Friday, December 19, 2014

Falling for Other Gospels

John 17:17 (NKJV): "Sanctify them by Your truth. Your word is truth."

If one is not sanctified by truth, they will fall for another gospel! 

Galatians 1:6-10 (NKJV):  "I marvel that you are turning away so soon from Him who called you in the grace of Christ, to a different gospel, which is not another; but there are some who trouble you and want to pervert [distort] the gospel of Christ. But even if we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel to you than what we have preached to you, let him be accursed [anathema]. As we have said before, so now I say again, if anyone preaches any other gospel to you than what you have received, let him be accursed. For do I now persuade men, or God? Or do I seek to please men? For if I still pleased men, I would not be a bondservant of Christ" (bracketed words added). 

Paul was addressing what the Judaizers were trying to do to the new Christians. The Judaizers allowed that faith in Jesus was important for salvation, but they believed that it was inadequate and/or not complete. They claimed that one had to add observance of the law to faith in order to be fully or completely saved. This "other gospel" may have taken other forms since then, but it is alive and well today, and many have fallen for it. 

One of the most important lessons that we are to learn from the Old Covenant is that there is nothing, and I mean nothing, not one thing we can do to be saved except to have faith in the finished work of Jesus. Listen to me, Jesus finished it! He paid the price, the total price, for us. It was complete; you can’t re-complete what is already complete. You can only believe in, trust in, and accept what has already been finished. 

We receive by faith what has been fully completed by Jesus the Messiah. We then, out of love, appreciation, and obedience, do our part, which is to go forth witnessing to others about what Jesus had completed for us. Our public witness includes water baptism, which tells others that we have, by faith and faith alone, believed in Jesus the Messiah and His finished work on Calvary.         

To add anything that man can do as a requirement to being saved, beyond believing on Jesus and what He did, is akin to the Jews telling the Gentiles that they had to be circumcised. It is another gospel. It is legalism! If you have been guilty of this or anything similar, then Jesus graciously waits to forgive you and to assure you that what He did for you is totally sufficient. Only believe! Only believe!

Saturday, December 13, 2014

How in the World:

How in the world did the devil:
1.       Manage to deceive Eve and lure Adam?
2.       Cause one of the first two brothers to kill the other?

3.       Cause Israel to want an earthly king like other nations?

4.       Cause Israel to divide into two parts?

5.       Cause many in Israel to turn to idols and false gods?

6.       Cause most Jews of the past and present to not recognize and accept Jesus as the Messiah they long for?

7.       Cause some Jews, especially their leaders, to call for the crucifixion of Jesus, the promised Messiah?

8.       Cause division in the church which grows almost daily?

9.       Cause individual parts of the church to claim that they are the church?

10.   Cause some in the church to believe that something more than faith in the finished work of Jesus is necessary to be born again?

11.   Cause parts of the church to say that there are other ways to the Father than Jesus?

12.   Cause most parts of the church to either deny the baptism in the Spirit or to change what it means?

13.   Cause many parts of the church to depend on the arm of the flesh to accomplish the Great Commission?

14.   Cause almost all of the parts of the church to forsake the message Jesus preached which was the gospel of the kingdom?

15.   Cause many parts of the church to fall for false preachers and to turn to other gospels?

16.   Cause parts of the church to enter into false unity with each other and even with false religions?

17.    Cause most parts of the church to buy into false doctrines and traditions  which prevent the sanctification of truth and oneness that Jesus prayed for in john 17?

Friday, December 12, 2014

Knowing the Problems and the Solutions

I awoke early this morning and as I was meditating the thought came to me that it is one thing to know that there is a problem but it is another to know the solution. It is also possible to focus on symptoms and miss the root cause.

I have been seeing and/or hearing some people identify problems with the modern church without giving solutions. I have been seeing and/or hearing people identify problems with our nation but not connecting them with the condition of the church within our nation.
Many Christians are dissatisfied with the state of things in America but seem to be quiet content with things within modern Christianity or at the least with their particular group or church. Could it be that the state of things in America are really a reflection of the overall condition of the church in America? Should we focus more within and less without? Could it be that there will continue to be major problems without until we identify and deal with the problems within? Could it be that Jerusalem did not have to experience what took place in 70 AD?

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Veterans and Immigration

God is the only One who has answers for our problems. Most of mankind tries to solve things apart from Him using the mind of reason. In fact, mankind has become expert at espousing things from the heart that originated somewhere other than heaven. When seriously considered, most of it does not even make good common sense.
An example of addressing something from man’s heart is the mixing of the needs of veterans with the situation of immigration. This is a case of someone trying to use our love for veterans to attack something they don’t like. It is not really intended to help our veterans, and it only makes the immigration situation harder to deal with. In reality, it does harm rather than good in solving the immigration situation.
There are many examples in the Bible of man trying to solve things apart from God, and we are still suffering many of the consequences. We must learn the lesson that man’s wisdom always causes problems and makes existing problems worse. It may make a few people happy, but it turns a lot of people off and hurts our cause in the long run.
What would godly wisdom say and do about veterans and immigration? First, it would not tie the two together. If someone really cares about our veterans, they would get the mind of the Lord and give themselves to the cause. If someone wants to help solve the immigration situation, they would not lean on the flesh but would call on the Lord Jesus and get His mind on the situation and carry out His will. The immigration issue must be addressed with the wisdom of the Lord. His way may not please some people, but it won’t give them a legitimate excuse for saying they are disliked or hated. There are two ways to solve most problems: God's way and the devil's way. I choose God's way.



