Saturday, January 26, 2008


As the name implies, this ministry is dedicated to Jesus and His Word. It is our hope and prayer that we may glorify Jesus Christ, help advance His kingdom, and help bring forth a Church that has been formed in His image. We are looking for true ministers (Ephesians 4:11) and real disciples with whom we will be able to join in the unity of faith to help bring about a Church that fulfills Ephesians 4:13-16 and Matthew 24:14.

Some years ago, the Spirit of God put three words into my mind and heart concerning His Church. Those words are restoration, revival, and awakening. I also heard in a dream, “Call My people (My body) to war.” Burned into my spirit also were the words, “Be a protector of the body of Christ.” Among the other things that a minister is called to do, I have tried to be faithful to these words.

I am thankful to God for His Church and all that she has accomplished over the centuries, but I have recognized by the Spirit of God that the overall Church is in great need of restoration. Jesus Christ came to this earth and fulfilled His Father's will. He left His Church here to carry on His work. Although certain things will only be fully accomplished when He returns, there is much that the Church can accomplish before His return. He can come when He desires, and we want to be found seeking faithfully to be and do what He intended when He said, “I will build My Church …” To fully accomplish His assignment to us, we need to be restored. You will find messages here that will show the need and reveal how to be restored. You will also find messages here that reveal what a restored Church is to be and do.

Our desire in all things is to be pleasing to God and led by His Spirit. We desire to work in unity with faithful disciples who have forsaken all to follow Christ. May the Lord God bless and keep you as you follow Him in total obedience. We look forward to hearing from you.

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