Saturday, December 13, 2014

How in the World:

How in the world did the devil:
1.       Manage to deceive Eve and lure Adam?
2.       Cause one of the first two brothers to kill the other?

3.       Cause Israel to want an earthly king like other nations?

4.       Cause Israel to divide into two parts?

5.       Cause many in Israel to turn to idols and false gods?

6.       Cause most Jews of the past and present to not recognize and accept Jesus as the Messiah they long for?

7.       Cause some Jews, especially their leaders, to call for the crucifixion of Jesus, the promised Messiah?

8.       Cause division in the church which grows almost daily?

9.       Cause individual parts of the church to claim that they are the church?

10.   Cause some in the church to believe that something more than faith in the finished work of Jesus is necessary to be born again?

11.   Cause parts of the church to say that there are other ways to the Father than Jesus?

12.   Cause most parts of the church to either deny the baptism in the Spirit or to change what it means?

13.   Cause many parts of the church to depend on the arm of the flesh to accomplish the Great Commission?

14.   Cause almost all of the parts of the church to forsake the message Jesus preached which was the gospel of the kingdom?

15.   Cause many parts of the church to fall for false preachers and to turn to other gospels?

16.   Cause parts of the church to enter into false unity with each other and even with false religions?

17.    Cause most parts of the church to buy into false doctrines and traditions  which prevent the sanctification of truth and oneness that Jesus prayed for in john 17?

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