Saturday, November 29, 2014

Reversing the Course by Making the Necessary Corrections

In America, many preachers of the past and present, by their change and distortion of the word of God, have paved the way for governmental and judicial leaders to change and distort our Constitution. This has put all Americans on a course of confusion, division, loss of freedoms, and destruction. 

The only way this course will be corrected is by enough true followers of Jesus Christ humbling themselves and being washed with the water of the Word, which will produce a glorious church that has Christ formed within. 

For those who want to correct the course, one major problem must be discerned and overcome. There are too many voices in the pulpits of American churches proclaiming too many things that are not of Jesus Christ and His word rightly divided. If you want to be a part of restoring the church in America and thereby saving America for yourself and your descendents, you have no choice but to train your senses to discern what is truth and what is not truth and to quit listening to those erroneous voices.

The place to begin is to get to know the Holy Spirit. He is the Spirit and Teacher of truth. If you will submit yourself to Him, He will guide you, and He will teach you. He will join you with others who have yielded all to Him, and together, you will be witnesses of Jesus and His kingdom to those within and without the church. You can be a vital part of restoring the church and thereby saving America for yourself and your descendants. See John 16:13-14, John 14:26, 1 Timothy 4:1, 1 Corinthians 2:10-13.
Is there not a cause? There is a cause! The Holy Spirit is calling you to answer that cause and do your part in correcting the course and helping reverse things within the church and in America.

Saturday, November 22, 2014

The Promotion of Islam

I am troubled about many things that are going on in the United States, but what troubles me the most is the lack of awareness and concern of Americans, especially among those who call themselves Christians. One of my major concerns is the promotion, spread, and growing influence of Islam, while true Christianity is coming under more and more attacks.

 Are you aware of just how much the systems of the world, including parts of the falling away church, are promoting Islam within our country? If you are informed and discerning, you see, and you see that it is on the rise. In some cases, it is open and flagrant, and in other cases, it is very subtle. I went to a high school football playoff game last night. At half time, one of the bands had a tribute to Arabian music from the past. Although disguised, it was a subtle promotion of Islam. I looked around and could find no one else who was the slightest bit aware of what was taking place. Did you hear about the school that is requiring students in a particular class to make certain declarations, such as "Allah is God" and that Islam and Christianity are similar? The bottom line is that Jesus and the Bible are being driven out of schools, even so-called Christian schools and universities, while the doors are being opened very wide for Allah and Islam.  

I am not writing this to incite, but to inform. I love people! I play basketball with a young man from Iran who is a Muslim. I befriend and communicate with him every time we see each other. This past year, I played basketball with four young guys from Nigeria. I developed friendships with them. All of a sudden, they were gone and are back in Nigeria. I pray for their protection and that they are not part of certain groups.

We have to have our eyes, natural and spiritual, open to what is going on in our country. If we are going to be productive witnesses of Jesus and His kingdom, we have to be wise and discerning. We have to not only know and be obedient to what the Lord Jesus and His kingdom require of us, we have to know and recognize what is going on around us. Ask the Lord Jesus to make your senses keen, so that you can discern both good and evil (Hebrews 5:14). Ask Him to open your spiritual eyes, not only to see what is going on in the visible world but, more importantly, to see what is going on in the unseen world. 


Thursday, November 20, 2014

Shut Up Until Spoken To

In government, each and every response must be from the Spirit of Jesus Christ. He helped found this country and only He knows how to save it. Fleshly responses will, in fact, make things worse. Stay quiet unless spoken to by the Holy Spirit. Surely, there is at least one government leader who has an ear for Jesus Christ. If not, we can’t depend on government leadership anyway.

The bottom line is this: we are in a spiritual war, and we need spiritual warriors. In addition, we desperately need true prophets of God in the body of Christ. We need those who are anointed with the Holy Spirit and power, those who speak with the sword of the Spirit in such a way that makes the hearts of king’s flutter and their knees grow weak. Prophets are intercessors, but we also need intercessors.
Real Christians desperately need to pray with the spirit and with the understanding (1 Corinthians 14:15; Romans 8:26). If you don’t know how to pray with the spirit, you better learn how if you expect to deal with the footman and then run with the horses (Jeremiah 12:5). We are also dealing with things that go along with “this kind does not go out except by prayer and fasting (Matthew 17:21).




Communism Often Starts Slowly

Communism often starts slowly in a country. As its advocates gain ground and power they draw in more people by promising them one of two things. They promise power to some and the meeting of needs to others. They play on the desire to rule within many, especially those who consider themselves to be among the elite, while at the same time playing on the needs and discontents of the masses. They promise that their needs will be provided for while at the same time sowing discontent and discord. Often times they enlist preachers, who will help control, mislead and distract the people. 

