Thursday, October 23, 2014

Correctly or Incorrectly Pepared and Equipped?

The most important thing that Jesus did for us while on earth was to go to the cross and thereby make a way for us to be reconciled to God by faith in Him and His finished work.  After His ascension two other very important things were done for us. The first was that the baptism in the Spirit was made available for all who would believe and receive. The second was that Jesus gave His church apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers to equip the saints for the work of the ministry.  He is now ever living to make intercession for His spiritual body on earth to fulfill God’s will for her.
At the cross Jesus won the victory and Satan was defeated. The defeat of Satan did not mean that he was annihilated.  He is still at work and still using lies and deceptions.  It worked well for him in the Garden of Eden so why not try it with the church?
Satan’s work has so far had dramatic results. There are many church members, including ministers, who have never been born again. There are even more church members and ministers who have been born again, but have not received the baptism in the Spirit.  Finally, there are even more church members who have not and are not being properly equipped for the work of the ministry by their ministers.
We must have a restored church that is the catalyst for revival and great awakening that will continue until the Lord’s will for His church is fulfilled on earth. Do you want to be a part of this? Can you in the affirmative answer the following questions? Have you been born again by faith and faith alone in Jesus and what He accomplished for you at the cross? After you were born again by faith and faith alone have you received the baptism in the Spirit?  Are you being properly equipped for the work of the ministry?


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