“A prophet with strong words and a carnal lifestyle is no prophet of God. A prophet with strong words and a calloused heart is no prophet of God. A prophet who speaks cheap grace and cries easily is no prophet of God. True prophets of God will be spiritually mature, speak strong words, and have a crying heart.”
Two key issues
First of all we must address a couple of key issues. First, there are those in the modern Church that deny prophets exist anymore. Those who make these denials are misguided and are misguiding anyone that listens to them. It is not just a matter of opinion; it is a matter of biblical truth and man’s additions and subtractions from God’s Word of truth. Those who make these denials are presently greatly hindering the maturity and work of the body of Christ and in the future will give an account to the Lord Himself. The Lord who sends prophets to do His work is not pleased with those who deny the existence of those He sends. He is not pleased that they are personally not acknowledging, recognizing and listening to those He sends, and He is not pleased that they are hindering others from doing the same. Those being hindered don’t have a clue!
Secondly, where prophets are recognized as existing today there are many false and carnal prophets doing great damage to the Church. They tickle people’s ears and fleece them for all they can get. They make up words from their own imaginations and speak things that are not from God. They talk about new things and they cause people to selfishly think about their personal destinies rather than denying self, forsaking all and following Jesus. At the surface or just below the surface anyone with true discernment can always see pride and haughtiness in these strutting peacocks. They not only bring words of their own making, they take truth and dabble it with leaven. A little dab of leaven will make the truth of no real effect. God is definitely not pleased with these people and He is not pleased that they are great stumbling blocks to His Church. They cause many in the Church to go in the wrong direction and the people of the Church like it so.
Truth concerning the existence of prophets
There are true prophets of God in our day. There may not be as many as some think, but there are true prophets. What does not exist today are founding prophets, but prophets exist along with the other ministry gifts listed in Ephesians 4:11. They are here to do their God assigned part in the equipping of the body of Christ. The body of Christ or any part of the body of Christ will never be complete without the work of our Lord’s true prophets.
What is the work of God’s prophets?
First let’s address what they don’t do. In brief, true and mature prophets do not give new revelations; they do not bring new words that are equal to or beyond Scripture. That is left to the false prophets to do and claim. They are not concerned about themselves and what they can get out of life; they are concerned about God, His people and His kingdom. They do not fleece the people and lead them astray; they do not cause the people to selfishly seek things and selfishly focus on their own destinies.
What do true and mature prophets do? True and mature prophets help equip the saints for the work of the Lord’s ministry. They speak words that will open people’s understanding and reveal to them what is already written in Scripture. They may give insights and/or warnings from God about the future, but they are strongly focused on the here and now. They speak from the Word what God is emphasizing at a particular time and/or place.
Study the prophets of the old and new covenants and you will gain many insights. For example, the call of God to Jeremiah reveals things that are needed today. We need prophets who will root out, pull down, destroy and throw down what is not of God, especially in the Church. We need prophets that will build and plant what is of God, especially in the Church.
I have for years been saying that all true and mature prophets will be calling the Church to repentance. Along with that they are calling the Church to maturity in Christ and to the unity of faith with each other; they are calling the Church to return to the Lord and His Word. They are calling the Church to seek God’s kingdom and His righteousness. They are calling for true purity of heart and holiness. They are calling the body of Christ to war, to put on her armor and fight the good fight of faith. Most important of all they are calling the body of Christ to truly love and worship God.
There are other things that true prophets do, but if you have ears to hear and eyes to see, and you can free yourself from the effects of modern churchanity you will be able to begin identifying true prophets. They may not presently be in your local Church and or denomination. Be loyal to where God places you, but realize that all of the Church is His and most of it needs to be restored. He is sending prophets to restore all of His Church that will listen and obey. You want sinners to look beyond where they are; God wants the same of you! Selah.
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Monday, June 29, 2009
Love and Worship God
A Call to Love and Worship God
The following is more than an individual message or written copy of a verbal message. It is a call to return to your first love; it is a call to love and worship God. All present day Christians became so during a time when most of the Church is in need of restoration. Therefore, one can be born again and not Spirit filled; one can faithfully attend for a life time a local church that mixes God’s truth with man’s ideas and traditions, and one can do good and great works in the Church without really loving and worshipping God.
Many years ago the Holy Spirit spoke the words “Restoration, Revival and Awakening” into my heart and mind. My heart yearns to see the Church or a portion of the Church-what I call a “Faithful Remnant” yield to the Spirit of God and unite in faith to be and do all that Jesus intended when He said I will build my Church.
Over the years the Lord has revealed from His Word steps that are necessary for restoring the Church. For example, the Church needs the real power of the Lord, but the Spirit of God made it clear to me that God will only trust the fullness of His power where there is the life and character of the Lord Jesus Christ. He made it clear to me that one true disciple can do great and mighty things for Him, but to fully accomplish His will and purposes there must be a faithful Church throughout this earth working in the unity of faith.