Some of you are saying Amen about the preachers. You are very concerned about some Revs who are actively involved in certain actions, but you have bought in hook, line and sinker with some who are very deceptively leading the masses of Christians with other gospels. I watch closely who you post. If they are not, preaching the truth of Jesus and Him crucified and the gospel of the kingdom then call it what it is. It is another gospel. They may make you feel good and motivated and even teach you something about the Bible, but they are ministers of other gospels either deliberately or by lack of their knowledge.
The bottom line in all of this is that it is Satan still trying to overthrow God and His purposes on earth. He instills in people the desire to have power and control over others. Deception is always involved. Those wanting control over people are deceived and those who fall for what they are doing are deceived.
Satan is working to deceive the elite by offering them power and playing on their intellect, while working to deceive the masses by offering them plenty of fruit.
Which tree are you eating from? Are you training your senses to discern what is of Jesus Christ and what is of Satan? (Hebrews 5:14)



Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Jesus is Savior and King

If one has been born again, they know Jesus as Savior and therefore have eternal life. Due to incorrect teaching and tradition, there are many people who are members of Christian churches, both Catholic and Protestant, who are not born again and therefore do not know Jesus as Savior. This is a major problem. Let’s pray that truth comes to open their eyes.

Another major problem is that there are many who have eternal life because they have come to know Jesus as Savior, but are not experiencing and demonstrating the power and authority available to them to accomplish what Jesus wants of them on earth. Heaven is secure for them, but they are falling way short on earth! What is the answer?

The answer is that Jesus is not only Savior but also King! He is King of kings and Lord of lords. There is a biblical message that is intended to open the eyes of the lost, both in and out of the church, about Jesus as Savior. There is also a biblical message that is intended to open the eyes of those who know Jesus as Savior.  This message is about the power and authority available to born again Christians to be witnesses for Jesus (Acts 1:8), doing the works that He did while He was on earth (John 14:12). 

Jesus wants you to have eternal life by knowing Him as Savior (John 17:3), and He also wants you to know Him as King of kings and Lord of lords (Rev 17:14). You may have thought of these kings and lords only in the context of some proud earthly potentate finally bowing before Jesus. I agree that is a great need, and I want to see it happen, but I also want you to know that true Christians are to be a kingdom of priests (Rev 1: 6). When you were born again, you not only received eternal life that secures your future, but you also entered the kingdom of God (Col 1:13), which requires carrying on the works of Jesus on earth.  This can only be accomplished by realizing that Jesus is Savior and also King.  You have eternal life but are also a king and priest in the kingdom of God. This is why you need the baptism in the Spirit (Mt 3:11) as well as the gospel of the kingdom (Mt 4:23) in order to fulfill what Jesus, the Savior and King, wants of you on earth.

 The word “king” is associated with ruling, and the word “priest” is associated with making intercession. For the church Jesus is building to complete her earthly assignment, she must move with power and authority and make intercessions. The power and authority are associated with the baptism in the Spirit and the gospel of the kingdom.  In the name of Jesus, you will cast out demons and heal the sick once you are baptized in the Spirit and know the reality of Jesus being King of kings and Lord of lords and you being part of a kingdom of priests.  You will spread the message of Jesus as Savior, but you will also help witness the good news of the Kingdom of God in all the world as a witness to all nations (Mt 24:14).  


Saturday, November 15, 2014

True Christianity versus Modern Christianity

True Christianity is not a religion; it is a body of believing disciples of Jesus who endeavor to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace. It is one body with one Lord, one faith and one baptism (Ephesians 4: 3-5).

Modern Christianity is made up of many religions that may say that Jesus is Lord but have their own faith and baptism and are not in unity of the faith. I can name them if you can’t figure it out for yourself.
Yes, all or most all the parts of modern Christianity say and/or sing Jesus is Lord, but in reality He is not Lord for most of them. The biggest and surest evidence of that is the division within modern Christianity.
I have been trying to wake people up about the gospel of the kingdom. Only when one receives the revelation of the gospel of the kingdom can he or she fully understand and appreciate that Jesus is Lord. A key thing about the gospel of the kingdom is the rule of Jesus Christ. When Christians truly understand the kingdom and the King then and only then will we be one body with one Lord, one faith and one baptism.  Theories fade away, reality takes over and all the junk that has kept Christians divided falls away.  Come Lord Jesus!

Thursday, November 13, 2014

What was the Gospel that Jesus Preached?

Jesus went about teaching and preaching the gospel of the kingdom (Matthew 4: 23). In the one time that Scripture records Him teaching in detail about being born again, He associates it with seeing and entering the kingdom of God (John 3). There is nothing more important than being born again, but true Christians  must come to know and understand that we are born again not only to be restored to God but to enter His kingdom (Colossians 1:13). Presently, there is more than meets the eye of most Christians to why Jesus said that we are to seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness (Matthew 6: 33).
Most preachers and members of the various parts of the present day church, especially in the United States, have very little true understanding about the gospel of the kingdom. Parts of the church don’t even understand and/or preach the biblical truth about being born again, but even among those churches who do preach and teach the biblical truth of being born again only a few understand and preach the true gospel of the kingdom.
Caution:  Some will try to wiggle out of this by saying that they have been preaching and teaching about the kingdom of God, but the truth is that they have been preaching and teaching another gospel of the kingdom. The subject and the substance have to both be biblically true!
In conclusion, I encourage each true Christian to ask the Lord Jesus to give them spiritual revelation and understanding of the gospel of the kingdom and its importance as you study the word and what it says about Jesus and the gospel of the kingdom.  Matthew 24: 14 is one of the Scriptures that highlight its importance.  Also look again at how Luke summed up the ministry of the apostle Paul (Acts 28: 23, 31).
Remember the caution above because the enemy of Jesus and the body of Christ does not want you to know the gospel of the kingdom and he and his agents, human and otherwise, will do all they can to deceive you about the gospel of the kingdom and to distract you from becoming a witness both of Jesus and the kingdom of God.  Victory in Jesus!





