Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Words of Restoration (July 2010)

Many people, including Christians, are being manipulated by a carnal and self-serving use of the word destiny. The truth is that your destiny is to deny self, forsake all, follow Christ and unite in faith with others of like mind and heart to advance the message of God’s kingdom. (7/29/10)

SLOW BOIL LOSS OF FREEDOM- As the proverbial frog in the slow boiling pot, Christians in America are losing their spiritual freedom. All the while they tenaciously cling to their man-made teachings and traditions which prevent them from being a united witness and victorious force for Jesus Christ and His kingdom. They listen to newscasters but will not believe in or listen to God sent prophets.

Today, many Christians will follow rituals but who will worship in spirit and in truth (John 4:23)? Many will talk and/or think about the ills of government, etc., but who will realize that the Church needs to repent and unite in faith (2 Chron. 7:14; Eph. 4:13)? Many will follow their doctrines and traditions, but who will be led by the Spirit of Christ (Romans 8:14) and hear truth (2 Tim. 4:2)? Heaven waits! (7/11/10)

Each disciple must belong to a local Church, but one is not a part of the Lord's Church because of a specific name---Baptist, Church of Christ, Church of God, etc. One is a part of the Lord's Church by truly being born again of the Spirit and joining with other true believers regardless of the label. Some who claim to be the
only true Church are not helping bring about true unity of the faith (Eph.4:13).

The Church humbled, purified and united in Jesus Christ is the only hope of maintaining freedom in America (2 Chr. 7:14). (7/3/10)

With so much going on in the USA and throughout the earth, I hope that soon enough Christians will unite in faith and pray prayers like the Lord expects of His kingdom of priests. Hopefully a faithful remnant is already awake or waking up to the fulness of who Christ is and who they are in Christ.(5/21/10)

Any time that a part of God's Word of truth is clarified, believed and acted upon steps are taken towards the unity of the faith (Eph. 4:13). Any time that culture, rituals, traditions of men and man-made doctrines (derived from personal opinions and thoughts) are mixed with or replace God's Word of truth steps are taken which prevent true unity of the faith in the body of Christ. (Updated from 11/13/05)

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