There are many other things that He has revealed to me, but none greater than what I am sharing with you now. In my search for what will bring restoration, revival and awakening the Spirit of God has brought me to love and worship. O, I have been here before, but today I am writing about a revelation of true love and worship. In my search, it is the “Mother Lode”. There is nothing else to search for; one just goes deeper and deeper in the vein of love and worship and all else falls into place. All else is revealed; all else is discovered!
Cry out for Wisdom and Revelation
Who has eyes to see? Who has ears to hear? Who will forsake all to love and worship God? A 20th century prophet said, “The gospel as preached by good men in our time may save souls, but it does not create worshipers.” Our church sign presently reads Good Music and Singing Have Replaced True Worship in Most of the Church. I beseech you to ask the Spirit of God to give you wisdom and revelation concerning the love and worship of God. Seek God, and seek to love Him with all your heart, soul, mind and strength. Ask the Holy Spirit to reveal to you what Jesus meant when He said that the Father is seeking those who will worship Him in spirit and truth.
Learning from the Church at Ephesus
Learn the lesson from the Church at Ephesus. This Church had been given such a revelation of Jesus Christ and His Church. A true understanding of the book of Ephesians would correct many of the mistaken and false teachings in the Church today. It would bring order out of chaos. It would shut down a lot of the business and activities and bring quiet and calm. It would bring a real sense of the presence of God.
The book of Ephesians reveals one body made up of believing Jews and Gentiles, united in faith under their one Head Jesus Christ. It reveals a glorious Church glorifying God. It reveals a victorious Church. And yet it is the first Church corrected in the book of Revelation. In a few short years after receiving a wonderful and great revelation, this Church fell from her first love. She had fallen from the true love and worship of God. O, how busy she was with good works. Churches like the Church at Ephesus are highlighted to the world in our day. They are recognized for their many works. Their members toil long and hard while the Spirit of God is calling them to return to their first love.
Responding to the Call
The eyes of the Lord are looking for those who will love and worship God. Does the Spirit of God have your attention? Do you know that He is speaking to you? Will you respond to the call? If so, make a choice; make a decision to forsake all to love and worship God.
Begin now setting aside the weights that have so easily beset you. Those weights are often good works and activities. Yes, we are to show our faith by our works, but just as we are to wait for the promise of the Father before witnessing, we are to wait on God before anything else. We are to love and worship God every day of the week. Many misguided Christians do what they call worship at set times of the week and then work their fingers to the bones for the Lord the rest of the week. Become one that seeks God early in the morning and throughout the day; become one who worships not in Samaria or Jerusalem but worships the Father in spirit and truth. Heaven waits!
The following is more than an individual message or written copy of a verbal message. It is a call to return to your first love; it is a call to love and worship God. All present day Christians became so during a time when most of the Church is in need of restoration. Therefore, one can be born again and not Spirit filled; one can faithfully attend for a life time a local church that mixes God’s truth with man’s ideas and traditions, and one can do good and great works in the Church without really loving and worshipping God.
Many years ago the Holy Spirit spoke the words “Restoration, Revival and Awakening” into my heart and mind. My heart yearns to see the Church or a portion of the Church-what I call a “Faithful Remnant” yield to the Spirit of God and unite in faith to be and do all that Jesus intended when He said I will build my Church.
Over the years the Lord has revealed from His Word steps that are necessary for restoring the Church. For example, the Church needs the real power of the Lord, but the Spirit of God made it clear to me that God will only trust the fullness of His power where there is the life and character of the Lord Jesus Christ. He made it clear to me that one true disciple can do great and mighty things for Him, but to fully accomplish His will and purposes there must be a faithful Church throughout this earth working in the unity of faith.
There are many other things that He has revealed to me, but none greater than what I am sharing with you now. In my search for what will bring restoration, revival and awakening the Spirit of God has brought me to love and worship. O, I have been here before, but today I am writing about a revelation of true love and worship. In my search, it is the “Mother Lode”. There is nothing else to search for; one just goes deeper and deeper in the vein of love and worship and all else falls into place. All else is revealed; all else is discovered!
Cry out for Wisdom and Revelation
Who has eyes to see? Who has ears to hear? Who will forsake all to love and worship God? A 20th century prophet said, “The gospel as preached by good men in our time may save souls, but it does not create worshipers.” Our church sign presently reads Good Music and Singing Have Replaced True Worship in Most of the Church. I beseech you to ask the Spirit of God to give you wisdom and revelation concerning the love and worship of God. Seek God, and seek to love Him with all your heart, soul, mind and strength. Ask the Holy Spirit to reveal to you what Jesus meant when He said that the Father is seeking those who will worship Him in spirit and truth.
