Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Godly Restoration in the Church

Please hear before it is too late! We must have godly restoration in the church that leads to revival and great awakening or we are in danger of our Christian freedom (s) being taken away. Actually, the truth be known, for the most part Christian freedoms are being given up rather than taken away. How could this happen?
It is happening because deception is rampant within modern Christianity and has left most of the church spiritually weak, divided and impotent.  At the root of this deception are the false religious doctrines and traditions of man that have captivated most parts of modern Christianity leaving much of the church in the state of a form of godliness but denying the power thereof.  These things are the number one problem. More than anything else they keep the people of God weak and divided. Therefore the devil, the flesh and the world go largely unopposed.
You might say, “I see what is happening in the world around me and I am opposed to it.” Yes, and thank God that you are, but it is going to take more than you and you are going to have to make sure that you are not weighed down with any doctrines and traditions of man. You will not be able to successfully carry out the work of a soldier of the Lord Jesus if you are entangled by and with any false religious doctrines and traditions of man. It is time to come clean! It is time to continue in the word and be washed free of any leaven of man. Some would rather hang on to their precious doctrines and traditions and sink with the ship like those In Jerusalem did in 70 AD. I want to stop the ship from sinking! How about you?
There is still time to restore the church or at least a faithful remnant thereof and save America from destruction from within and without. There is going to be godly restoration within the church or there are going to be devilish storms that steal, kill and destroy our Christian freedoms.  A warning: false preachers and teachers will call for a restoration that is of man and not of God. Many politicians, entertainers, business leaders and others will cooperate with them. Watch and pray!


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