Thursday, November 6, 2014

Why Did the Lord Jesus Shine His Face on America?

Have you heard any major republicans giving real credit to the Lord Jesus Christ and His people for their recent victory? I hear them taking credit and talking about what they are going to do but not giving glory and credit where credit is due.  It is time for them to understand that without Jesus their next breath would not be possible.  

There may have only been a few, but mature Christians have been praying, making supplications and intercessions. As a result, the Lord Jesus shined His face on our nation this week. If we want the Lord to keep looking on our nation with favor, there must be a faithful remnant church that stands for Jesus, His kingdom and His righteousness and stands in the gap making prayers, supplications and intercessions. Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done!

1 comment:

Juan A. Ayala-Carmona said...

Jesus is not American. Therefore, He does not favor this nation over any other nation. Neither is He Republican. Subsequently, he does not participate in our partisan politics. To equate the Republican party with the kingdom of God in Christ, misses the scriptural points that God is a universal God and that Jesus is Lord, not only of America, but of the whole world. To Him and Him alone be the glory.
Rev. Dr. Juan A. Ayala-Carmona