Learning from the Church at Ephesus
Learn the lesson from the Church at Ephesus. This Church had been given such a revelation of Jesus Christ and His Church. A true understanding of the book of Ephesians would correct many of the mistaken and false teachings in the Church today. It would bring order out of chaos. It would shut down a lot of the business and activities and bring quiet and calm. It would bring a real sense of the presence of God.
The book of Ephesians reveals one body made up of believing Jews and Gentiles, united in faith under their one Head Jesus Christ. It reveals a glorious Church glorifying God. It reveals a victorious Church. And yet it is the first Church corrected in the book of Revelation. In a few short years after receiving a wonderful and great revelation, this Church fell from her first love. She had fallen from the true love and worship of God. O, how busy she was with good works. Churches like the Church at Ephesus are highlighted to the world in our day. They are recognized for their many works. Their members toil long and hard while the Spirit of God is calling them to return to their first love.
Responding to the Call
The eyes of the Lord are looking for those who will love and worship God. Does the Spirit of God have your attention? Do you know that He is speaking to you? Will you respond to the call? If so, make a choice; make a decision to forsake all to love and worship God.
Begin now setting aside the weights that have so easily beset you. Those weights are often good works and activities. Yes, we are to show our faith by our works, but just as we are to wait for the promise of the Father before witnessing, we are to wait on God before anything else. We are to love and worship God every day of the week. Many misguided Christians do what they call worship at set times of the week and then work their fingers to the bones for the Lord the rest of the week. Become one that seeks God early in the morning and throughout the day; become one who worships not in Samaria or Jerusalem but worships the Father in spirit and truth. Heaven waits!
Monday, June 22, 2009
Full of Faith and Power
The Truth about America and Change
Recently, I heard a song that over and over repeated the words “We pray for you America”. My immediate thoughts were that those singing the song either assumed that the Church in America was just fine or else they were blind to the real condition of the Church in America. After singing the words “We pray for you America” they would add something. The last thing I remember being added was about change-We pray for you America for change!
Change can be either good or bad. Change can be either godly or ungodly. If change is not godly, it is not good. Godly change in America will only come if and when the Church in America makes “Godly Changes”. America is on a path towards chaos and destruction. All Americans who profess to be Christian should want and pray for America to be saved from chaos and destruction. All Christians in America must receive the truth that only the Church in America can save America. If America is to be saved, it will be by the Church. It is by the Church becoming all that God wants her to be. It is by the Church having Christ formed within her. It is by each member of the Church having Christ formed within them.
To have Christ formed within is to be “Full of faith and Power’. Men, it is time! It is time for all men in the Church to be filled with faith and power. Women, it is time! It is time to complement the men in the Church. You can only do that if you are filled with faith and power. A Church filled with faith and power will be the salt and light necessary to bring the needed change to America. Quit focusing on getting out of a mess you have helped create and become a witness that does what Jesus Christ wants of His Church. The return of Jesus Christ is our hope, but when He comes let Him find a Church that is filled with faith and power.
Mankind’s Replacements
In the world, mankind denies the true God. In the Church, mankind often changes and replaces the things and ways of God. Man's various doctrines, ideas, beliefs and traditions have either replaced or have been mixed with God's truth and ways. For example, all too often the Baptist way, the Methodist way, the Pentecostal way, the Catholic way, the Charismatic way, the Non-Denominational way or the House Church way has replaced and is preferred over God's Way.
In the Church at Ephesus good works replaced the love and worship of the Lord. In today’s Church good works have also often replaced the love of the Lord; good works have replaced true biblical discipleship. In today’s Church good music and singing have replaced true worship. In today’s Church faith and power have often been set aside as something of the past only. In today’s Church faith and power have been taught incorrectly and have been misused in practice and experience.
Where is the Real?
Discerning and defining all of mankind’s replacements in the Church raises the question of where is the real. The real will be wherever an individual forsakes all that mankind has added to the Church. The real will be wherever an individual recovers all that mankind has subtracted from the Church. The real will be where an individual forsakes all that the world offers, denies self, takes up his or her cross and follows Christ Jesus to be a witness to that same world. The real is a purged witness who says to the Lord, Here am I! Send me (Isaiah 6:5-8).
Full of Faith
To be filled with faith is to be filled with God’s word of truth. It is to hide God’s word in your heart and to meditate on His truth day and night. It is to be sanctified by His truth until you are set apart to God and His word. It is to be able to say God’s word within me is like fire shut up in my bones.
Full of Power
To be full of power is to be filled with the Holy Spirit. Jesus the Christ told His first disciples to wait in Jerusalem and they would receive power when the Holy Spirit came upon them (Acts 1:4, 8). Stephen is an example of one who was filled with faith and power (Acts 6:5; 8-10).
In Matthew 3:11 we read that John the Baptist said that Jesus would baptize His disciples with the Holy Spirit and fire. In Matthew 7:24-27 Jesus teaches us that we must build our lives upon His words. Prophetically, I tell you that rains, floods and winds are ahead. Gear up!
