Sunday, October 19, 2014

Is There Not a Cause?

Are Christians called to be sweet little door mats and/or cowards or are they called to be bold, courageous defenders of the faith? It is time to do all and stand! It is time to mobilize! Yes, it is time to mobilize and pray, but it is also time to mobilize and take action.
For example, why can’t Christians in all communities who attend football games do what one community did? They were told they couldn’t have a prayer before the game so they all mobilized and prayed at the game. In another situation a business person was told he couldn’t fly the American flag so many mobilized and flew our flag which represents freedom bought and maintained by sacrifice and the shedding of blood.
Jesus shed His blood, not for us to be wimps and roll over before Satan, his world system, and his agents both demonic and human.  Yes, demons are still at work and there are people who are still controlled by them, but the members of the body of Christ are called to overcome. Jesus needs enough people who are filled with and led by the Holy Spirit that will boldly  and courageously act on His behalf in opposition to those who are controlled by and acting on behalf of Satan.
Let’s get out of the four walls of our church buildings and prove that greater is the Holy Spirit in us than the demonic spirits controlling and directing those controlled by the power behind the world system.  A word to you women, Jesus set you free. Encourage the men, but mobilize and take action even if they don’t.


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