Wednesday, November 12, 2014

My Dedication

I have dedicated my life to Jesus Christ and His word rightly divided.  My deepest desire is to know Jesus intimately, to glorify Him in all that I do and by the Spirit of God help bring forth a church that is maturely formed in Jesus’ image which advances His spiritual kingdom on earth. Therefore, I am always looking for true and mature ministers and disciples with whom I can be in unity of the faith and work with to help bring forth a faithful remnant Church that fulfills  Ephesians 4:13-16, Matthew 24:14 and Mark 16:15-20.

Equipping the Saints Properly

Note: It will take the spirit of wisdom and revelation (Ephesians 1:17) to understand and fully grasp this message!

Sanctification by the truth of God’s word is the key to there being the much needed remnant church that is united in the faith (John 17:17, Ephesians 4:13). There cannot be sanctification by truth unless ministers equip the saints properly (Ephesians 4:12, Hebrews 5:14-6:2). 
Paul is an excellent biblical example of one who equipped the saints properly. Luke was a close companion of Paul. The Spirit of God used Luke to write the book of Luke and the book of Acts. Luke summarized the entire ministry of Paul by writing that Paul preached the kingdom of God and taught the things of the Lord Jesus Christ (Acts 28:23, 31). Concerning the things of Jesus, Paul said that he determined not to know anything among you except Jesus Christ and Him crucified (1 Corinthians 2: 2).
What has your pastor determined to know among you? Are you being equipped properly? Are you being trained about the kingdom of God as well as Jesus and Him crucified? Could you summarize your pastor’s ministry in the same way Luke summarized Paul’s?  After all the time you have been with them would you summarize their ministry in the same way that Luke did with Paul’s? If not, then in all likelihood you are not being properly equipped.
Many people have had a teacher or a coach who was likeable, but they must admit when looking back that the teacher or coach did not equip them to their potential.  There is too much at stake on earth and in eternity for the members of the body of Christ not to be equipped to reach their full potential.  Jesus is the One who calls and equips ministers who will equip you properly. If you will earnestly seek Him, He will direct you to one or more ministers whom He has sent to equip the saints for the work of the ministry.




Sunday, November 9, 2014

Will You Become a True and Unbiased Student of the Word of God?

The word of God is living and powerful and accomplishes great and mighty things when rightly divided and believed, but there is a major problem among most Christians that has to be solved before we can have the needed restoration, revival and awakening. The problem is that presently the word of God is made to change and adapt to the various preconceived doctrines and traditions of man that leaven the hearts and minds of most Christians. Will you be one that continues in the word without bias to anything of man until God’s truth sanctifies you and sets you free from everything that is not of God concerning the word of God?

Friday, November 7, 2014

Nebuchadnezzar and Grass

Would you like for the Nebuchadnezzar’s of the world to find out who really rules? If so, then become part of the faithful remnant church and witness the gospel of the kingdom in all the world as a witness to all nations (Matthew 24: 14).

First, make sure you are born again, then make sure you have really received the baptism in the Spirit (Matthew 3: 11) and become sanctified by truth (John 17: 17) by washing yourself with the water of the word (Ephesians 5: 26) which will free you from all the doctrines and traditions of man that have kept so many Christians in religious bondage. Faith and power will be released and proud leaders will humble themselves before Jesus Christ, the King of kings, or eat grass rather than smoking it.

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Why Did the Lord Jesus Shine His Face on America?

Have you heard any major republicans giving real credit to the Lord Jesus Christ and His people for their recent victory? I hear them taking credit and talking about what they are going to do but not giving glory and credit where credit is due.  It is time for them to understand that without Jesus their next breath would not be possible.  

There may have only been a few, but mature Christians have been praying, making supplications and intercessions. As a result, the Lord Jesus shined His face on our nation this week. If we want the Lord to keep looking on our nation with favor, there must be a faithful remnant church that stands for Jesus, His kingdom and His righteousness and stands in the gap making prayers, supplications and intercessions. Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done!

