Saturday, July 5, 2014

What is the Future of America?

As I look back on the beginning of our nation I am amazed at the greatness of the men and women that God used to found and establish America. They were exceptional people with an exceptional vision for an exceptional nation. They were not perfect as no one is except Jesus Christ, but they were people of amazing spirit, wisdom and foresight. The contrast with most leaders of our day is so extreme that it defies imagination.

You anti-America American citizens just hold on a moment. I have already stated that no one is perfect. I will add that no nation and/or type of human government will ever be perfect. We will only see perfection when the government is fully upon the shoulders of Jesus. But until then, please tell me what is better than the blueprint our founders established for America? By the way, our wise and discerning founders knew that some things would have to be taken care of and addressed in the future but they had a door of opportunity to form this nation that couldn’t be postponed. They framed a Constitution that if rightly heeded would allow the needed corrections to take place.
Hold that thought for a moment while I discuss tares among the wheat. In the church or in anything on earth there will be tares among the wheat until Jesus returns and His angels remove the tares once and for all. Tares among the wheat always cause problems, hardships and sufferings for people; this has been true throughout the history of mankind. Deep down inside the tares hate the America that our Founders visualized. This is nothing new; they have stood against the vision of America since the beginning. They are often in key and powerful positions in all aspects of society including our churches. They are in local, state and national government; they are in all parts of our educational system; they are in the pulpits of churches; they are in financial institutions; they are in the media, entertainment and… They wield much influence and power, and have always worked to change things to the way they want things to be. They are selfish, fleshly motivated, intelligent, cunning and very deceptive. They know how to manipulate people and things.
In light of the above, we must be very wise and discerning.  Let’s remember the wise adage of not throwing the baby out with the wash. We can recognize and oppose what is not of God, but please let’s think long and hard before we change from what our founders intended for our nation. Consider that what we need is not some new form of government or ungodly ignoring, misinterpretation of or adjustments to our Constitution but restoration and rightly dividing of what we were given. Some will object and say that no one is trying to change our form of government, I can only say ask the Holy Spirit to let you see as He sees.
It is said that we don’t want to be on the wrong side of history. More importantly, I say that we don’t want to be on the wrong side from God. Those on the wrong side from God may make life miserable for those on God’s side while on earth, but eternity is long; it is forever. If one finds that somehow he or she has for whatever reason been on the wrong side from God and wants to repent, they will find that God is always listening. For others who maintain a course that is not of God and want to change things to a vision of their own I can only pray that you will come to your senses before it is too late. 
We don’t need to change to some other form of government; we just need to recover the vision of our founders and get back on the course they set when they declared Independence, wrote our Constitution and founded our nation. They founded a nation that could only continue to exist if based on spiritual and moral principles and they meant the spiritual principles and morals of the one and only true God as revealed in Jesus Christ and the Word of God.
I know that some have given up on America being able to survive. I do believe that there is a point of no return, but that it is still out ahead of us. If enough Christians will wake up and repent and bring about a restored church we have got a chance to be salt and light that will also save our nation. We are approaching some key times. We are headed toward restoration, revival and awakening or we are headed toward two other things: the reaping of what we have been sowing and the judgment of God. I choose restoration, revival and awakening all to the glory of Jesus Christ.

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