and meditation of the Word. If not, the mind quickly reverts to following the flesh and natural senses. Be transformed by renewing your mind (Rom 12:1, 2); keep it renewed with the washing of water by the Word (Eph 5:26). (9/14/2010)

What is it going to take for Christians in America to repent (2 Chr. 7:14), become sanctified by truth (John 17:17), and have true unity in the faith (Eph. 4:13)? Will enough, a faithful remnant, do so willingly, or is it going to take really hard times (Ps. 119:67) for the Church to wake up? You have not seen anything yet! The “anything” can be restoration, revival, and awakening, or it can be devastation. The choice is godly restoration or devilish storms. If we choose godly restoration, if we repent and unify ourselves, there will still be persecution, but we will have an anointing that releases our Lord's authority and power in a measure not known since the early Church. (9/11/2010)

A prepared Christian is one who has hidden the Word of God in their heart and meditates on it day and night. Only those who have built their house on the Word will be able to withstand the coming storms. Any who here to fore have fallen short in the Word would benefit greatly by beginning today the practice of storing the Word in their heart. Parents and grandparents should constantly teach and demonstrate the Word to their children and grandchildren. (9/10/2010)

Are American Christians really prepared for tribulation? Jesus said, "In the world you will have tribulation." While Christians all over the world are presently experiencing tribulation we in America have so far been mercifully spared. Have you ever asked why? There is a reason for our extended mercy, but we must wake up quickly for the time grows shorter day by day. Many of our eschatology teachings would not be applicable where Christians are being tortured and martyred. We must wake up and reevaluate! (9/9/2010)

I am well aware of Islam, but the proposed act (burning of Koran) by the guy in Florida is way off the path of Jesus Christ. Things like this cause one to question people's relationship with and their understanding of our Lord Jesus Christ. I definitely know that this proposed act is not led by the Holy Spirit. If any spirit is involved, it would be an unholy one. The Scriptural basis for this act being the burning of magical books, etc. in the book of Acts is totally out of context and in error. The Uuniversalists who oppose him are also a danger. True Christians must wake up, unify and become a true and strong witness for Jesus Christ and His kingdom. Spiritual warfare is real; deception is at work all around us. We must get our heads out of the sand (man-made doctrines, rituals and traditions) while we still have one. (9/8/2010)

Deception is on the rise within the Christian Church. Conservative Christians are often aware of the surface problem of liberalism but not the deeper problem of humanism. Even fewer are aware of the extreme deception of universalism which is evidenced by the popularity of a book titled The Shack. Ministers and their members have been deceived by this book. Increased deception is a mark of the last days!

Revival is coming back into full use because of being restored to Jesus Christ and His biblical pattern. Many Christians speak of revival, but how many will be willing to count the cost and pay the price once they realize that true and lasting revival will involve total self denial and the giving up of some favorite traditions and doctrines? The price is great but the spiritual rewards will be greater! (9/6/2010)

Most Christians have adapted to afflicting circumstances rather than humbling themselves,repenting, drawing near to God and unifying in the faith (Ps 119:67, 2 Chr 7:14, Eph 4:13). (9/4/2010)

While various prophecy teachers continue to put their individual spin on end times which often includes adding to and taking away from the Word of truth, the Church in America sorely lacks true prophetic direction.(9/3/2010)

1 comment:

NanWills said...

Your words are meaningful and encouraging to those of us who desire to walk in obedience to our Lord Jesus Christ. Thank you.