Friday, October 31, 2014

The Kingdom of God and the Political Kingdom of the World

When one is born again by faith he or she is transferred from the kingdom of darkness into the Kingdom of God (Col. 1: 13).  A born again person is in the world but is not to be of the world. Until being born again people are for the most part under the control of Satan and his kingdom of darkness. After being born again they are citizens and representatives of the Kingdom of God which makes them a threat to Satan, his followers and his kingdom of darkness.  As citizens of the Kingdom of God they are to be witnesses for Jesus and His Kingdom which means they are to be salt and light to the world around them which is still under the influence and control of Satan and his demonic forces. In being salt and light they can utilize things of the world but are never to become part of the world.
For example, the political realm is part of the world system. Disciples of Jesus are to be salt and light to the political realm but not of the political realm. In being salt and light, disciples of Jesus can run for and be in office, but they are always to represent Jesus and His Kingdom and are not to become part of the political realm. I will illustrate this by discussing power. Satan wants power and dominion over people; he wants to put people in bondage and bring destruction to them. He will use lies and deception to gain the power and dominion necessary to accomplish his intentions. Politicians who are of the political realm want power and dominion over people; they too will use lies and deception to gain that power and dominion.  Disciples of Jesus who are involved as salt and light in the political world are to use the power and truth of God to advance the Kingdom (rule) of God and to help people. This pleases the Lord Jesus but puts them at odds with those within and without their party who are part of the political world.
In conclusion, please remember that the political world is part of the world system which is under the control of the god of this world. Jesus needs true and mature disciples who will be salt and light for Him and His Kingdom to the political kingdom. Unfortunately, parts of Christianity have come under the influence and control of Satan resulting in a corrupted Christianity that has become part of the world system. Corrupted Christianity is part of the political world rather than salt and light to it. May you be salt and light for Jesus and His Kingdom not only to the political world but to all the kingdoms of the world including the corrupted religious kingdom.


Thursday, October 30, 2014

Important Things to Know

1.       One is born again by faith in Jesus Christ and His finished work on the cross (Romans 10: 9, 10).  

2.       After being born again Christians need to be baptized in the Holy Spirit which will give them the anointing and power to carry on the works of Jesus (Acts 1: 4, 5, 8).

3.       Being sanctified by truth is an absolute necessity for all Christians (John 17: 17).

4.       There is only one body of Christ and it is made up of Jews and Gentiles who have believed in Jesus Christ (Ephesians 4: 4).

5.       There is only one faith (Ephesians 4: 5). There is not a Baptist faith, a Methodist faith, a Church of Christ faith, a Pentecostal faith, A Roman Catholic faith, a Jewish faith, a Charismatic faith, an Independent faith, etc. There is only one faith!

6.       The one body of Christ is to mature and live in the unity of the faith (Ephesians 4: 13).

7.       The end will only come after the true church preaches the gospel of the kingdom in all the world as a witness to all nations (Matthew 24: 14).

Friday, October 24, 2014

Onward Christian Soldiers Marching as to War

I warned early on that the devil would like to set up a terrorist state that has its own geographical area.  We have some in our country and in our government that are not controlled by the Holy Spirit which means they might not do enough to stop this from taking place.  Some people in America actually want to see it take place.
I have also warned for a long time about attacks taking place in the United States. The war is here now! It is spiritual war being played out in the natural realm in new ways and new dimensions. It is kingdom versus kingdom! Spiritual war is not ultimately won with natural weapons. A natural war might be won but another will pop up to takes its place. People are going to be afraid; hearts are going to fail for fear. People are going to be afraid of all kinds of things. They will be suspicious and afraid of people carrying book bags, exercise bags, etc.
Spiritual war involves many other areas besides natural wars and attacks on people physically.  Not all heart failure will be over physical threats and actions. I will not go into that in detail at this point, but if you have had your senses trained to discern both good and evil you can see the works of Satan and his agents both demonic and human all around us. We are facing things that even the early church did not face. Satan has saved some of his most evil and deceptive things for the last. The things that he is beginning to unleash are beyond what the natural mind can address and deal with. People and their leaders are going to be dumbfounded unless the wisdom of God comes forth. Note: Remember that some people will be cooperating with the spirit of the world.  
Some of what is taking place now and is going to take place could have been avoided if enough disciples had heeded the call of the Spirit for the restoration of the church. The war in new ways and new dimensions is upon us now and it will not end quickly, but the call is still for restoration of the church that leads to revival and great awakening. The call is also to spiritual war.
Heed the call for humility and godly repentance. Pray for restoration, revival and awakening. Heed the call to spiritual war; keep your spiritual armor on and the sword of the Spirit sharp. Onward Christian soldiers marching as to war.




Thursday, October 23, 2014

Correctly or Incorrectly Pepared and Equipped?

The most important thing that Jesus did for us while on earth was to go to the cross and thereby make a way for us to be reconciled to God by faith in Him and His finished work.  After His ascension two other very important things were done for us. The first was that the baptism in the Spirit was made available for all who would believe and receive. The second was that Jesus gave His church apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers to equip the saints for the work of the ministry.  He is now ever living to make intercession for His spiritual body on earth to fulfill God’s will for her.
At the cross Jesus won the victory and Satan was defeated. The defeat of Satan did not mean that he was annihilated.  He is still at work and still using lies and deceptions.  It worked well for him in the Garden of Eden so why not try it with the church?
Satan’s work has so far had dramatic results. There are many church members, including ministers, who have never been born again. There are even more church members and ministers who have been born again, but have not received the baptism in the Spirit.  Finally, there are even more church members who have not and are not being properly equipped for the work of the ministry by their ministers.
We must have a restored church that is the catalyst for revival and great awakening that will continue until the Lord’s will for His church is fulfilled on earth. Do you want to be a part of this? Can you in the affirmative answer the following questions? Have you been born again by faith and faith alone in Jesus and what He accomplished for you at the cross? After you were born again by faith and faith alone have you received the baptism in the Spirit?  Are you being properly equipped for the work of the ministry?


Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Misguided Fervency versus Biblical Fervency

One who is fervent about the commandments and traditions of men advocated by his church will be recognized, commended and often elevated to positions of influence within his church. It is happening all around us; it is the way of the world within the church. Often times it is personality instead of anointing that opens the doors for these people and often times there is mixture of truth and error in their message just like there was in the Garden of Eden.
I will say that many of them are doing so out of lack of understanding about certain things and not deliberately to deceive people.  If they humble themselves and wake up about certain key things they will be mighty for Jesus and His kingdom. Apollos is a good biblical example of one who humbly listened and made the necessary changes. (Acts 18: 24-26). Note to men: how many of you will listen and change if a woman is involved in explaining the way more accurately to you. I do realize that there are a few puffed up women. The bottom line is humility, true humility for all
 Biblical fervency must be combined with biblical humility. Where are those men, women, boys and girls who are broken and contrite, teachable, born again, baptized in the Spirit, sanctified by His truth, and fervently witnessing Jesus and Him crucified and the gospel of the kingdom to all around them (Matthew 24: 14)?

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Is There Not a Cause?

Are Christians called to be sweet little door mats and/or cowards or are they called to be bold, courageous defenders of the faith? It is time to do all and stand! It is time to mobilize! Yes, it is time to mobilize and pray, but it is also time to mobilize and take action.
For example, why can’t Christians in all communities who attend football games do what one community did? They were told they couldn’t have a prayer before the game so they all mobilized and prayed at the game. In another situation a business person was told he couldn’t fly the American flag so many mobilized and flew our flag which represents freedom bought and maintained by sacrifice and the shedding of blood.
Jesus shed His blood, not for us to be wimps and roll over before Satan, his world system, and his agents both demonic and human.  Yes, demons are still at work and there are people who are still controlled by them, but the members of the body of Christ are called to overcome. Jesus needs enough people who are filled with and led by the Holy Spirit that will boldly  and courageously act on His behalf in opposition to those who are controlled by and acting on behalf of Satan.
Let’s get out of the four walls of our church buildings and prove that greater is the Holy Spirit in us than the demonic spirits controlling and directing those controlled by the power behind the world system.  A word to you women, Jesus set you free. Encourage the men, but mobilize and take action even if they don’t.


Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Godly Restoration in the Church

Please hear before it is too late! We must have godly restoration in the church that leads to revival and great awakening or we are in danger of our Christian freedom (s) being taken away. Actually, the truth be known, for the most part Christian freedoms are being given up rather than taken away. How could this happen?
It is happening because deception is rampant within modern Christianity and has left most of the church spiritually weak, divided and impotent.  At the root of this deception are the false religious doctrines and traditions of man that have captivated most parts of modern Christianity leaving much of the church in the state of a form of godliness but denying the power thereof.  These things are the number one problem. More than anything else they keep the people of God weak and divided. Therefore the devil, the flesh and the world go largely unopposed.
You might say, “I see what is happening in the world around me and I am opposed to it.” Yes, and thank God that you are, but it is going to take more than you and you are going to have to make sure that you are not weighed down with any doctrines and traditions of man. You will not be able to successfully carry out the work of a soldier of the Lord Jesus if you are entangled by and with any false religious doctrines and traditions of man. It is time to come clean! It is time to continue in the word and be washed free of any leaven of man. Some would rather hang on to their precious doctrines and traditions and sink with the ship like those In Jerusalem did in 70 AD. I want to stop the ship from sinking! How about you?
There is still time to restore the church or at least a faithful remnant thereof and save America from destruction from within and without. There is going to be godly restoration within the church or there are going to be devilish storms that steal, kill and destroy our Christian freedoms.  A warning: false preachers and teachers will call for a restoration that is of man and not of God. Many politicians, entertainers, business leaders and others will cooperate with them. Watch and pray!


Friday, October 10, 2014

Defining the Problem and Giving the Solution

The “Problem” is Satan, his kingdom of darkness and his agents both demonic and human. The “Problem” causes many problems such as acts of terror, wars and loss of freedoms.  

The “Solution” is Jesus Christ, His kingdom and His disciples who have Christ formed within, are sanctified with truth and endued with power from on high.

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

God's Idea versus Man's Ideas

It was God’s idea to have a church of one spiritual body that is made up of Jews and Gentiles, who have believed on Jesus Christ, are endued with power from on high, are sanctified by truth and in unity carry on the work of Jesus.

It was man’s idea to make various adjustments to God’s idea that has resulted in things like the following: Baptists, Methodists, Roman Catholics, Pentecostals, Charismatic’s, and Church of Christ… (All of which have their own set of beliefs, doctrines and traditions which prevent them from being one spiritual body).

What God wants is as clear as it can be if one can look into the word without any type of blinders and preconceived notions.  What God wants will become a reality when Jesus can find enough disciples who have forsaken all of what is man and are totally loyal to what God wants.