Biblically, a normal disciple is one that is full of faith and power. Be restored to that state! Rearrange your spiritual priorities. Renew your mind. Remember that a part of the Church has falsely believed and taught that certain things have passed away. In essence they have said that faith and power is not for now or they have limited faith and power. Another part of the Church has abused and misused faith and power. Remember these things, but above all remember that there is the real.
There is real faith and power! You can be one who is full of faith and power. Hunger for God; seek Him. Seek Him in prayer, fasting and in His word of truth. Surrender all to Him. Be about His business, but know that His work can only be accomplished by His means. He has told us what to do, and He has said have faith in Him and be filled with His Spirit. Ask and receive. Be Full of Faith and Power.
Recently, I heard a song that over and over repeated the words “We pray for you America”. My immediate thoughts were that those singing the song either assumed that the Church in America was just fine or else they were blind to the real condition of the Church in America. After singing the words “We pray for you America” they would add something. The last thing I remember being added was about change-We pray for you America for change!
Change can be either good or bad. Change can be either godly or ungodly. If change is not godly, it is not good. Godly change in America will only come if and when the Church in America makes “Godly Changes”. America is on a path towards chaos and destruction. All Americans who profess to be Christian should want and pray for America to be saved from chaos and destruction. All Christians in America must receive the truth that only the Church in America can save America. If America is to be saved, it will be by the Church. It is by the Church becoming all that God wants her to be. It is by the Church having Christ formed within her. It is by each member of the Church having Christ formed within them.
To have Christ formed within is to be “Full of faith and Power’. Men, it is time! It is time for all men in the Church to be filled with faith and power. Women, it is time! It is time to complement the men in the Church. You can only do that if you are filled with faith and power. A Church filled with faith and power will be the salt and light necessary to bring the needed change to America. Quit focusing on getting out of a mess you have helped create and become a witness that does what Jesus Christ wants of His Church. The return of Jesus Christ is our hope, but when He comes let Him find a Church that is filled with faith and power.
Mankind’s Replacements
In the world, mankind denies the true God. In the Church, mankind often changes and replaces the things and ways of God. Man's various doctrines, ideas, beliefs and traditions have either replaced or have been mixed with God's truth and ways. For example, all too often the Baptist way, the Methodist way, the Pentecostal way, the Catholic way, the Charismatic way, the Non-Denominational way or the House Church way has replaced and is preferred over God's Way.
In the Church at Ephesus good works replaced the love and worship of the Lord. In today’s Church good works have also often replaced the love of the Lord; good works have replaced true biblical discipleship. In today’s Church good music and singing have replaced true worship. In today’s Church faith and power have often been set aside as something of the past only. In today’s Church faith and power have been taught incorrectly and have been misused in practice and experience.
Where is the Real?
Discerning and defining all of mankind’s replacements in the Church raises the question of where is the real. The real will be wherever an individual forsakes all that mankind has added to the Church. The real will be wherever an individual recovers all that mankind has subtracted from the Church. The real will be where an individual forsakes all that the world offers, denies self, takes up his or her cross and follows Christ Jesus to be a witness to that same world. The real is a purged witness who says to the Lord, Here am I! Send me (Isaiah 6:5-8).
Full of Faith
To be filled with faith is to be filled with God’s word of truth. It is to hide God’s word in your heart and to meditate on His truth day and night. It is to be sanctified by His truth until you are set apart to God and His word. It is to be able to say God’s word within me is like fire shut up in my bones.
Full of Power
To be full of power is to be filled with the Holy Spirit. Jesus the Christ told His first disciples to wait in Jerusalem and they would receive power when the Holy Spirit came upon them (Acts 1:4, 8). Stephen is an example of one who was filled with faith and power (Acts 6:5; 8-10).
In Matthew 3:11 we read that John the Baptist said that Jesus would baptize His disciples with the Holy Spirit and fire. In Matthew 7:24-27 Jesus teaches us that we must build our lives upon His words. Prophetically, I tell you that rains, floods and winds are ahead. Gear up!
Biblically, a normal disciple is one that is full of faith and power. Be restored to that state! Rearrange your spiritual priorities. Renew your mind. Remember that a part of the Church has falsely believed and taught that certain things have passed away. In essence they have said that faith and power is not for now or they have limited faith and power. Another part of the Church has abused and misused faith and power. Remember these things, but above all remember that there is the real.
There is real faith and power! You can be one who is full of faith and power. Hunger for God; seek Him. Seek Him in prayer, fasting and in His word of truth. Surrender all to Him. Be about His business, but know that His work can only be accomplished by His means. He has told us what to do, and He has said have faith in Him and be filled with His Spirit. Ask and receive. Be Full of Faith and Power.
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