Thursday, September 18, 2014

As a Nation, is America Faithful to Jesus Christ?

God still judges disobedient nations! God is neither a respecter of persons nor of nations. If a person or nation is faithful to Jesus Christ, then God is faithful to them. If a person or nation is not faithful to Jesus Christ, then eventually a price will be paid. That price is often the reaping of what the person or nation has sown.

 For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. And there will be famines, pestilences, and earthquakes in various places. (Matthew 24:7).

Regardless of its present state and revisionist lies, America was founded as and to be a Christian nation. That does not mean that everyone living in America at the time of her founding was a Christian nor does it mean that all Christians were mature in Christ. It also does not mean that America was perfect, but still the truth is that America was founded as and to be a Christian nation and the Lord Jesus Christ blessed her abundantly.

America was meant to be a Christian nation, but I cannot unequivocally state that she is still such a nation. If “One Nation under God” no longer means “One Nation under Jesus Christ” then how can we be “One Nation under God”?  How did this take place? While various parts of the church became more and more divided because of entrenchment in their pet traditions and doctrines, forces under the control and influence of Satan worked patiently and consistently to change America to something other than what Jesus Christ intended for her to be.  So no; America is no longer a Christian nation and judgment begins at the various churches that have not been watchman on the walls.

And I will send the sword, the famine, and the pestilence among them, till they are consumed from the land that I gave them and their fathers (Jeremiah 24:10).

Have we passed the point of no return where we cannot recoup what has been lost or better yet forfeited? I believe there is still hope but we are getting closer and closer to the point of no return which means that we haven’t seen anything yet in the way of destruction and loss of freedoms. We must not continue down the present path! If true, real and lasting restoration, revival and awakening are not forthcoming, then when the point of no return is reached all hell breaks loose and repentance will not change things quickly.

In conclusion, many American Christians think that they will experience the rapture before these judgments take place, especially to any great degree; many others are distracted by things of life and things of church and aren’t really paying attention. The truth is that these things are already taking place and are increasing in number and intensity! Where are the watchmen? Who is watching and praying? Who sees that people from the various parts of the church must repent and unite in faith and become part of the faithful remnant that makes up the church that Jesus is building.



Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Four Instruments of Judgment throughout the History of Mankind

      1.     Sword means war but one major enemy is actually using a sword right now.

2.     Famine is an extreme scarcity of food. The greatest scarcity of food in the United States is true spiritual food which opens the door not only for scarcity of healthy food but for all these judgments to come to America. “Behold the days are coming,” says the Lord God, “That I will send a famine on the land, Not a famine of bread, Nor a thirst of water, But of hearing the words of the Lord.” (Amos 8:11)

3.     Pestilence: a contagious or infectious epidemic disease that is virulent and devastating. Are you watching the news?

4.     Earthquake: a shaking or trembling of the earth that is volcanic or tectonic in origin.

And I will send the sword, the famine, and the pestilence among them, till they are consumed from the land that I gave them and their fathers. (Jeremiah 24:10). God still judges disobedient nations!

For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. And there will be famines, pestilences, and earthquakes in various places. (Matt. 24:7). Many American Christians think that they will experience the rapture before these things take place, and many others are distracted by things of life and things of church and aren’t really paying attention. The truth is that these things are already taking place and are increasing in number and intensity!

Christians in America have not yet passed the point of no return, but the time is short and if real and true restoration, revival and awakening are not forthcoming then when the point of no return is reached repentance will not change things quickly.





Monday, September 8, 2014

Pay Close Attention

The freedom of Christians is being taken away in America. The church is not in unity and is not being the salt and light that is needed.  Starting today please pay close attention not only to what your pastor is preaching and teaching, but what is not being preached and taught.

Is he or she boldly addressing the needed issues and preparing you for what is taking place?  Are you being taught the importance of Jesus and Him crucified not only for salvation but for sanctification? Are you being taught the gospel of the kingdom, the true gospel of the kingdom and not some theory that man has come up with about the kingdom? Are you being taught about the necessity of being anointed with the Holy Spirit and power that comes only with the baptism in the Spirit?  Jesus stands ready to confirm the gospel with the accompanying signs?
P. S. As Christian freedoms are taken away, persecution will increase!

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Sane or Insane?

Someone has said that insanity is doing the same thing over and over while expecting different results. The devil and his evil forces, demonic and human, are running rampant throughout the earth and most  modern churches don’t have a clue as to what to do so they just keep doing what they have always done. What does this tell us?

One thing it might suggest is that Matthew 7: 13, 14 needs to be applied to members of modern churches before being applied to none members because after all judgment is supposed to begin at the house of the Lord.  Could it be that many people have just found something that satisfies their religious bent rather than finding the Way (Acts 9: 2)? One thing that is sure is that the prayer of Jesus in John 17 is not being answered by most churches of our day. Rather than being unified they are divided because they are following separate ways rather than the Way!

It is past time to examine ourselves by the Word of God under the leading of the Holy Spirit rather than being taking in hook, line and sinker by what men have come up with. Of course, religious people will for the most part go down with the ship rather than change. That is what happened in Jerusalem in 70 AD and has happened over and over in many places since then. But I am still looking for the real!

Sunday, August 31, 2014

True Ministers of God

When people don't like what others say or do they attack the message and the messenger, but God will always have the last word. God is judging His church first and He will shake everything that can be shaken until He can see the image of Jesus within a faithful remnant. He is going hard after the traditions and doctrines of men that have bound His people as well as the things of the flesh that so easily beset them.

True ministers of God are not interested in pleasing people, they live to please, praise and worship God. They love God and people and are working to bring forth a people with Christ formed within who live to advance the gospel of Jesus and the gospel of His kingdom as well as standing against Satan and his kingdom of darkness. Our war is not just against evil people, it is against the evil forces of darkness that are behind them.

Disciples of Jesus Christ are called not only to advance the cause of righteousness on earth but to also stand against evil. There is and will be a price to be paid by those who take up the cause, but it will be worth it in the end. Not all will answer the call but there will be a faithful remnant. That remnant will not be interested in having titles and popularity or making people feel good, etc. They have settled things in their hearts and fixed their faces like flint to follow Jesus. They want to know Him and the power of His resurrection and the fellowship of His sufferings. This is no game; this is eternal life and death. Are we up to it? Many are not! We all would benefit from some real soul searching. Selah! All glory to Jesus the Messiah!

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Applying the Parable of the Sower to Present Circumstances

I long to see this change, but I see very few Christians who are really concerned about the state of things within the church, within the United States and throughout the whole earth. I see even fewer that know what to do.

Is there something to learn from the Parable of the Sower? Has the devil stolen the truth of Jesus and Him crucified and/or the truth of the gospel of the kingdom from Christians (Luke 8:12)? Are the temptations of the devil causing Christians to fall away from obedience to the word of God (Luke 8:13)? Are Christians choked with cares, riches and pleasures of life that prevent them from bringing any fruit to maturity (Luke 8: 14)?

Thank God for the faithful remnant who, having heard the word with a noble and good heart, keep it and bear much fruit with patience (Luke 8:15).

Could it be true that God does nothing except in response to the prayers of His disciples? If it is, you that want to be part of the faithful remnant have a huge responsibility. You must get in the gap and make prayers and intercessions not only for the world but for your fellow Christians.

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Jesus, His Church and Victorious Spiritual Warfare

Our enemies are making plans to come to America; they are already making preparations and laying the ground work. Remember Satan is behind all of this! He works from many different places to accomplish his overall goal. He works from within and he works from without. He has people in key places in our country, including within government, the judicial system, the educational system, the entertainment industry, the media and even within religious institutions, and he has multiple forces without our country that can’t wait to destroy America. The only answer is Jesus working through His church that He is building (Matthew 16: 18). The church man has built doesn’t have a clue and couldn’t do anything if they did unless they wake up and repent.

Too many Christians in America have not taken things seriously because they are focused on (actually distracted by) other things. Some Christians who are aware and concerned look to political solutions and/or the rapture. Jesus didn’t say that He would build a political group and the gates of hell wouldn’t prevail against it. I have a hope of the Lord’s return, but we are no better than Christians elsewhere in the past or present and the rapture hasn’t saved them. Jesus is coming for a wife that has made herself ready (Revelation 19: 7). We are not ready! Will we get ready because we willingly wake up and fall in humility and unity before the Lord Jesus or will the stone fall on us?

Too many Americans don't want to take military action anywhere at this time. Why don't Christians wake up and do spiritual warfare? Military action never stops Satan and his forces anyway. God is calling His people to spiritual warfare which is the only way to real victory. Victorious spiritual warfare is behind any other victorious warfare. Where are the soldiers of the Lord’s army? Onward Christian soldiers…

Friday, August 8, 2014

The Devil, Terrorist States and Legitimacy

The devil wants to establish terrorist states and give them legitimacy; this is part of his overall strategy for world domination. He will take hundreds and thousands of years to bring things about.  Therefore, one major problem for us to be aware of is that a wrong decision now, even though it may look good to the natural eye, will impact our children and grandchildren years from now and cause hell on earth for them.

It takes godly wisdom and discernment to counter the devil and there aren’t a whole lot of those qualities to be found in America, especially in Washington D. C.  Those qualities should be abundant in the Christian church, but sadly are all too often lacking in most parts of modern Christianity. Therefore, be careful what you base your decisions and judgments on. 

Be very discerning! For instance, right now seek God about ISIS and Iraq as well as other places. While doing so remember what the devil wants and that he uses time and deception to bring about his works. He uses different tactics and he will start and stop things just to throw people off. You might think new actions by a political leader have solved things; new actions may be needed but also may be used by the devil to deceive people. I could be more specific, but for now I will just say it is important to remember that the devil is patient and very deceptive. He often disguises his intentions until it is too late to stop them.  Always be aware that his ultimate goal is world domination, at heart he is a thief, a killer, a destroyer and a master deceiver! He wants legitimate terrorist states. He will use overreach and then back up and compromise. If at once he doesn't succeed, he will try and try again.
In conclusion, deceived people will support the establishment of what in reality is a terrorist state. They will think and say “peace, peace; this makes sense and it is better than all the shooting and killing.” Wake up you sweet little knuckle heads; a terrorist group will not quit its overall objective just because it gets a recognized state.